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Analysis of the French Revolution 1750-1914 Lesson 3.

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1 Analysis of the French Revolution 1750-1914 Lesson 3

2 La Marseillaise Allons, enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive! Contre nous de la tyrannie L’étendard sanglant est levé! L’étendard sanglant est levé. Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Egorger nos fils et nos compagnes: Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Qu’un sang impur abreuve nos sillons!

3 Causes of the Revolution Class antagonisms Class antagonisms –Disparity (98% Third Estate) –Voting in the Estates General –Tax Issues

4 Causes of the Revolution Government Inefficiency: Government Inefficiency: –National deficit –No responses to poverty –Increased tax pressure

5 Causes of the Revolution Inept Ruler: Inept Ruler: –Louis XVI horrible procrastinatorhorrible procrastinator Moderately intelligent, easily influencedModerately intelligent, easily influenced –Marie-Antoinette Austrian, not FrenchAustrian, not French Big spender, gambling debtsBig spender, gambling debts

6 Causes of the Revolution Intellectuals transfer loyalty: Intellectuals transfer loyalty: –Enlightenment influences on bourgeoisie –Tax issues –Reform of Estates General

7 Early Stages Failure of Force: Failure of Force: –Effects of troops vs. rioters/demonstrators –“Let them eat cake” –Lock-out of Third Estate – Storming the Bastille & Versailles

8 Early Stages Political & Economic Upgrades Political & Economic Upgrades –Bread riots –Redistribution of land –Abolishment of feudalism & nobility – The National Assembly & Legislative Assembly

9 Crisis Stage Foreign InvolvementForeign Involvement –Why would other countries care? –April 1792, Austrian & Prussian armies march into France & on Paris

10 The King is Dead... Riots & the RadicalsRiots & the Radicals Jacobins--Radical political group led by Maximilian RobespierreJacobins--Radical political group led by Maximilian Robespierre Jacobins try Louis XVI as a traitor & execute him on the guillotine in Jan. 1793Jacobins try Louis XVI as a traitor & execute him on the guillotine in Jan. 1793

11 Radical Stage: The Reign of Terror Robespierre: society of virtue & freedom came from the presence of terrorRobespierre: society of virtue & freedom came from the presence of terror July 1793-July 1794: Up to 3000 Parisians (  40,000 total) executed as “traitors to the revolution”July 1793-July 1794: Up to 3000 Parisians (  40,000 total) executed as “traitors to the revolution” Terror ends when Robespierre is executed in July 1794--Radicals lose powerTerror ends when Robespierre is executed in July 1794--Radicals lose power

12 Reactionary Stage: The Directory Fear of RadicalsFear of Radicals Directory’s actionsDirectory’s actions – two-house legislature; greater stability –Napoleon Bonaparte named First Consul

13 France on the Eve of Napoleon Instability, factions, distrustInstability, factions, distrust Peasants still have little, but now aren’t afraid to resort to violencePeasants still have little, but now aren’t afraid to resort to violence Enemies on all sides--the rest of Europe is TERRIFIED by the French RevolutionEnemies on all sides--the rest of Europe is TERRIFIED by the French Revolution

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