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ENVIRONMENTAL MESSGES. This presentation is not aimed at telling you how your stories should be written; instead, it is a summary of what has worked for.

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Presentation on theme: "ENVIRONMENTAL MESSGES. This presentation is not aimed at telling you how your stories should be written; instead, it is a summary of what has worked for."— Presentation transcript:


2 This presentation is not aimed at telling you how your stories should be written; instead, it is a summary of what has worked for me and hopefully there may be something here that strikes a cord for you. IAN MICHLER ©September 2014

3 The Challenges Challenge 1: to get a simple message across by Exposing the issues or raising awareness Reducing ignorance levels Countering misinformation Giving context to debates

4 However, we have more information today than ever before - and easier to access - much of this is due to the press. So, Challenge 2: even when the facts are laid out, they seem unable to persuade humanity to translate awareness into fundamental change as the vast majority of us have yet to alter the way we live

5 What are we up against? An education system that does not promote environmental concerns as a priority Editors and journalists that avoid the significant issues – they focus on producing a succession of trivial content Corporate and political vested interests

6 The Reader Who are you writing for? Governments & decision-makers: they listen to science, statistics and official reports Scientific community: they listen to themselves & other peer-reviewed work General reader: wants to read about something that relates to them – what does this have to do with me?

7 Content When choosing your story: Breaking news is not always best Who are the vested interests? Focus on essence of the story (angle) up front - and cut out the ‘background noise’ Bring home the immediacy

8 Pay attention to detail by doing your homework Don’t take any statement for granted Less is more – story, content and sentences Be bold, very bold

9 Do’s Stay on the story and look for variations as it all unfolds Continue to question yourself - motivations Write to inspire and get people involved by being resourceful and imaginative Make the connection for people

10 Question the values that underpin behaviour or attitudes – this brings in emotion Try and link to those that are already converted/doing/have changed: 40% of your city already involved in recycling vs 60% do not Avoid complicated scientific explanations if you can (refer to the links) Make use of social media and internet Use powerful images if you can



13 Don’t If possible, don’t target individuals: speak about what happens and let readers draw the links Don’t write for a journal that has a weak editor Don’t compromise yourself

14 Don’t forget to include a positive slant or facts if they can be part of the story Don’t get bored, but don’t write for yourself – this is not about you! Don’t submit immediately Don’t allow yourself to get lonely

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