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MIS (Management Information System)
Sharif University of Technology Session # 5
Session schedule Contents Systems Analysis and Design
Planning the approach Asking questions and collecting data Recording the information Interpreting the information collected Specifying the requirement Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 2
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System Analysis Five areas of a system analyst tasks: Investigation Communication with customers Documentation Understanding Preparation & planning Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 3
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System Analysis System analysis process: The PARIS Model Analysis can be considered to be a Five-stage process Planning the approach Asking questions and collecting data Recording the information Interpreting the information collected Specifying the requirement We have divided the process of analysis into five stages, each of which will be described in detail in subsequent chapters. The first letters of each step form the five-letter word PARIS, which is a useful mnemonic to help you remember the steps. The five steps are: 1 Planning the approach This is the vital first stage in the PARIS model, and the success of the systems analysis phase of a project will depend on the thoroughness and care with which planning is carried out. During planning, objectives are set, constraints identified, terms of reference agreed, and preparations made for fact finding. Planning is described in Chapter 7, which also includes a section on the feasibility study. 2 Asking questions and collecting data This includes all the fact-finding activities carried out as part of the analysis. The key technique here is interviewing, which applies many of the principles introduced in Chapter 3 on communication. Interviewing is described in detail in Chapter 8 under three headings – planning, conducting, and recording the interview – and there is also a section on difficult interviews. Other fact-finding methods described in Chapter 8 include observation, designing and sending out questionnaires, document analysis and record searching. 3 Recording the information The third stage in the model is about recording information. The fact-finding methods, used during stage 2, yield many facts and details about the current and required systems. This information must then be recorded in a clear and unambiguous way. In structured systems analysis, a series of diagrams – or models – are drawn to represent the system, and these can be interpreted and built on by the analysis team, and may also be reviewed by the user to check that the information gathered by the analyst is complete and correct. Chapter 9 introduces two important models that are used to document the current system: the data flow diagram and the data model. Both are part of all structured methods, but we shall be concentrating on the way they are implemented in SSADM to explain how they are constructed and interpreted. 4 Interpreting the information collected Having documented the current physical system, we need to understand the underlying logical system, and then consider how the client’s requirements can be built in. Again, diagrams can be used to help analysts through this stage of the PARIS model, and Chapter 11 describes some techniques that can be used. 5 Specifying the requirement The final stage in the model, specifying the requirement, is described in detail in Chapter 12. This involves the analyst in preparing a number of options, based on the models constructed earlier, for the development of the new system. These options are discussed with the client, costed, and then presented in a way that emphasises the benefits they will bring to the client’s business. The analyst, during this stage, will usually be involved in writing a report, and in preparing and delivering a presentation. Once a decision has been made by the client on the way forward, a detailed functional specification will be prepared so that the designers will know exactly what the system has to do to meet the requirements.s Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 4
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System Analysis (Planning the approach) Understanding the objectives and terms of reference The main areas included in the terms of reference(SCOPE): System boundary. Constraints. Objectives. Permission. End products. The stated objectives of the client will usually be recorded in the terms of reference. These will have been agreed with the client before the start of analysis, and should define the scope of the investigation about to be undertaken. Indeed, the word SCOPE provides a useful mnemonic, which we can use to summarise the main areas included in the terms of reference. • System boundary. This will define the area of the organisation under investigation and may also specify the limit of any new system implemented as a result of the project. • Constraints. Factors, including budget, timescale and technology, which may restrict the study, or the solution, in some way. These constraints will be considered in more detail later in this chapter. • Objectives. An unambiguous statement of the expectations of those in the client’s organisation who have initiated the project. These may be broken down by function or department. Well-defined objectives are clear and measurable. • Permission. This will indicate who in the client’s organisation is responsible for the supervision of the project and, if permission needs to be granted – for example to extend the scope of the analysis – who has the authority to do so. Points of contact and the appropriate reporting structure may also be defined. • End products. A description of the deliverable or end products of the investigation. This will usually take the form of a written report and a supporting presentation to managers of the client organisation. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 5
