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MPG at [your school]. To do… Sign up sheets and demo boards What in the world is MPG and why join? MPG Level 1 and 2 Schedule Expectations Resources What’s.

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Presentation on theme: "MPG at [your school]. To do… Sign up sheets and demo boards What in the world is MPG and why join? MPG Level 1 and 2 Schedule Expectations Resources What’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 MPG at [your school]

2 To do… Sign up sheets and demo boards What in the world is MPG and why join? MPG Level 1 and 2 Schedule Expectations Resources What’s Next?

3 Sign Up Sheets Fill out and pass around. There’s no commitment! This is just so we can get in touch and gauge interest!

4 What in the world is MPG? MicroProcessinG – embedded systems hardware and firmware group Student-led – we’re all here to learn together! Resources and support provided by Engenuics Started in 2000 at U of C Running in universities across Canada, and world-wide online.

5 What is Engenuics? Embedded systems training company built on over a decade of technical industry experience and teaching/mentoring MPG is part of the foundation of Engenuics and is run not-for-profit

6 MPG Mission The mission of MPG is to offer quality, hands-on experience with guaranteed value from learning industry-applicable information while giving students the opportunity to grow a strong personal network.

7 Why join MPG?

8 Problems We Encounter as Students (or at least perceptions) 1.Disinterest in courses – don’t feel they’re relevant to the real world 2.Don’t know what we want to do when we finish our degrees 3.Difficulty finding a job during or after school 4.Lack of industry connections

9 MPG as a Solution 1.Get to apply what we learn in many of our classes! 2.Can use this knowledge for 4 th year design projects 3.Learn about one specific branch in engineering and whether or not we’re interested in it 4.Gain confidence and skills as we get consistent exposure to embedded systems used in industry 5.A number of companies in Calgary exclusively hire from MPG – as MPG becomes established in other cities this will be the same 6.Many companies and engineers support MPG – we can connect with them!

10 The Wonders of MPG Build a powerful network of relationships Create equity Opportunities for personal growth – this matters! Sense of accomplishment Chance to give back when you enter the workforce

11 What’s it all about? Long term success in Engineering has almost nothing to do with technical work you do every day. It. Is. All. About. People. It is critical to build relationships and equity.

12 Additional Bonus - Bursary Program $500 for every 50 people in MPG Let’s work our way up to this!

13 Now let’s get down to business!

14 MPG Hardware MPG Level 1 Board MPG Level 2 Board Soldering Competition Board Blinky Board Keychain Surface Mount Soldering Board

15 MPG Level 1 – Low Level Programming and Driver Development What we’ll learn about  Schematics  Basic assembly and C programming  Software development tools (IAR in particular)  Driver development At the end of the semester you will come away with an understanding of what peripherals are needed to make embedded systems work, how those components communicate with each other and what you can do with that basic knowledge.

16 MPG Level 2 – Application and User Interface Development What we’ll learn  The complete product development cycle  Software development tools (IAR in particular)  How to use application program interfaces (APIs)  How to write a high-level application: Wireless Pong  A problem-solving approach that can be applied to any other embedded system At the end of the semester you will have a good understanding of how to use existing libraries to make new applications on an embedded system. *Note: MPG Level 1 is not a prerequisite for Level 2!

17 Soldering Competition Free soldering station prize (minimum 10 participants) Sound like fun!?

18 Schedule – Level 1 [Week/Date]Topic Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

19 Schedule – Level 2 [Week/Date]Topic Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

20 So how do we make this work?

21 What you can expect The MPG leader/s to be prepared every week If we can’t answer a question in MPG, we will figure it out and get back to you To learn a lot Potential industry connections To have fun!

22 What the MPG leader(s) need from you The forms we passed out A little bit of patience – we’re learning together Ask questions If you fall behind, let us know so we can help you catch up Talk to your industry connections about MPG

23 Resources Engenuics Email: Forums: Facebook: YouTube: Be sure to check them out!

24 What now? Come to the next meeting where we’ll go over the development software. Think about whether or not you would like to order a board Connect with Engenuics Show up next week!

25 It’s up to you... Thanks! Any questions?

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