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Digitization from Newspaper Microfilm: The Colorado Experience Brenda Bailey-Hainer CHNC Program Director Colorado State Library June 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Digitization from Newspaper Microfilm: The Colorado Experience Brenda Bailey-Hainer CHNC Program Director Colorado State Library June 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digitization from Newspaper Microfilm: The Colorado Experience Brenda Bailey-Hainer CHNC Program Director Colorado State Library June 2006

2 Colorado’s Historic Newspaper Collection Partners On-going endeavor of: Colorado State Library Colorado Historical Society Collaborative Digitization Program (CDP) Lead agency on original LSTA and IMLS grants

3 Colorado’s Historic Newspaper Collection Single source of historic newspapers Statewide coverage Available online Starting with earliest – from 1859 Released Jan 2004 2 papers, 1200 pages Long term goal: Comprehensive as possible 275+ newspapers published before 1923 Additional years as copyright is cleared

4 Colorado’s Historic Newspaper Collection As of June 2006 93 newspapers 50 cities represented 36 counties represented Around 327,000 pages digitized Coverage from 1859 to 1930 Includes papers in English, German, Spanish, and Swedish

5 Parameters Sustainability important Microfilm for Colorado newspapers at central location Efficient, cost effective method of digitization Processing and searching interface available with desired features

6 Responsibilities Digitization based on newspaper microfilm held centrally at Colorado Historical Society State Library staff manages software, hardware, telecommunications, user support Program Director at State Library provides general oversight, fund raising, financial management Advisory Group makes recommendations Olive Software used for processing, software interface

7 Microfilm Assessment Positive copies reviewed Quality of original paper Number of pages per reel Page count at end, or Estimate – number of issues, pages per issue Ownership of master negative

8 Microfilm characteristics Most microfilmed in 1960s, some 1950s Have not digitized any National Newspaper Project film to date Film from professional company does include grayscale and focus targets Page/frame counts at end of reel Older microfilm better in many cases than more recently filmed Quality of original paper bigger concern than quality of filming

9 Olive Software Features Select newspapers from list, then by date Leaf through an issue page by page Search full text of newspapers Topics, names, companies, organizations, etc. Search one newspaper or all papers Limit searching by date Limit searching to articles, pictures or ads Look at article by itself Look at article in context View featured articles on specific themes Supports broadband or dial-up connection

10 Olive Features Customized for CHNC Large number of newspapers made navigation challenging Map and regional approach developed State divided into 7 regions Separate skin developed for each region Users may search or browse newspapers within a region Ability to select any combination of papers

11 Collection Development General policies: Historic newspapers published in Colorado Start with earliest available published issue of a title and move forward chronologically Some donations allowed selection criteria worked with CO historians on some regions Currently driven by donations Target fundraising efforts to counties with no papers online Focus on issues published prior to 1923 due to copyright concerns


13 Collection Development Use master negatives only unless special circumstances Negatives produce best results Masters duplicated to preserve originals for archival purposes Original papers often were destroyed during filming Donors support digitization of film Authorize scanning if original filmed was in poor condition

14 Collection Development Unintended positive consequences Easier to determine missing issues Has helped to identify existing paper copies for filming








22 Financial Sustainability Project started with 2 grants LSTA - $120,000 Funded initial hardware and software license IMLS - $249,232 Funded digitization of first 96,000 pages Focus groups and training sessions Marketing flyers

23 Financial Sustainability Donations funded 231,000 pages Over $425,000 donations to date $1.25 digitizes and indexes 1 page $400 for each newspaper title “profile” Fund specific newspapers Cost quotes include small overhead margin Hardware/storage expansion Offsite data storage

24 Conclusions Digitizing from microfilm allowed fast results Automated parts of process Relatively inexpensive Allowed for full page image plus article segmentation Financially supportable through contributions

25 Colorado’s Historic Newspaper Collection Brenda Bailey-Hainer CHNC Program Director Colorado State Library 303.866.6907

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