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System Analysis (Planning the approach) Understanding the objectives and terms of reference The main areas included in the terms of reference(SCOPE): Constraints (customer): Technology Environment Timescales Budget Scope Terms of reference have been agreed with the client. The objectives of the analysis phase are clear. Now it is essential that all constraints on the analysis are understood early in order to help with planning and to avoid problems arising during detailed analysis. Some constraints may have been set by the customer, which will limit the options that can be presented as part of the system proposals. They are illustrated in Figure 7.1. These constraints will probably be included in the terms of reference, and cover: • Technology. The customer may be committed to a particular hardware or software solution. Indeed, there may be a corporate strategy in this area. For example, they may require any new system to run on their present mainframe computer, or to be developed using specified software such as Oracle – in order that it can be integrated with existing systems. Environment. The system may have to work in exceptional conditions, for example in a missile, in a submarine, on a factory floor or on a customer’s doorstep. The system may be used by skilled or unskilled operators, perhaps by operators wearing protective clothing. • Timescales. Project delivery times based on the customer’s immovable timescales may also be specified. These could in turn be determined by the introduction of new government legislation or by a key date in the business cycle of the client’s organisation. • Budget. If the work is to be done by a systems house, the contract may well be a fixed-price one. This poses real problems for the analysts on the development team. How much resource is committed to the analysis phase? What other budget constraints exist? For example, how much money is available for the purchase of new hardware or software, and are there any limitations on the annual operation budget? • Scope. What is the area under investigation in this project? What is the boundary of the system? Which parts of the organisation are off limits? All of these factors will constrain any solution presented by the analysis team. But there is also another set of constraints that need to be identified by the analyst early on, because these will limit the way in which the investigation is conducted. These will include the areas shown in Figure 7.2. These constraints, which are listed below, will enable the analysis team to determine which fact-finding methods are most appropriate, as well as help them to put together a detailed plan for the investigation. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 6
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System Analysis (Planning the approach) Understanding the objectives and terms of reference The main areas included in the terms of reference(SCOPE): Constraints (analyst investigation): The project resources available during the analysis The availability of customer contacts The political issues important in the customer’s organization The complexity and size of the organization The project management procedures used by the project team Communication procedures All of these factors will constrain any solution presented by the analysis team. But there is also another set of constraints that need to be identified by the analyst early on, because these will limit the way in which the investigation is conducted. These will include the areas shown in Figure 7.2. These constraints, which are listed below, will enable the analysis team to determine which fact-finding methods are most appropriate, as well as help them to put together a detailed plan for the investigation. • The project resources available during the analysis. How much support will be available to the analysis team? For example, will CASE tools be available for producing documentation? Will there be administrative support from the project office? Are there colleagues who have worked with the client before who would be available to give advice to the team? • The availability of customer contacts. It is important to know whether appropriate staff will be available for discussion and to review analysis products. For example, an organisation might require that all interviewees be given three days’ notice, or that review meetings involving client staff cannot be held on any Monday or Friday. • The political issues important in the customer’s organisation. There may be politically sensitive issues in the organisation that an analyst should be aware of before embarking on the investigation. For example, the introduction of a new computer system might mean that fewer employees are needed to do the work, or that one department will have to close down. In this case, the analyst should be clear about whether the staff to be interviewed are aware of the implications of the change, and what line should be taken if difficult questions are asked. • The complexity and size of the organisation. This will influence the choice of fact-finding techniques, and could mean that sampling methods have to be used. If, as part of an investigation you are undertaking, you need to collect information from all parts of a large organisation, a number of options are available, including: – interviewing everyone; – sending out questionnaires; – interviewing a representative sample. It is important that the implications, costs and benefits of the alternatives are understood and discussed with the client. • The project management procedures used by the project team. An analyst will need to be aware of the expectations of the client organisation with regard to the management of the analysis phase of the project. It might be, for example, that the client organisation uses a structured approach to project management such as PRINCE2, or the client may require the team to give detailed information about the planning and monitoring techniques to be used during the analysis phase of the project. • Communication procedures. It is important that the analyst is aware of, and follows, the communication procedures set up within the project team and between the project team and the client. This may involve agreement on appropriate channels of communication and the identification of named individuals as ‘contacts’. Business analysis techniques – described in Chapter 12 – offer some tools for dealing with these issues. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 7
