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Tribal Public Health Analyst / Program Manager

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1 Tribal Public Health Analyst / Program Manager
What’s on the Horizon? Exploring Tribal Health Department Strategic Planning for Public Health Accreditation Keisha Robinson, MPH Tribal Public Health Analyst / Program Manager November 20, 2013

2 Overview Public health accreditation and tribal public health systems
Strategic planning and accreditation Tribal Health Departments (THDs) strategic planning process Group activities Questions and answers

3 Tribal Public Health Systems
Community Health Tribal Government Tribal Health Dept. Federal agencies Private Industry Local/ State Health Dept. Tribal Colleges Community ITCs/Tribal EpiCenters Multiple stakeholders who work in partnership to assure conditions in which people can be healthy.

4 Tribal Public Health Infrastructure
Community Health Tribal Gov Tribal Health Dept/Clinic Federal agencies Private Industry Local/ State Health Depart Tribal Colleges Community ITC’s/Epi Centers

5 What is Public Health Accreditation
Measurement of Tribal, state and local health department performance against a set of national standards Issuance of recognition of achievement within a specified period of time by a nationally recognized entity Supports continuous quality improvement in public health performance

6 PHAB Standards and Measures v1.0
Based on the public health functions set forth in the 10 Essential Public Health Services and Core Functions ( 12 Domains Each domain has a set of standards and measures Required documentation for each measure

7 Benefits and Opportunities
Strengthen self-determination High performance and quality improvement Strengthen leadership and employee performance Build stronger partnerships and increase communication and collaboration Recognition, validation and accountability Potential increased access to resources It’s about communities

8 Accreditation Prerequisites
Community Health Assessment Community Health Improvement Plan Department Strategic Plan

9 What is a Department Strategic Plan?
Process for defining and determining an organization's roles, priorities, and direction over three to five years Sets forth what an organization plans to achieve, how it will achieve it, and how it will know Guide for allocating resources and pursuing priorities

10 Department Strategic Plan for THDs Pursuing Accreditation
Focus on the entire health department Program-specific strategic plans may complement and support the department strategic plan Links to the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Domain 5, Standard 5.3

11 Strategic Planning Resource
Developing a Tribal Health Department Strategic Plan: A How-To Guide Adapted from National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) resources for local health departments Capacity-building resource for THD interested in conducting a strategic planning process and creating a strategic plan that meets PHAB requirements

12 Strategic Planning Guide Organization
Module I: Introduction to Strategic Planning for Tribal Health Departments Module II: Prepare for the Strategic Planning Process Module III: Conduct Strategic Planning Module IV: Implement, Monitor and Evaluate the Strategic Plan

13 Strategic Planning Process
Strategic planning frameworks typically consists the following: Prepare for Strategic Planning Conduct Strategic Planning Implement, Monitor and Evaluate Progress Each phase involves multiple steps

14 Prepare for Strategic Planning

15 Prepare for Strategic Planning
Lay the Groundwork Is the THD ready to move forward? Who will be on the planning committee? Who are the stakeholders and how to engage? What information is available to inform the plan? What will be the overall approach and timeline?

16 Prepare for Strategic Planning
Compile Relevant Information THD staff identifies and collects the information available to inform the strategic planning process Recommendations and Considerations Must have a commitment from the leadership You can’t “go it alone” Get past the past and rebuild old bridges Try not to recreate the wheel

17 Environmental Scan The collection, analysis and evaluation of information and data about the internal and external factors that affect an organization Identify and compile relevant and available data and information Determine the value of available data Collect additional data and information as needed Summarize data and information for future analysis

18 Using CHA and Self-Study Results for Strategic Planning
The CHA provides information about health status and community priorities Use self-study results to understand How the THD operates The issues facing the community the THD serves Provides illustration of strengths and areas for improvement

19 Recommendations and Considerations
Must have a commitment from the leadership You can’t “go it alone” Get past the past; rebuild old bridges Try not to recreate the wheel

