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Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs are simply those verbs where the subject (the one doing the action) and the direct object (the object receiving the action)

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Presentation on theme: "Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs are simply those verbs where the subject (the one doing the action) and the direct object (the object receiving the action)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflexive Verbs Reflexive Verbs are simply those verbs where the subject (the one doing the action) and the direct object (the object receiving the action) are the same person.

2 First, let’s remember when we do things for ourselves…..  Ich kaufe mir einen Kaffee.  Ich koche mir eine Suppe.  Ich backe mir einen Kuchen.  Ich nehme mir ein Stück Kuchen.

3 English vs. German  German uses reflexive verbs much more frequently than English does  English makes verbs reflexive by including the word –self or –selves Ex. We are enjoying ourselves. I am shaving (myself).  Both of the examples above will be reflexive in German also.  Other statements that are often made in English that do not use a form of –self, may be reflexive in German: Ex. I am happy about….. I am afraid of….

4 English vs. German contd.  Note: We are enjoying the cake. (not reflexive in either language because the cake is the DO)  Note: I am shaving. (reflexive in German only)  Note: I am shaving myself. (still reflexive in German, now it’s reflexive in English)  Note: He is washing his hands. (not reflexive in English because the hands are the DO, but it is reflexive in German)

5 Let’s talk about “setzen”  Remember sitzen vs. setzen?  The wallet sits on my desk. I set the wallet onto my desk. (the wallet is the direct object)  I am sitting on the chair. I set myself on the chair. (the 2 nd sentence is reflexive because I am doing it to myself)

6 The “inner battle” So, if we understand that if we do something to ourselves, it is reflexive, then it makes sense that other things we “undergo” within ourselves, are also reflexive.  Things we do to ourselves that ARE clearly reflexive: To wash oneself, shave oneself, set oneself (sit)….  Things we are undergoing within ourselves, that are not so clearly reflexive, but are, if we think long and hard about it: To enjoy oneself, fear, to be happy about, to be interested in….

7 Instead of using –self, German uses a reflexive pronoun. These pronouns may be either Acc or Dat, depending on the type of verb.  Examples of Accusative Reflexive Verbs: To hurry up z.B. Ich beeile mich! To wash yourselfz.B. Ich wasche mich. To sit downz.B. Ich setze mich.  Examples of Dative Reflexive Verbs: To wash a part of your body z.B. Ich wasche mir das Gesicht. To cut your hairz.B. Ich habe mir meine Haare geschnitten. To be sorry z.B. Es tut mir Leid.

8 The reflexive pronouns The reflexive pronoun immediately follows the verb in the sentence Nom. AkkusativDativ ich mich (myself)mir (myself) du dich (yourself)dir (yourself) er sie es sich (himself/herself/itself) ihr euch (yourselves) wir uns (ourselves) Sie sie sich (yourself/themselves) The reflexive pronouns

9 Common Reflexive Verbs  s. anziehen – to get dressed (anziehen- to wear, put on)  s. ärgern – to be angry  s. ausziehen – to get undressed (ausziehen- to take off)  s. baden – to bathe  s. beeilen – to hurry up  s. bewegen – to move  s. duschen – to shower

10 More verbs you need to know…  s. entscheiden – to decide  s. erinnern – to remember (erinnern- to remind)  s. erkälten – to catch a cold  s. fühlen – to feel (an emotion)  s. freuen auf + Akk. – to look forward to  s. freuen über + Dat. – to be happy/glad about  s. fürchten vor + Dat. – to be afraid of  s. gewöhnen an + Akk. – to get used to  s. interessieren für + Akk. – to be interested in

11 More verbs…  s. rasieren – to shave oneself  s. setzen – to set oneself  s. überlegen + Dat – to consider  s. verspäten – to be late  s. vorstellen + Akk – to introduce  s. vorstellen + Dat – to imagine  s. waschen + Akk – to wash oneself  s. waschen + Dat + DO – to wash a part of oneself  s. wandern über + Akk – to be amazed at  s. weh tun – to hurt

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