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Lecture 5: Cloud Security: what’s new? Xiaowei Yang (Duke University)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5: Cloud Security: what’s new? Xiaowei Yang (Duke University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5: Cloud Security: what’s new? Xiaowei Yang (Duke University)

2 Recap Exploring information leakage in third- party compute clouds – Placement – Determining co-residence – Inferrence

3 Placement Launching test instances Determining the correlation between instance placement and IP addresses Launching many probe instances in the same availability zone

4 Determining co-residence Traceroute

5 Cross-VM information leakage Load measurement: Prime-Trigger-Probe – B: buffer of size b; s: cache line size 1.Prime: Read B at s-offset 2.Trigger: busy-loop until swapped out 3.Probe: measure the time it takes to read B again at s-offset – If it takes long  – If it does not take long 

6 Load-based co-residence detection Send http requests to a target VM Do load measurement – High  – Low 

7 Which one(s) shows co-resident?

8 Estimating traffic rates High traffic rates  high load

9 Keystroke timing attack Hypothesis – On an idle machine, High load spike  keystroke input Timing between high load spikes  timing between keystrokes Timing between keystrokes  infers password

10 Summary Co-residence  information leak Defending against it is hard


12 Overview New threats New research opportunities

13 New threats A more reliable alternative to botnets – If cloud computing is cheaper and more reliable than botnets, use cloud Brute-forcer Resource sharing and interference – Placement, inferrence Reputation fate sharing – Spammers block other legitimate services – An FBI raid

14 Novel elements Protecting data and software is not enough  Activity pattern needs protection as well Reputation attribution A longer trust chain Competitiveness business may co-locate

15 Is mutual auditability a solution? Provider audits customer’s activities Customer audits what a provider provides  enables attribution of blame

16 New opportunities Cloud providers should offer a choice of security primitives – Granularity of virtualizations Physical machines, LANS, clouds, or datacenters Mutual auditability – Provider audits customer’s activities – Customer audits what a provider provides –  enables attribution of blame Studying cloud security vulnerabilities

17 Next Discovering VM dependencies using CPU utilization – Question to ponder: can this technique be used a security attack?

18 Interesting techniques Inference technique – Auto-regressive modeling: use past samples to predict future values – Compute distances of AR models Models with similar coefficients are closer – K-mean clustering Perturbation to improve inference accuracy

19 Security attacks Achieving co-residence Do load measurements Figure out service correlations DoS all related services

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