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g A biased view Nuclear Physics Applications Detection techniques ions

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Presentation on theme: "g A biased view Nuclear Physics Applications Detection techniques ions"— Presentation transcript:

1 g A biased view Nuclear Physics Applications Detection techniques ions
Nuclear matter EELS -energy filtered imaging Halo nuclei g Micro dosimetry Environmental radiation Safety analyses

2 Safety analyses of a repository for nuclear waste
Nuclear Physics Safety analyses of a repository for nuclear waste Antonio Pereira, Bruno Mendes, Robert Broed Radiation damage in the biological cell David Liljequist Halo nuclei Katarina Wilhelmsen Rolander, Linda Gerén, Karin Lindh, Per-Erik Tegnér, ChrB

3 Properties of nuclear matter
Nuclear Physics ions Properties of nuclear matter Kjell Fransson Linda Gerén Lennart Holmberg Kalle Lindberg Per-Erik Tegnér Katarina Wilhelmsen Rolander ChrB

4 Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms
Nuclear Physics ions Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms The width and the binding energy of the 1S state give information on the local (s-wave) part of the optical potential, which in turn gives information on pion properties in the nuclear medium.  Partial restoration of chiral symmetry?

5 HOW: d + 136Xe  135Xep + 3He d + n  p- + 3He
Nuclear Physics ions HOW: d + 136Xe  135Xep + 3He d + n  p He Cluster target of xenon 1013 atoms per cm2

6 ZERO-degree spectrometer
Nuclear Physics ions ZERO-degree spectrometer DE  800 keV for 350MeV 3He

7 Nuclear Physics Sampled pulses ions E v B 15 mm

8 Detector elements made in Jülich
Nuclear Physics ions Detector elements made in Jülich 6636 mm2 position sensitive Three arm spectrometer

9 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
Nuclear Physics e- Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Stefan Csillag Susanne Nyquist Esteban Urones Per-Gustaf Åstrand

10 Nuclear Physics e- Single electron detection

11 Nuclear Physics e-

12 Nuclear Physics e-

13 Nuclear Physics e-

14 Nuclear Physics e-

15 Nuclear Physics e-

16 Nuclear Physics e-

17 Environmental gamma radiation
Nuclear Physics g Environmental gamma radiation Jan Blomquist Kjell Fransson David Liljequist Gilberto Batres Pia Nilsson Per-Erik Tegnér ChrB

18 g Environmental in situ gamma spectroscopy Nuclear Physics 0.5 g/cm2

19 CdTe detectors g  Eg=662 keV + - Sampled preamp. pulses (full energy
Nuclear Physics CdTe detectors g Eg=662 keV + - Sampled preamp. pulses (full energy deposited). 2mm For holes: td = 3.6µs  = 2.5µs Pulse-height spectrum

20 g Interaction depth vs. pulse height (after analysis)
Nuclear Physics g Interaction depth vs. pulse height (after analysis) Projection on pulse-height axis. + - Energy spectrum after analysis depth

21 Nuclear Physics g

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