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Note this title slide should really mimic the cover of the brand book, photo, words, sub words, transparent bands, new logo.

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Presentation on theme: "Note this title slide should really mimic the cover of the brand book, photo, words, sub words, transparent bands, new logo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note this title slide should really mimic the cover of the brand book, photo, words, sub words, transparent bands, new logo

2 Phase I: Brand Assessment Conduct market research Conduct surveys and focus groups of members and non-members in all demographics to determine current perception, segmentation, etc. Conduct internal interviews with SHRM employees and Board members Hire an experienced design firm SHRM’s road to launch

3 Phase II: Brand Development Identify key concerns facing members Narrow SHRM’s overall mission and promise to its members Develop communications principles to answer the challenges Create a look and feel that furthers the defined strategy SHRM’s road to launch

4 Phase III: Brand Refinement Conduct surveys and focus groups with members and non-members on the updated brand Refine design as necessary to accommodate all feedback SHRM’s road to launch

5 Who is SHRM selling to? Who and what is SHRM selling against? What are the benefits of being a member of SHRM? How does SHRM deliver these benefits? What key fact is driving the marketplace that led SHRM to undertake this change? What is the problem SHRM must solve for the member? What is SHRM’s brand promise? SHRM’s brand platform

6 Who is SHRM selling to?

7 Active members Disengaged members Former members Non-members Academicians The media Public policy makers Other opinion leaders Different segments with different interests

8 Who and what is SHRM selling against?

9 ASTD World at Work HR Planning Society Linkage HR Executive Magazine Competitors

10 Information overload (too much stuff) Information structure (is this for me?) A confused identity (inconsistency) Multiple and sometimes conflicting messages Advancement of the profession Communication challenges

11 Members ask…

12 Where do I find a trusted organization that can help me do my job better, develop professionally, connect with others and set strategy and, at the same time, help the CEO recognize the value of the HR role in improving business performance? The challenge to be solved for the member?

13 SHRM can help me do my job better, develop professionally, connect with others and set strategy and, at the same time, help the CEO recognize the value of the HR role in improving business performance. Brand promise

14 SHRM’s brand today

15 Cold, impersonal Label without benefit Inconsistent logo placement But members say SHRM

16 What does that mean to me?

17 A communications manifesto Expect member focus we’ll organize our offerings around you Expect targeted content we’ll customize information for your unique needs Expect clarity we’ll make clear who we serve and how we help Expect personal service we’ll never forget we’re in the people business Expect consistency we’ll look and speak like one organization every day

18 Challenge #1

19 People see “HR” but say “SHRM”

20 “See” and “say” SHRM

21 Challenge #2: Unclear array of “brands”

22 Lead to multiple identities

23 Expect clarity

24 Organize master offerings around sub-brands

25 And encounter organized sub-brands


27 Challenge #3

28 Members want material meant for them

29 Expect targeted content

30 Customized information for your needs


32 Challenge #4

33 Busy members ask how do I use this?

34 Expect member focus

35 The benefits of SHRM offerings will be clear Why you should care Show you what you will learn Encourage you to rise to the challenge

36 Challenge #5

37 Materials are well designed, but mismatched

38 Expect consistency

39 Look like one organization in print

40 Look like one organization online

41 Look like one organization in media

42 Look and speak like one organization

43 Expect a defined set of standards 1.Expect people 2.Expect consistent design elements 3.Expect major sub-brands built around SHRM master offerings 4.Expect benefit headlines 5.Expect a clear label 6.Expect organized copy placement

44 Leading People. Leading Organizations. Expect one tagline

45 Challenge #6

46 Our members are people

47 They are in the people business

48 Expect personal service

49 People and personality reflected in print Objects will send a ‘human’ message and add variety to the print covers. Illustrations convey the intelligence of the topic or the report. Customized for any topic. SHRM members working in their own environment. They will be actively engaged in work with at least one other person.

50 SHRM is committed to members

51 And vice versa

52 Note this title slide should really mimic the cover of the brand book, photo, words, sub words, transparent bands, new logo

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