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Department of Information Technology Erik Hagersten Head of Research

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1 Department of Information Technology Erik Hagersten Head of Research

2 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | IT@UU, just the facts… ≈ 240 employees ≈ 85 faculty (25 professors) ≈ 100 PhD students Undergrad teaching: ≈ 900 full-time equivalence Cross-disciplinary  Building computer systems  Calculating with computer systems  Interacting with computer systems One member of the Royal Academy of Science (KVA) Three members of the R. A. of Science and Technology (IVA) 29% of funding in CS from Swedish Res. Council (VR) 2004

3 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Research Aprox 30 reserach groups Tight contacts with the industry 70% of the research budget is externally financed 43 PhD exams and 53 Licentiate exams 1999- 2003.

4 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Peter Stoica System- modellering Picture is missing for Fredrik Bergholm, bildanalys Bengt Jonsson, datorteknik Michael Thuné, numerisk analys Stefan Seipel Datorgrafik Bengt Carlsson Reglerteknik Alexander Medvedev Reglerteknik Bertil Gustafsson Numerisk analys Hans Hansson Datorteknik * Bengt Sandblad Människa-dator interaktion Tore Risch Databasteknik Wang Yi Datorteknik Faron Moller Datalogi Torbjörn Wigren Reglerteknik Ewert Bengtsson Bildanalys Per Gunningberg Datorteknik Professors@IT Håkan Lanshammar Reglerteknik & Systemanalys Arne Andersson Datalogi Jan Nordström Numerisk analys Joachim Parrow Datorteknik Abdulla Parosh Datorteknik Erik Hagersten Datorarkitektur Per Lötstedt Numerisk analys Torsten Söderström Reglerteknik

5 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Peter Stoica System- modellering Picture is missing for Fredrik Bergholm, bildanalys Bengt Jonsson, datorteknik Michael Thuné, numerisk analys Stefan Seipel Datorgrafik Bengt Carlsson Reglerteknik Alexander Medvedev Reglerteknik Bertil Gustafsson Numerisk analys Hans Hansson Datorteknik * Bengt Sandblad Människa-dator interaktion Tore Risch Databasteknik Wang Yi Datorteknik Faron Moller Datalogi Torbjörn Wigren Reglerteknik Ewert Bengtsson Bildanalys Per Gunningberg Datorteknik Professors@IT Håkan Lanshammar Reglerteknik & Systemanalys Arne Andersson Datalogi Jan Nordström Numerisk analys Joachim Parrow Datorteknik Abdulla Parosh Datorteknik Erik Hagersten Datorarkitektur Per Lötstedt Numerisk analys Torsten Söderström Reglerteknik Building Computer Systems Calculating with Computers Interacting with Computers

6 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Building Computer Systems Databases Communication Computer Architectures Real-time Correctness Compilers Algorithms

7 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Calculating with Computers Software Technology in HPC Multi-Grid PDE-solvers Electromagnetics Acoustics CFD

8 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Some of UPPMAX “Supercomputers”

9 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Interacting with Computers Automatic Control Identification Signal Processing Biomechanics Human-Computer Interactions

10 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | IT @ UU Research Focus and Funding Basic Research Applied Research “Competence Centra”: Advanced Software Technology, VINNOVA Parallel and Scientific Computing, VINNOVA Applied Research: HCI in Trains, SJ Basic research: pi-calculus theory, VR “Strategic Research”: ARTES, (real-time), SSF

11 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | Competence Centra Academy Industry VINNOVA

12 Informationsteknologi Institutionen för informationsteknologi | 18 Companies ABB Automation Technologies AB AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH Arcticus Systems AB Cross Country Systems AB ENEA Embedded Technology AB Ericsson AB (APZ) Ericsson AB (Erlang OTP) Ericsson AB (KI/EAB) EuroControl I.A.R. Systems AB Mobile Arts AB Prover Technology AB T-Mobile (UK) Ltd. Tidorum AB Validation AB Virtutech AB Volcano Communicaton Technologies AB Volvo Teknisk Utveckling AB IT-inst @ UU Mälardalens Högskola SICS Example: +

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