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Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Onno W. Purbo

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Onno W. Purbo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Onno W. Purbo

2 Outline Beberapa Definisi Beberapa Konfigurasi Interkoneksi SNA- TCP/IP Beberapa Contoh Barang

3 Beberapa Definisi

4 SNA Related Definition

5 System Network Architecture (SNA)





10 Virtual Telecommunication Access Method (VTAM)


12 Synchronous Data Link Controller (SDLC)


14 TCP/IP Related Definition



17 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)


19 InterNet Protocol (IP)


21 Interkoneksi SNA-TCP/IP

22 Why? (Dari BusTech) In today's corporate world, information, in the form of data is located across the entire enterprise, from desktop to mainframe. The need to share this information in a distributed heterogeneous environment is crucial to the success of the mission critical-business applications. In this environment, the rich data content of the mainframe, which commonly stores 70% of corporate America's data, plays an ever-increasing roll. The protocol of choice to achieve this interoperability is TCP/IP.

23 Why? … continue.. Mainframe based TCP/IP protocol stacks have become common place. Approximately 65% of installed mainframes support TCP/IP, in one form or another. Mainframe based TCP/IP has two primary uses, access to legacy data and file transfer. In a typical implementation, access to legacy data is accomplished via a telnet service called TN3270E. In effect, TN3270E is a standard 3270 screen protocol within the headers and trailers that make up the telnet packet.

24 Traditional SNA Network

25 Emulate Terminal & Hardware Emulation sessions replaced dedicated terminal and printer hardware, but still relied on an SNA LAN and WAN. Remote offices were connected to the mainframe via SDLC-attached remote controllers.


27 Typical TCP/IP WAN Typically, an SNA WAN consists of remote controllers connected over source route bridges or SDLC leased lines. The SNA WAN is generally not integrated with the routed TCP/IP WAN.


29 Use Mainframe TCP/IP Stack The mainframe TCP/IP stack allows for the creation of a TCP/IP-only LAN and WAN.


31 Cost Consideration the cost of the new gateways the cost of re-engineering the cost of upgrading the cost of retraining

32 Channel Connected Solutions IBM Channel Connections IBM Channel-Attached Control Units SNA Gateway The PCI Bus

33 Microsoft SNA Server Flexible Network Administration Full SNA Application Support SNA Server is a flexible LAN-to-SNA gateway that provides SNA communications for LAN- based services and multiple platform PC workstations running a variety of network protocols. SNA Server employs a client/server architecture that is tightly integrated with, and leverages the strengths of, Windows NT Server.

34 Microsoft SNA Server SNA Server can be configured as an IBM PU 2.0, PU 2.1, APPN® LEN node, and can support multiple DSPU devices. LU services provided are LU 0, 1, 2, 3, and LU 6.2. SNA API support is comprehensive, including APPC, CPI-C, CSV, LUA/RUI, LUA/SLI, and EHNAPPC. SNA Server supports direct TN3270 access to host applications through a Windows NT Server-based TN3270 service.


36 Increased LAN Protocol Choice

37 SNA Server SNA Server offers flexibility and greater choice. Platform for Growth Extra Layer of Security


39 Branch-Based Deployment Model Remote SNA Servers connect to the host via SDLC or LLC.


41 Centralized deployment model Channel-attached SNA Servers provide support for TCP/IP clients.


43 Distributed deployment Remote SNA Servers connect via TCP/IP to central site SNA Servers, sharing the channel-attached host links.


45 Contoh Barang NetShuttle Enterprise Express Adapter

46 NetShuttle





51 Enterprise Express Adapter


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