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data In carrying out your investigation you will be collecting information about the current system, Recording the problems and requirements described by users of the current system, a picture of the required system is built. Details of inputs to and outputs from the system; How information is stored; Volumes and frequencies of data; Any trends that can be identified; Specific problems, with examples if possible, that are experienced by users. You should now be ready to begin asking questions, and, as a result of your planning, these questions will be relevant, focused and appropriate. In carrying out your investigation you will be collecting information about the current system, and, by recording the problems and requirements described by users of the current system, building up a picture of the required system. The facts gathered from each part of the client’s organisation will be concerned primarily with the current system and how it operates, and will include some or all of the following: details of inputs to and outputs from the system; how information is stored; volumes and frequencies of data; any trends that can be identified; and specific problems, with examples if possible, that are experienced by users. In addition, you may also be able to gather useful information about: Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 8
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data In order to collect this data and related information, a range of fact-finding methods can be used Interviewing, Questionnaires, Observation , Searching records and document analysis In order to collect this data and related information, a range of fact-finding methods can be used. Those most commonly used include interviewing, questionnaires, observation, searching records and document analysis. Each of these methods is described in this chapter, but it is important to remember that they are not mutually exclusive. More than one method may be used during a factfinding session: for example, during a fact-finding interview a questionnaire may be completed, records inspected and documents analysed. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 9
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) An interview can be defined as ‘a conversation with a specific purpose’. An interview is a form of two-way communication that requires a range of interpersonal skills to be used by the interviewer to ensure that the purpose is achieved. In describing this fact-finding technique we shall look at three stages: Planning, Conducting and Recording the interview. An interview can be defined as ‘a conversation with a specific purpose’. This purpose could be selection in a recruitment interview, counselling in a performance appraisal interview, or collecting information in a fact-finding interview. An interview is a form of two-way communication that requires a range of interpersonal skills to be used by the interviewer to ensure that the purpose is achieved. The interviewer will need to be a good listener, to be skilful in the use of questions so that the conversation flows smoothly, and to be able to control the interview while building and maintaining rapport with the interviewee. In a fact-finding interview these skills are needed to collect and record information in order to build up a picture of the current system, and to catalogue the requirements for a new one. In describing this fact-finding technique we shall look at three stages: planning, conducting and recording the interview. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 10
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews)- Planning Most fact-finding interviews follow a similar structure Social chat An interview begins with a casual, friendly opening to create a relaxed atmosphere and put interviewees at their ease. This is an opportunity to reassure the interviewee, who might be feeling nervous, as well as calming any nerves of your own. During this stage you can give the interviewee some background information about the reasons for the investigation and answer any questions they have. The early minutes of an interview are critical in building rapport with the interviewee and making it feel more like a conversation and less like an interrogation. Overview Having created a relaxed atmosphere in the first stage of the interview, you now move on to outline what will happen next. In effect you are ‘signposting’ the various parts of the interview, and it is usually helpful at this point to have the agenda visible to both parties. During this overview you can also explain the objectives of the interview, the time you will need, and the main topics to be covered, as well as asking for the interviewee’s permission to take notes. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 11
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Planning Most fact-finding interviews follow a similar structure Social chat An interview begins with a casual, friendly opening to create a relaxed atmosphere and put interviewees at their ease. Overview Having created a relaxed atmosphere in the first stage of the interview, you now move on to outline what will happen next. Social chat An interview begins with a casual, friendly opening to create a relaxed atmosphere and put interviewees at their ease. This is an opportunity to reassure the interviewee, who might be feeling nervous, as well as calming any nerves of your own. During this stage you can give the interviewee some background information about the reasons for the investigation and answer any questions they have. The early minutes of an interview are critical in building rapport with the interviewee and making it feel more like a conversation and less like an interrogation. Overview Having created a relaxed atmosphere in the first stage of the interview, you now move on to outline what will happen next. In effect you are ‘signposting’ the various parts of the interview, and it is usually helpful at this point to have the agenda visible to both parties. During this overview you can also explain the objectives of the interview, the time you will need, and the main topics to be covered, as well as asking for the interviewee’s permission to take notes. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 12
