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Interviewing & Networking for Dummies Created and presented by: Maggie Yang RCSA Professional Development Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Interviewing & Networking for Dummies Created and presented by: Maggie Yang RCSA Professional Development Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interviewing & Networking for Dummies Created and presented by: Maggie Yang RCSA Professional Development Committee

2 Imagine You have been called into an interview for an internship that you have dreamed about for years…and you don’t have a clue what to say.

3 Step One: Research Know the Company  Talk about the company’s interests and how they match yours  Research the company’s past achievements and future plans  Emphasize that you know what you are talking about Know Yourself  “I've been surprised when applicants weren't able to tell me their dates of employment or what they actually did on a day-to-day basis at their job.” - Recruiter  Review your work history - and make sure what you say matches what's on your resume

4 Step Two: Rehearse  Compile a list of commonly asked interview questions  Don’t memorize answers; prepare stories  Practice in front of a mirror  Next, have a friend conduct a mock interview

5 Step Three: Review – The Check-List Often specified If not, business casual is safe Notebook* Potential questions to ask your employer* Resume List of references Cover letter

6 Step Four: Relaxed and Ready

7 Interview Etiquette Do not chew gum or drink coffee Do not talk, text, tweet, ping, bing Speak clearly If you can’t think of a response, take a deep breath, think, and then answer Be attentive Answer the correct question!

8 Behavioral Interviews

9 Answering Questions  Answer honestly, but not brainlessly IE: “What is your weakness?” Don’t: I am lazy and careless, but on the bright side, I am a good procrastinator! Don’t: My only weakness is that I give too much to my job. This is a tricky question. Spin your story so that your weakness is not crippling. Avoid the cliché answers though.  Remember you are talking to a potential employer IE: What did you like least about your previous position?” Don’t: "I hated the job and the company. They were awful to work for.” It's important not to badmouth the companies or people you worked for, because you don't know what relationships they may have with the company interviewing you. More importantly, they want to know that you won’t do the same to their company in another interview. For more counter examples: interview-answers.htm

10 A uniquely terrifying experience Networking

11 Networking = Dating DON’T BE DESPERATE

12 Pre-Networking

13 At the Event

14 Following Up -Friendly email within 12-24 hours -Include a thank you, a memorable moment; interest in future contact -Don’t be overly pushy -Add on LinkedIn -Keep the connection going past the initial email (non- awkward – every 6 months)

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