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University fees and careers Jonathan Black Magdalen College School 12 May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "University fees and careers Jonathan Black Magdalen College School 12 May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 University fees and careers Jonathan Black Magdalen College School 12 May 2011

2 What jobs students take today… …and how they decide Changes we anticipate Some recommendations This evening we’ll consider

3 Paid work is not the only destination on graduation from Oxford – further study is almost equally popular 3 Source: DLHE 2011 census of leavers from 2010 Undergraduates 6 months after leaving

4 …though further study is less popular elsewhere 4 Source: DLHE 2009 census of leavers from 2008 6 months after leaving

5 A minority of Oxford undergraduates work in the City 5 Source: DLHE stats 2007; CS analysis 6 months after leaving

6 And there’s a variety of further study 6 Source: DLHE stats 2010 of 2009 leavers; CS analysis 6 months after leaving

7 For example, humanities graduates follow a wide variety of careers – this example is History 7 Source: DLHE survey 2008

8 What jobs students take today… …and how they decide Changes we anticipate Some recommendations This evening we’ll consider

9 We find students fall into one of three groups… Source: CS annual 2009 survey of 600 students

10 Friends and family most frequent source of careers advice 10 Source: CS annual 2011 survey of 950 students, 2010 survey of 830 students

11 Around 85% of undergraduate finalists engage with university careers service – a significant rise on last year Source: CS annual 2011 survey of 950 students, 2010 survey of 830 students And almost 50% of freshers engaged with Careers this year

12 Possibly importantProbablyNot important Employers see work experience as one of the most important hiring factors… Source: CS survey 2009 of 300 employers

13 …confirmed by recent leavers who are unemployed: experience was most often the cause of not succeeding at applications Source: Unemployed Leavers 2010 (Careers Service), 3-11 March 2011

14 About the sameBetterMuch better Work experience helps students in their weakest area Source: CS survey 2009 of 300 employers

15 15 ExtremelyVerySlightlyNot at all …and has become the most important careers activity for 1 st year undergraduates Source: CS annual 2011 survey of 950 students, 2010 survey of 830 students How important are the following?

16 “Careers” helped elect the new OU Student Union president

17 What jobs students take today… …and how they decide Changes we anticipate Some recommendations This evening we’ll consider

18 Implying employment is most important outcome Agencies are trying to provide more transparency for decision makers –New Key Information Statements (KIS) –The critical salary data are useless Recent fee changes emphasise HE’s employment training role

19 Frequent ministerial speeches Media fanning the flames HE sector naturally conservative / resistant Scary statistics bandied about We observe a more nervous and unsettled environment…

20 Timing and level of engagement Work experience Service and support from the HEI –“I’m paying £3K / £9K / £16K a year” Results of access initiatives …and predict more demand from anxious students…

21 More sensitive to peer pressure & family expectations Just as much prevarication Less further study – more paid work Focus on higher-paying jobs Demand for “value for money” …maybe leading to more polarised behaviour

22 “Careers” has reached the front page of student newspapers

23 What jobs students take today… …and how they decide Changes we anticipate Some recommendations This evening we’ll consider

24 Resist peer and family pressure Don’t be driven by the money / fees: your career is a long game Don’t believe the media There are many local effects Advice to students: Steer your own course

25 Transferable skills will always be key Gain extra-curricular experiences Network to find work experience Advice to students: Start building the CV soon (even at school)

26 1 st year –Don’t worry about it 2 nd year –Start thinking about it 3 rd (final) year –Get on with it! Advice to students: Overall programme

27 Take responsibility Achieve things Experienced the world of work Have any necessary technical / transferable skills Are positive to have around Fundamentals haven’t changed; employers will recruit students who:


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