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International Emergency Management & Disaster Risk Reduction Hyogo Framework For Action 2005-2015: What’s next? Agenda Summary of HFA 2005-2015 What parts.

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Presentation on theme: "International Emergency Management & Disaster Risk Reduction Hyogo Framework For Action 2005-2015: What’s next? Agenda Summary of HFA 2005-2015 What parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Emergency Management & Disaster Risk Reduction Hyogo Framework For Action : What’s next? Agenda Summary of HFA What parts of “Resiliency” can we measure? What are the top five functional areas required for building your community sustainably? Blending mitigation and recovery Black Swan Disasters: Low Probability with High Impact Hyogo Framework for Action II: What is needed?

2 Hyogo Framework for Action II 2015-2025
UNISDR sponsored Sendai, Japan. March 15-21 Worldwide gathering to determine the direction of the Hyogo Framework for Action version II; A call to action to address Disaster Risk Reduction and emergency Management at the local levels. A critical look at the issues (pros and cons) facing local communities and governments as climate change impacts vulnerable populations and global economies at escalating rates.

3 The United Nations General Assembly Resolution for 2013 on International Strategy for Disaster Reduction has these objectives To complete assessment and review of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; To consider the experience gained through the regional and national strategies/institutions and plans for disaster risk reduction and their recommendations as well as relevant regional agreements within the implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action; To adopt a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction; To identify modalities of cooperation based on commitments to implement a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction; To determine modalities to periodically review the implementation of a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction.

4 Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015
The ASEAN Agreement for Disaster Management and Response (AADMER) affirms ASEAN’s commitment to the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA) and is the first legally-binding HFA-related instrument in the world. (2010) Recognizing regional cooperation requirement and mutual aid benefits Building partnerships regionally and at the local levels

5 How did HFA define and measure Resiliency? (UNISDR)
Five Specific “Gaps and Challenges” were identified Governance: organizational, legal, and policy frameworks Risk identification, assessment, monitoring, and early warning Knowledge management and education Reducing underlying risk factors Preparedness for effective response and recovery

6 Global Network of Civil Society Organizations (2007)
Addressing and measuring the “Gaps” was to be a national priority in support of the 8 UN Millennium Development goals. National legislation and policy; Small $$$$ A consortium of 450 Civil Society organizations conducted data collection activities in 2009, 2011, and Independent monitoring. Found no baseline measurement for HFA Persistent gaps and trends in strengthening community resiliency; Continuing gap between national Disaster Risk Reduction policies and local–level practices

7 Five Disaster Trends Fewer people are dying from disasters
More people are affected: 64% of the world’s population in the last 20 years Economic impact grows each year; By 2000 disasters cost over $60 billion a year; climbing Vulnerable populations are disproportionately affected; 65% of deaths in developing countries; Disasters lead to civil conflict Number of disasters increase; climate change, and environmental degradation, better reporting

8 Governance: Selecting and Implementing Priority areas
Where do Communities start? Who decides how limited resources are allocated? What are the criteria the are decisions based on? Are the criteria transparent? On the Next slide select the top five items you think should be selected and implemented in the community you live in:

9 Phases of a Disaster Traditional Way A New Way Mitigation Preparedness
Response Recovery A New Way Building Resiliency Preparedness Response Short Term Recovery Building Sustainable Communities

10 Building Resiliency “Resiliency” and “Sustainable Communities” are new ways of describing the blending of the old disaster phases; Mitigation and Recovery For every dollar spent on Mitigation $10 is saved on Recovery: Katrina broke the rule. Exercised and integrated disaster plans from national to local levels including all stakeholders Exercised Business Continuity Plans for Essential Services Exercised Risk Communication messaging to enable stability and security

11 “The Impact of the Highly Improbable”
Black Swans “Black Swan Disasters” capture what author Nassim Taleb describes in his New York Times Best Seller Black Swan. “The Impact of the Highly Improbable” Had we expected the Indian Ocean Tsunami we never would have had the disaster it caused What other “Black Swan Disasters” can you name in the last ten years? Disasters that had a low probability but a very high impact.

12 Hyogo Framework for Action II View from the Frontline
Recognize the impact of everyday disasters of lives, livelihoods, and assets Prioritize the most at-risk, poorest and marginalized people Tackle the underlying causes of people’s vulnerability to disasters Mobilize political commitment by focusing on rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities Promote partnerships and public participation

13 Presentation References
Toward Resilience, A Guide to Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, M. Turnbull, C. Sterrett, A. Hilleboe. Practical Action Publishing, ISBN Views From the Frontline: Beyond 2015 Global network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction; Hyogo Framework for Action ; Black Swan, N. Taleb, Random House, 2007, ISBN

14 Continued International Disaster Management, Damon Coppola, Elsevier, 2011, ISBN Characteristics of a Disaster-resilient Community, A Guidance Note, John Twigg, Aug 2007, DFID,

15 Exercise; Sample list of DM and DRR activities
Develop disaster scenarios Identify vulnerable populations Identify Emergency management mechanisms and structures Establish Insurance for community businesses & organizations Monitor mitigation plans Update all stakeholders on plan preparedness Evaluate Disaster Risk Reduction plans Pre-position disaster response assets Mark evacuation and routes Test warning sirens monthly Develop Memorandums of Agreement with partners Coordinate a comprehensive recovery plan Protect critical infrastructures Develop Risk communication plan Develop Public communication and awareness training strategy Run a Community-wide Disaster exercise once a year Exercise Business Continuity Plans for all society essential services and report the findings to the public once a year; Water, power, Food, transportation, health, Rule of law, Banking & finance, communication infrastructure,

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