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Planning There are four steps in questioning through the fact-finding process and providing information about the user’s problems and requirements Questions and answers This is the fact-finding part of the interview. In this stage you ask questions to find out as much as possible about the interviewee and their role in the organisation. By listening carefully to the answers, making notes and checking understanding of the information collected, a lot of useful information can be gathered. It is important to keep control and direct the interview during this stage to ensure your objectives – both active and passive – are met. It is also important to maintain the rapport, remembering that you are not there to evaluate the interviewee but to hear their views. A useful model for structuring the questions and answers stage of the interview is shown in Figure 8.2. As you can see, there are four steps in this questioning model, designed to guide the analyst through the fact-finding process and provide information about the user’s problems and requirements. In conducting an interview, the questions should initially be at a high level so information is gathered about the background and work environment of the interviewee (user) within the organisation. These are called context questions, and often contain the words ‘tell’, ‘explain’ or ‘describe’. For example: ‘Can you describe your main responsibilities as sales manager?’ ‘Take me through a typical day in this office.’ ‘Will you explain this department’s role in the organisation?’ ‘Tell me about the main stages in the bookings cycle.’ The context questions are followed by a set of detailed questions, which enable you to obtain specific information about the areas explored in step one. This information will usually include facts and figures that indicate volumes as well as operational peaks and troughs. For example: ‘You mentioned a problem that occurred last February – can you say more about that?’ ‘On average, how may invoices would be processed each month?’ ‘You said that the current procedures cause difficulties for your staff – what sort of difficulties?’ ‘Which months in the year are the busiest for you?’ ‘Do you have examples of the documents you’re describing?’ The context and detailed questions should help you to understand the current system and enable you to identify the nature and cause of specific problems. Once problems have been identified, you should ask further questions to find out what effects the interviewee believes each problem has on the organisation and, more specifically, on their area of responsibility: ‘So what effect does this problem have on your work?’ ‘Can you give me examples of the sort of comments that members of staff in your area have made about the current purchasing system?’ ‘. . . and when the orders are held up in Keith Smith’s section, what is the impact of that in your section?’ The fourth step, which can take place alongside step three, is to explore the user’s views about the solution to a problem and to find out what the user needs to correct the problem. It is important during fact-finding to discover what the user’s real needs are, so that any solution developed will be efficient and effective: ‘In your opinion, what steps could be taken to solve this problem?’ ‘If you had a free hand to make changes, how would you improve the system?’ ‘Which of the requirements you’ve described is the most important for the business at the moment?’ ‘What is the single most important change that would make life easier in this department?’ An appreciation of effects and needs, from the point of view of the user, will enable you to identify the user’s requirements. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 13
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) The key fact-finding objectives – ‘must find out’ – form the trunk of the tree. We can leave the trunk and go down the branches to get supporting information – ‘should find out’ – which will provide additional information about the key areas. The saw in the diagram is a reminder that the agenda might have to be pruned if the available time is used up. The key fact-finding objectives – ‘must find out’ – form the trunk of the tree. From these, an agenda can be prepared listing these areas as main headings. We can leave the trunk and go down the branches to get supporting information – ‘should find out’ – which will provide additional information about the key areas. The leaves provide the final level of questioning – ‘could find out’ – representing detailed questions about specific areas within the list of objectives. Having travelled out to the leaves to collect the detail, we can return to our main objectives on the trunk of the tree, and so avoid the danger of ‘falling off’ the tree by getting lost in details and losing sight of the main purpose of the interview. The saw in the diagram is a reminder that the agenda might have to be pruned if the available time is used up. Such pruning should enable the interview to be properly closed and a second interview to be arranged. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 14
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Planning Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 15
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview In this section, we’ll discuss two key skills Listening and Questioning as well as the important issue of Control In this section, we’ll discuss two key skills – listening and questioning – as well as the important issue of control Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 16
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview Listening To be effective listeners, analysts need to work on developing their skills in this area as well as on adopting an open, receptive attitude when engaged in listening. ‘Active’ listening has been defined as a set of techniques through which one person can obtain information from another. It involves the listener communicating their interest and their understanding to the speaker, encouraging them to continue, and giving them the opportunity to talk without constant interruption As we pointed out in Chapter 3, listening is an essential component of any effective face-to-face communication. It is at the heart of the process of interviewing, and the quality of the information gathered by analysts depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of their listening. An effective listener will not only encourage the interviewee to provide them with clear and accurate information, but will also understand much more of what they hear. This said, listening is not a welldeveloped skill for most people. Although we are taught in school to read and write, few of us have been formally taught to listen. Being an effective listener means: not being switched off just because the other person is not clear or concise; not reacting emotionally; not letting the other person’s mannerisms distract you; keeping an open mind until the other person has completely finished; being patient with slow and ponderous speakers; and trying not to interrupt. To be effective listeners, analysts need to work on developing their skills in this area as well as on adopting an open, receptive attitude when engaged in listening. We shall deal first with the skills, described in Chapter 3 as active listening, and then go on to discuss attitude and the blocks to effective listening. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 17
