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Who can take tomorrow Dip it in a dream Separate the sorrow and Collect up all the cream the candy man can...

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Presentation on theme: "Who can take tomorrow Dip it in a dream Separate the sorrow and Collect up all the cream the candy man can..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who can take tomorrow Dip it in a dream Separate the sorrow and Collect up all the cream the candy man can...

2 The Public Health Triangle 5% 15% 80%

3 What Hurts? lessons from the medical model

4 The doctor asks before he/she prescribes.. What is wrong – what hurts? What are the symptoms? How long have the symptoms been there? Have you taken anything to try to help? Are you allergic to any medications?


6 I can’t read...

7 Is I dumb?

8 She hurts – no one asked the questions

9 Report of the National Reading Panel (NICHD, 2000) Put Reading First (Partnership for Reading, 2001) Adolescents and Literacy (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2003) Reading Next (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2004) The Research

10 What is 98.6? Alphabetic Principal Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension

11 The DIBELing reading heart beat Grade 1 - 40 wpm Grade 2 - 90 wpm Grade 3 - 110 wpm Grade 4 - 118 wpm Grade 5 - 124 wpm Grade 6 - 125 wpm

12 The Hard Facts Reading level in first grade is a good predictor of high school reading achievement. One out of every four 12 th grade students read below the basic level (NAEP). Proportion of students beyond 3 rd grade who cannot read well enough to participate in grade level work is between 60 and 70 percent (Moats, DC). The rate of adult literacy - reading below 4 th grade level – is 37%, the highest in the nation (Moats, DC).

13 Struggling Readers – the symptoms Reading is labored and unsatisfying Vocabulary is often unfamiliar and not understood Academic book language is difficult to understand Comprehension declines Poor spellers Poor writers Demonstrate weaknesses in phonological processing, word recognition speed and accuracy

14 Last week our teacher said we were going on a field trip to the fish hatchery. She gave us permission letters to take home to be signed by our parents before we could go. (34) _____ when our _____ seen ____ ____ going in a _____ _____to the _____ ______. She _____ ____ ______ slips to _____ home to be ______ by ______ ______ but we can go. (10)


16 Where does it hurt? Our version of the doctor’s questions. What’s wrong (learning/behavior or both)? What are the symptoms? How long has the problem existed? What has been tried? For how long? Be specific Be specific – bring work samples and assessments Check records, etc. Talk with family PRIM, modifications, variety of resources

17 In Jeopardy.... The right questions must be asked or else the contestant loses.

18 Reading Diagnosis DIBELS ( Running Record Vocabulary lists (Dolch) Tape recorded sample HM Theme (Unit Tests) Spelling Assessments Writing samples related to reading responses

19 Reading Prescription for Keesha Listen to tape recorded DOLCH words for ten minutes a day – check progress weekly. Partner with a buddy reader during free reading time. Teach short vowel pattern words using multisensory methods: am, at, ag, ad, etc. Provide notebook for writing pattern words and sentences. Check progress by spelling test and sentence dictation weekly. Next scheduled SST meeting: 4 weeks

20 Your turn.... Think of a Red Folder student at your school. What type of information would the SST team want to see/need to see to help identify the symptoms of the problem? What questions would the SST team ask? What prescription (ABIS) would the SST team write for this student? How would the team support the teacher with implementation? How would the team check to make sure that the prescription is working?

21 Who can help the children Give them true concern Find a way to close the gap and Teach them how to learn the sst can...

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