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Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY.

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Presentation on theme: "Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice Vocabulary and your MEMORY

2 Animals Task 1: You have one minute. Look at the pictures of animals carefully. Try to remember all of them.

3 Animals

4 Animals Task 2: Look at the pictures again. One animal is missing. Can you quess which one?

5 Animals

6 Animals Task 3: Do you remember all animals in the picture? Can you name them?

7 Match the pictures bellow with the correct expression:
a penguin a spider a butterfly a hippo a snake an elephant a zebra a giraffe a rhino a lion a tiger a monkey a bear a leopard a crocodile

8 Animals Translate the following questions: 1. Žijí sloni v Africe?
2. Létají tučňáci? 3. Je tygr savec? 4. Jí krokodýl maso nebo rostliny? 5. Nenávidíš pavouky? 6. Znáš nějaké nebezpečné hady? 7. Jsou lidé podobní opicím? 8. Spí motýli? 9. Co dělají medvědi v zimě? 10. Je leopard rychlejší než lev?

9 Animals Solution: 1. Do elephants live in Africa? 2. Do penguins fly?
3. Is tyger a mammal? 4. Does crocodile eat meat or plants? 5. Do you hate spiders? 6. Do you know any dangerous snakes? 7. Are people similar to monkeys? 8. Do butterflies sleep? 9. What do bears do in winter? 10. Is leopard faster than a lion?

10 Resources: Butterfly.jpg, , 18:09, Crocodile.jpg, , 18:13, Elephant.jpg, , 18:17, Giraffe.jpg, , 18:19, Hippo.jpg, , 18:25, Rhino.jpg, , 18:28, Monkey.jpg, , 18:31, Tiger.jpg, , 18:38, Lion.jpg, , 18:42, Bear.jpg, 5.11,.2012, 18:44, Zebra.jpg, , 18:49, Penguin.jpg, , 18:53, Snake.jpg, , 18:56, Spider.jpg, , 19:00, Leopard.jpg, , 19:03,

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