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview Questioning Asking the appropriate question to obtain the information required is a technique which is central to fact-finding interviewing. Different types of question elicit different types of response and are, therefore, used for different purposes. The other key interpersonal skill that needs to be put into practice by the analyst during fact-finding interviewing is questioning. Asking the appropriate question to obtain the information required is a technique that has many other applications and which is central to fact-finding interviewing. As we shall see later, it is also an important technique to use when designing questionnaires, another means of collecting data during systems analysis. Different types of question elicit different types of response and are, therefore, used for different purposes. A selection of question types are described below: • Closed questions. Closed questions close down the conversation. They produce a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or sometimes ‘perhaps’, and can help to control the talkative interviewee. They are also useful for checking and clarifying facts. For example, ‘can you ?’, ‘will you ?’, ‘have you ?’, ‘is it ?’. • Open questions. Open questions, on the other hand, open up the conversation. They are used to obtain information, provide insight into a client’s feelings and motivations, and encourage the quiet interviewee to relax and be more forthcoming. For example, ‘tell me . . .’, ‘please explain . . .’, ‘could you describe ?’, ‘how is your purchasing organised?’, ‘what is your opinion of ?’ • Probing questions. As the name suggests, these questions are used to obtain more detail to probe further when a previous question has not yielded sufficient information. For example, ‘why?’, ‘please could you tell me more about ?’ • Probing techniques. These include planned pauses, periods of silence, or an unfinished sentence. These are more subtle, and often more powerful, ways of probing, which can be used instead of, or in conjunction with, probing questions. • Reflective questions. This involves repeating a key word or phrase to encourage the speaker to say more about it. For example, ‘difficulties?’, ‘a significant number?’ Used as described, reflective questions act as probes to elicit more information. They can also be used to demonstrate active listening when they reflect not a key word but an unspoken message or feeling. For example, ‘it sounds like the new system is really causing you a problem’, ‘you seem very pleased about that . . .’. • Limited-choice questions. The objective here is to direct the other person’s attention to a range of options, while leaving them with the final choice of answer. For example: ‘Which of these three courses of action is most suitable ?’ ‘Is your busiest time in April or in September?’ • Leading questions. Leading questions imply the correct answer. Examples: ‘Would you agree that ?’, ‘Don’t you feel that ?, ‘So all your problems result from the introduction of these new procedures?’ They can be useful in confirming information, but the danger is that the interviewee will agree because this is the easiest option. They should be used sparingly, if at all, and are usually better framed as a different question. Another danger, if they are used too often, is that the interviewer can appear pushy and irritating. • Link questions. For example: ‘In view of what you have just said about the importance of credit terms, how important are delivery times?’, ‘The point you’ve just made about customers leads me to another question: how do new customers appear on the system?’ Link questions like these are excellent for steering the discussion from one topic to another while allowing the other person to do most of the talking. Putting questions together to take the interviewee through a particular area is another part of interviewing that the analyst should address. The sequence of questions asked during an interview can be critical in the successful achievement of objectives. One useful model in building a sequence of questions is the funnel that is illustrated in Figure 8.4. In this model, the interview begins with open questions at the wide end of the funnel, followed by probing questions to focus on specific points raised in response to the open questions. These are followed by closed questions to obtain factual data and lastly by summarising to check that the facts collected are correct. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 18
Information system development
System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview Questioning- types of questions Closed questions Leading questions Open questions Link questions Probing questions Probing techniques Reflection questions Limited choice questions The other key interpersonal skill that needs to be put into practice by the analyst during fact-finding interviewing is questioning. Asking the appropriate question to obtain the information required is a technique that has many other applications and which is central to fact-finding interviewing. As we shall see later, it is also an important technique to use when designing questionnaires, another means of collecting data during systems analysis. Different types of question elicit different types of response and are, therefore, used for different purposes. A selection of question types are described below: • Closed questions. Closed questions close down the conversation. They produce a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’, or sometimes ‘perhaps’, and can help to control the talkative interviewee. They are also useful for checking and clarifying facts. For example, ‘can you ?’, ‘will you ?’, ‘have you ?’, ‘is it ?’