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Click to Edit Master Title Style Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s Core Mindfulness Skills to Resolve Conflict I NAMI National Convention September.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to Edit Master Title Style Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s Core Mindfulness Skills to Resolve Conflict I NAMI National Convention September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to Edit Master Title Style Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s Core Mindfulness Skills to Resolve Conflict I NAMI National Convention September 4, 2014 Shari Manning, Ph.D. Treatment Implementation Collaborative

2 Click to Edit Master Title Style Following this workshop, you will be able to: Explain the 6 core mindfulness skills (observe, describe, participate, non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively). Demonstrate how to observe and describe your experiences to yourself and others. Address interpersonal issues using the core mindfulness skills. Objectives for Workshop © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

3 Click to Edit Master Title Style To know your own emotions/thoughts/actions To understand others’ emotions/thoughts/actions in a factual way To decrease interpersonal conflicts Why Mindfulness Skills? © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

4 Click to Edit Master Title Style Used to accurately gather information No words/descriptors Put your attention on something internally or externally Use your senses Step 1: Observe © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

5 Click to Edit Master Title Style You cannot describe what you did not observe Don’t add to it Don’t interpret, infer or assume Use phrases like: – The thought... – The emotion... – The physical sensation... – The urge... – I noticed you... Step 2: Describe what you observed © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

6 Click to Edit Master Title Style Fully and completely engage with the other person Before asking for something different, participate by validating Be willing to give to get Don’t attack or threaten Continue to stop and go back to observing and describing Step 3: Participate © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

7 Click to Edit Master Title Style Validation decreases emotional arousal Communicates compassion and understanding Makes problem solving easier Validation: Finding SOME wisdom/truth © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

8 Click to Edit Master Title Style 1. Stay awake (disengage from judgmental thoughts) 2. Accurate reflection (make sure they know you understand what they are saying/doing) 3. Stating the unarticulated (make sure you are accurate) 4. Personal history or biology 5. Normalizing (when it is) 6. Radical genuineness (verbal or manner) Use Linehan’s Six Levels of Validation © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

9 Click to Edit Master Title StyleThe Validation Thermometer © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014 Pay attention to your loved one’s emotion When emotion goes up, increase validation When your emotion goes up, increase validation

10 Click to Edit Master Title Style Don’t tell your loved one to calm down Don’t tell your loved one what she is feeling Don’t tell your loved one to feel differently Don’t try to solve the problem before you have a clear picture of it and are sure your loved one wants your help What Not to Do When Validating © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

11 Click to Edit Master Title Style Observe and describe your emotion Breathe Half-smile Avoid the situation (if possible) until you are more regulated Validate yourself Find compassion for your loved one and yourself Regulate Your Own Emotion © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

12 Click to Edit Master Title Style Be nonjudgmental – Use factual language – Stay away from extreme language – Use “I” statements (emotions, preferences, values) Be one-mindful – Don’t bring up the past – Don’t threaten the future Be effective – Be willing to give to get – Stay away from “the principle” Step 4: “The How Skills” © Treatment Implementation Collaborative, LLC 2014

13 Click to Edit Master Title Style For more information contact: Shari Manning, Ph.D Treatment Implementation Collaborative (803) 932 2491, (803) 479-4545

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