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Data Management for the SSH, what is SO specific about the SSH? Daan Broeder, MPG-PL.

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1 Data Management for the SSH, what is SO specific about the SSH? Daan Broeder, MPG-PL

2 Background for this question ESFRI cluster projects as DASISH are partly meant meant to investigate: – Do the SSH have common requirements for infrastructure services? – Are there scale advantages by sharing? – Can we profit from common negotiations with service providers? Probably yes … but are the SSH the most optimal group for this?

3 Data Management Specificity Overview SubjectSSH specificMore broad Note Access & security policiesXHuman subject privacy issues + medical AAI infraXOnly systems with moderate levels of security investigated e.g. FIM PIDsX Metadata based resource discovery (Interdisciplinary catalogue) Xbut search facet set dependent on community or purpose Metadata schema & vocabulariesXMore restricted discipline specific AND broader e.g. DC, DataCite Tool registriesX ?In practice this seems so workflows & web service registriesXTechnology is general SSH need specific UI & terminology use Web-based annotation/linking dataXthe web is a data source for many disciplines

4 Future Need projects for community collaborations of different size and composition and with specific subjects But most data management issues can be provided by general service providers – with limited discipline specific adaptations – should have flexibility/sensitivity (no top down) – get adequate feedback from the communities

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