. • Open questions. Open questions, on the other hand, open up the conversation. They are used to obtain information, provide insight into a client’s feelings and motivations, and encourage the quiet interviewee to relax and be more forthcoming. For example, ‘tell me . . .’, ‘please explain . . .’, ‘could you describe ?’, ‘how is your purchasing organised?’, ‘what is your opinion of ?’ • Probing questions. As the name suggests, these questions are used to obtain more detail to probe further when a previous question has not yielded sufficient information. For example, ‘why?’, ‘please could you tell me more about ?’ • Probing techniques. These include planned pauses, periods of silence, or an unfinished sentence. These are more subtle, and often more powerful, ways of probing, which can be used instead of, or in conjunction with, probing questions. • Reflective questions. This involves repeating a key word or phrase to encourage the speaker to say more about it. For example, ‘difficulties?’, ‘a significant number?’ Used as described, reflective questions act as probes to elicit more information. They can also be used to demonstrate active listening when they reflect not a key word but an unspoken message or feeling. For example, ‘it sounds like the new system is really causing you a problem’, ‘you seem very pleased about that . . .’. • Limited-choice questions. The objective here is to direct the other person’s attention to a range of options, while leaving them with the final choice of answer. For example: ‘Which of these three courses of action is most suitable ?’ ‘Is your busiest time in April or in September?’ • Leading questions. Leading questions imply the correct answer. Examples: ‘Would you agree that ?’, ‘Don’t you feel that ?, ‘So all your problems result from the introduction of these new procedures?’ They can be useful in confirming information, but the danger is that the interviewee will agree because this is the easiest option. They should be used sparingly, if at all, and are usually better framed as a different question. Another danger, if they are used too often, is that the interviewer can appear pushy and irritating. • Link questions. For example: ‘In view of what you have just said about the importance of credit terms, how important are delivery times?’, ‘The point you’ve just made about customers leads me to another question: how do new customers appear on the system?’ Link questions like these are excellent for steering the discussion from one topic to another while allowing the other person to do most of the talking. Putting questions together to take the interviewee through a particular area is another part of interviewing that the analyst should address. The sequence of questions asked during an interview can be critical in the successful achievement of objectives. One useful model in building a sequence of questions is the funnel that is illustrated in Figure 8.4. In this model, the interview begins with open questions at the wide end of the funnel, followed by probing questions to focus on specific points raised in response to the open questions. These are followed by closed questions to obtain factual data and lastly by summarising to check that the facts collected are correct. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 19
Information system development
System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview Questioning- types of questions Putting questions together to take the interviewee through a particular area is another part of interviewing that the analyst should address. The sequence of questions asked during an interview can be critical in the successful achievement of objectives. One useful model in building a sequence of questions is the funnel that is illustrated in Figure 8.4. In this model, the interview begins with open questions at the wide end of the funnel, followed by probing questions to focus on specific points raised in response to the open questions. These are followed by closed questions to obtain factual data and lastly by summarising to check that the facts collected are correct. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 20
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Conducting the Interview Control Signposting Confirming Summarizing Note-taking Listening Pausing It is important to remember that, however much you open up the interview during questioning, you, as the interviewer, must always be in control of the process. Guiding conversations by using the right questions is one way of maintaining this control. Other controlling techniques include: • Signposting. Giving the interviewee an idea of the path you are planning to take and therefore the reason for your questions. An agenda is very useful, and can be used to bring the interview back on course if control begins to slip away. • Confirming. Restating or repeating the interviewee’s statement to ensure that you have clearly and correctly received their message. • Summarising. Consolidating what has been covered in the discussion; clarifying and checking for understanding. • Note-taking. Memory is fallible; recorded notes are less so. It is a compliment to the client to demonstrate a desire to be accurate, and note-taking can also be useful in controlling the interview by giving the analyst some thinking time during the interview. • Listening. As well as being a useful skill in its own right, listening is one of the best methods of maintaining control of the interview. By showing that you are involved and interested in the discussion, through the correct use of eyes, body, head and voice, you are confirming to the interviewee that he or she is the most important person to you at that moment. If, in addition to this, you are concentrating hard on what is being said, it is much easier to find a point at which to enter the discussion and then move it on to the next ‘branch’ of the ‘tree’ – the next topic on your agenda – without antagonising the interviewee. • Pausing. A well-placed pause or silence is a good way of keeping control and allowing you to decide the next step. Silence will also often encourage a quiet person to provide more information. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 21