20 Conduct Strategic Planning

21 Conduct Strategic Planning
Facilitate the development of Vision, Mission, and Values with stakeholder engagement Mission: Tells what the organization’s purpose is now Explains what the organization does and why Should guide overall organizational direction

22 Conduct Strategic Planning
Vision: Futuristic view regarding the ideal state or conditions that the organization aspires to change or create Values: Principles, beliefs, and underlying assumptions that guide the organization

23 Values Accountability Quality Collaboration Respect Community
Responsibility Dependability Self-determination Effectiveness Sovereignty Efficiency Timeliness Excellence Traditions Innovativeness Wellness Integrity Wisdom

24 Conduct Strategic Planning
Analyze the data and information Complete a strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats (SWOT) Analysis Identify crosscutting themes, emerging issues, and assets Internal s/o Resources to do the job Adequate knowledge and skill Organizational culture Communication, processes, and organizational structure Training, staff qualifications and skills Timeline to complete the project, Authority around decision-making External Economic trends Competition Technology Resources Governmental regulations Stakeholders Funding sources

25 Internal Considerations (Strengths and Weaknesses)
Resources to do the job Adequate knowledge and skill Organizational culture Communication, processes, and organizational structure Training, staff qualifications and skills Timeline to complete the project, Authority around decision-making

26 External Considerations (Opportunities and Threats)
Economic trends Competition Technology Resources Governmental regulations Stakeholders Funding sources

27 Conduct Strategic Planning
Engaging stakeholders in defining and framing strategic issues that emerge from the environmental scan and SWOT analysis Prioritize a select a manageable number of strategic issues to be included in the plan Create a Strategic Planning Document with goals, objectives and targets

28 Recommendations and Considerations
The list of strategic issues may be unrealistic for a THD to address in a three to five year period Common prioritization techniques include: Multi-voting Technique Strategy Grids Nominal Group Technique The Hanlon Method Prioritization Matrix

29 Recommendations and Considerations
Reach consensus on strategic priorities Many Tribes use consensus to make decisions that impact the community Demonstrates unity in decision making and reinforces the principles of engagement Does not mean that everyone is in complete agreement, but that most can give their support for the greater good of the community

30 Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate

31 Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Progress
After adopting the plan, put it into action Some organizations develop an implementation plan that outlines how staff will implement the strategic plan in day-to-day work Establish a process to monitor and evaluate the plan How is the strategic plan integrated into the health department’s daily practice?

32 Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Progress
When monitoring the plan, look for quality improvement opportunities Remember: The Strategic Plan is intended to create change in an organization Regularly communicate the results of strategic plan progress Revise and update the plan as needed

33 Recommendations and Considerations
The strategic planning process does not end with developing a plan – it must be implemented Are we doing what we set out to do? Share the findings Internally with staff, leadership and advisory committees Key external stakeholders part of the public health system

34 Activity 1 Articulating Values and Reaching Consensus
Different than majority voting End result is that the group finds the decision acceptable, even if they have other individual preferences

35 Activity 1 – Report Out Did the group reach consensus through only discussion? How did the group finalize the decision? Did everyone participate? Was there cooperation throughout the process? How did you feel at the end of the discussion? Did you feel your input was heard?

36 Selecting Strategic Priorities using Three-Round Multi-Voting*
Activity 2 Selecting Strategic Priorities using Three-Round Multi-Voting* Scenario: A group of program managers convent to select top strategic priorities for the THD Strategic Plan Round 1 – Vote as many times as you like and update Round 2 – Vote up to 3 times and update Round 3 – Vote up to 2 times and determine results *NAACHO – Guide to Prioritization Techniques

37 Activity 2 – Report Out Overall, how did your group do?
How many priorities made it to Round 3? Was everyone happy with the selections? How did you feel if your main strategic priorities did not make the final cut?

38 Resource Developing a Tribal Health Department Strategic Plan: A How-To Guide Available at: Red Star Innovations NACCHOhttp://

39 Questions and Answers

40 Contact Information Keisha Robinson, MPH Tribal Health Program Manager/Data Analyst Red Star Innovations Website:

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