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National Grid's Contribution to LHCb IFIN-HH Serban Constantinescu, Ciubancan Mihai, Teodor Ivanoaica.

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Presentation on theme: "National Grid's Contribution to LHCb IFIN-HH Serban Constantinescu, Ciubancan Mihai, Teodor Ivanoaica."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb IFIN-HH Serban Constantinescu, Ciubancan Mihai, Teodor Ivanoaica

2 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb During the last year the LHCb site is growing again as the group requires computing capacities for LHCb collaboration. Last years the site was running with low resources as the site was divided ( between the DPETI data center and the improper room from the firs floor of the building) Site is at this moment completly moved to DPETI Data center and it is able to run again at full capacity, all nodes installed and running.

3 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb Last year's capacity: Only 28 cores installed Only 500GB storage on the SE 1 Gbps ethernet switch Biggest problems were caused by electrical problems and cooling problems as we were located in two places( one of those places doesn't have an appropriate cooling system)

4 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb The site at this moment : The site is upgraded to 120 cores The storage is still 500 GB New User Interface 6 TB space A new switch 1Gbps with uplink direct in 10 Gbps stack switch

5 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb LHCb VO in Romania is present at three sites: RO-11-NIPNE dedicated to LHCb collaboration RO-07-NIPNE the site that supports ATLAS,LHCb and ALICE RO-15-NIPNE dedicated to ILC

6 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb The group required the user interface with larger storage for local jobs Also RO-07-NIPNE will be registered in DIRAC system at LHCb, as the group needs to store some data sets. We need to regiester a storage element in DIRAC system. At this moment all the three sites are active in the LHCb computing Monitored by CERN teams

7 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb




11 As we can see RO-07 is still the major supplier for computing resources for LHCb. Providing also a very good efficiency for LHCb jobs.

12 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb Grid monitoring: - We use local NAGIOS provided by RO-07-NIPNE to monitor the services of LHCb sites in Romania -We have frequent problems with the OPS jobs from Cluj, so we need a relialble monitoring tool - We use the cern monitors to identify the failing jobs -We use the local cacti monitor for bandwidth and throughput statistics for the site.

13 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb The running jobs monitored in the DIRAC system and presented in those slides are only the production jobs. The biggest site runnng jobs is RO-07 RO-15 has also a good statistics RO-11 had been upgraded but still needs some hardware upgrades

14 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb Future plans: Ram memory required very fast as some nodes are old and have only 2GB ram Storage needed for the next period Rumors (it is discussed at cern) that LHCb is planning to do reconstruction in Tier 2 sites so the storage will be required

15 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb As a future plan for the next year is to monitor with cacti pluggins some grid services Also the network connection we'll be upgraded to 10Gbps Providing the tools for Lhcb group to run jobs on local sites Also we need to be prepared as the LHCb will run reconstruction on Tier 2 sites.

16 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb The LHCb group is trying to run jobs locally very soon. The user interface and the required software will be provided by RO-11-NIPNE site, but the jobs will run on all the sites. Also the group is envolved in DIRAC development and soon we'll test the framework locally.

17 National Grid's Contribution to LHCb Hopefully we'll be able to run at full capacity on RO-11 next year RO-11 should add another 160 cores pretty soon as we'll be upgrading the nodes and the storage server RO-07 will still be the biggest support site for LHCb group RO-15 will give more resources pretty soon

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