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Recording the interview No matter how skilled the interviewer, or how good their questioning and listening, the interview is likely to be less than successful if the recording techniques are incomplete or inappropriate A graphical technique can simplify the capture of this sort of information, but to be effective it must be simple and quick to use, and be easily understood by the interviewee so it can be checked for accuracy The other recording task after the interview, although this one is not so urgent, is to prepare a formal record of it. It is the official record of the interview, which can be accessed by others on the project It is a document that can be checked by the interviewee to make sure it is accurate. Having looked at planning and conducting a fact-finding interview, we now turn to the subject of how to record it. This is an area that is particularly important when asking questions, as the record of the answers given will form the basis for constructing models of the system. No matter how skilled the interviewer, or how good their questioning and listening, the interview is likely to be less than successful if the recording techniques are incomplete or inappropriate. Often interviewers comment on how difficult it is to develop a recording technique that is easy to use, unobtrusive during the interview, non-threatening to the interviewee, and understandable after the interview. Many fact-finding interviews result in the interviewee describing a lot of complex procedural details, and it can be difficult to capture this information unambiguously. A graphical technique can simplify the capture of this sort of information, but to be effective it must be simple and quick to use, and be easily understood by the interviewee so it can be checked for accuracy. For example, a mind map can be used to record information. This consists of a central idea, or topic, enclosed in a circle with related topics radiating out from the circle. The data flow diagram, which provides a pictorial view of how data moves around an information system, is another recording technique that has been used effectively by many analysts. It is described in the next chapter. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 22
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Fact-finding Interviews) - Recording the interview Having looked at planning and conducting a fact-finding interview, we now turn to the subject of how to record it. This is an area that is particularly important when asking questions, as the record of the answers given will form the basis for constructing models of the system. No matter how skilled the interviewer, or how good their questioning and listening, the interview is likely to be less than successful if the recording techniques are incomplete or inappropriate. Often interviewers comment on how difficult it is to develop a recording technique that is easy to use, unobtrusive during the interview, non-threatening to the interviewee, and understandable after the interview. Many fact-finding interviews result in the interviewee describing a lot of complex procedural details, and it can be difficult to capture this information unambiguously. A graphical technique can simplify the capture of this sort of information, but to be effective it must be simple and quick to use, and be easily understood by the interviewee so it can be checked for accuracy. For example, a mind map can be used to record information. This consists of a central idea, or topic, enclosed in a circle with related topics radiating out from the circle. The data flow diagram, which provides a pictorial view of how data moves around an information system, is another recording technique that has been used effectively by many analysts. It is described in the next chapter. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 23
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Questionnaires) The use of a questionnaire helps to collect data from a lot of people without having to visit them all. It is difficult to design a questionnaire that is both simple and comprehensive. Also, unless the questions are kept short and clear, they may be misunderstood A questionnaire may be the most effective method of fact-finding to collect a small amount of data from a lot of people The use of a questionnaire might seem an attractive idea, as data can be collected from a lot of people without having to visit them all. Although this is true, the method should be used with care, as it is difficult to design a questionnaire that is both simple and comprehensive. Also, unless the questions are kept short and clear, they may be misunderstood by those questioned, making the data collected unreliable. A questionnaire may be the most effective method of fact-finding to collect a small amount of data from a lot of people: for example, where staff are located over a widely spread geographical area; when data must be collected from a large number of staff; when time is short; and when 100% coverage is not essential. A questionnaire can also be used as a means of verifying data collected using other methods, or as the basis for the question-and-answer section of a fact-finding interview. Another effective use of a questionnaire is to send it out in advance of an interview. This will enable the respondent to assemble the required information before the meeting, which means that the interview can be more productive. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 24
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Questionnaires) Designing a questionnaire Heading section, which describes the purpose of the questionnaire and contains the main references – name, staff identification number, date, etc.; Classification section for collecting information that can later be used for analyzing and summarizing the total data, such as age, sex, grade, job title, location; Data section made up of questions designed to elicit the specific information being sought by the analyst. When designing a questionnaire, there are three sections to consider: • a heading section, which describes the purpose of the questionnaire and contains the main references – name, staff identification number, date, etc.; • a classification section for collecting information that can later be used for analysing and summarising the total data, such as age, sex, grade, job title, location; • a data section made up of questions designed to elicit the specific information being sought by the analyst. These three sections can clearly be observed in the questionnaire in Figure 8.7: the heading section is at the top (name and date), the next line down is for recording classification information (job title, department and section), and the data section is designed to gather information about the duties associated with a particular job Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 25
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Questionnaires) Designing a questionnaire Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 26
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Observation) The systems analyst is constantly observing, and observations often provide clues about why the current system is not functioning properly. The analyst may also be involved in undertaking planned or conscious observations which will involve watching an operation for a period to see exactly what happens. “Systematic activity sampling”, involves making observations of a particular operation at predetermined times. The times are chosen initially by some random device, so that the staff carrying out the operation do not know in advance when they will next be under observation The systems analyst is constantly observing, and observations often provide clues about why the current system is not functioning properly. Observations of the local environment during visits to the client site, as well as very small and unexpected incidents, can all be significant in later analysis, and it is important that they are recorded at the time. The analyst may also be involved in undertaking planned or conscious observations when it is decided to use this technique for part of the study. This will involve watching an operation for a period to see exactly what happens. Clearly, formal observation should only be used if agreement is given and users are prepared to cooperate. Observation should be done openly, as covert observation can undermine any trust and goodwill the analyst manages to build up. The technique is particularly good for tracing bottlenecks and checking facts that have already been noted. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 27
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Observation) Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 28
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Record Searching) Time constraints can prevent systems analysts from making as thorough an investigation of the current system as they might wish “Record searching” involves looking through written records to obtain quantitative information, and to confirm or quantify information already supplied by user staff or management. All of the information collected by record searching can be used to cross-check information given by users of the system. Where there are a large number of documents, statistical sampling can be used. Time constraints can prevent systems analysts from making as thorough an investigation of the current system as they might wish. Another approach, which enables conclusions to be drawn from a sample of past and present results of the current system, is called record searching. This involves looking through written records to obtain quantitative information, and to confirm or quantify information already supplied by user staff or management. Information can be collected about: • the volume of file data and transactions, frequencies, and trends; • the frequency with which files are updated; • the accuracy of the data held in the system; • unused forms; • exceptions and omissions. Using this information, an assessment of the volatility of the information can be made, and the usefulness of existing information can be questioned if it appears that some file data is merely updated, often inaccurate or little used. All of the information collected by record searching can be used to cross-check information given by users of the system. This doesn’t imply that user opinion will be inaccurate, but discrepancies can be evaluated and the reasons for them discussed. Where there are a large number of documents, statistical sampling can be used. This will involve sampling randomly or systematically to provide the required quantitative and qualitative information. This can be perfectly satisfactory if the analyst understands the concepts behind statistical sampling, but is a very hazardous exercise for the untrained. One particularly common fallacy is to draw conclusions from a non-representative sample. Extra care should be taken in estimating volumes and data field sizes from the evidence of a sample. For instance, a small sample of cash receipts inspected during a mid-month slack period might indicate an average of 40 per day, with a maximum value of £1500 for any one item. Such a sample used indiscriminately for system design might be disastrous if the real-life situation was that the number of receipts ranged from 20 to 2000 per day depending upon the time in the month, and that, exceptionally, cheques for over £100,000 were received. It is therefore recommended that more than one sample is taken and the results compared to ensure consistency. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 29
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System Analysis Asking Questions and Collecting Data (Document Analysis) “document analysis” is another fact-finding technique which is particularly powerful when used in combination with one or more of the other techniques described. In order to fully understand the purpose of a document and its importance to the business, the analyst must ask questions about how, where, why and when it is used. When investigating the data flowing through a system another useful technique is to collect documents that show how this information is organised. Such documents might include reports, forms, organisation charts or formal lists. In order to fully understand the purpose of a document and its importance to the business, the analyst must ask questions about how, where, why and when it is used. This is called document analysis, and is another fact-finding technique available. It is particularly powerful when used in combination with one or more of the other techniques described in this chapter. In the previous edition of this book we showed a Clerical Document Specification originally prepared by the UK National Computing Centre, and it still serves as a good example of what can be used to help with the process of document analysis. A copy of the form is shown as Figure 8.9. Even if the form cannot be fully completed at the first attempt, it will point to those topics that need further investigation. Sharif University of Technology MIS (Management Information System), Session # 5 30
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