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The Discovery Program is a District approved teaching tool to help students to learn positive and cooperative behaviors. Several parts of the program will.

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Presentation on theme: "The Discovery Program is a District approved teaching tool to help students to learn positive and cooperative behaviors. Several parts of the program will."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Discovery Program is a District approved teaching tool to help students to learn positive and cooperative behaviors. Several parts of the program will be utilized throughout the high school: Attending Skills, The Six P’s, and Tribal Rules with Group and Team Skills. Discovery Program

2 Attending skills

3 Being in the Moment Actively engaged (focused and listening )in lessons, discussions, and meetings. Minds are not wandering to what is for lunch or what to do when they get home Any problems or issues are “left at the door” so that students can concentrate solely on the subject being discussed. If there is a serious problem, let me know early before class begins

4 Appropriate Body Language (or Listening Positions) Posture is very important to attention and listening skills. Five points to Listening Positions: 1) Sit up straight – feet on the floor under the desk, chair pulled in, and all four feet of the chair touching the floor 2) Empty Hands on Desk 3) Eyes on the Speaker – student speaker or teacher 4) Remain quiet 5) Actively listen

5 Appropriate Eye Contact Eye to eye, or, in the very least, eye to face or lips when not writing notes Eye contact is important in communication Not “staring down,” rolling eyes, laying your head down, or looking around.

6 Appropriate Feedback Responses are on-topic, genuine, authentic, and students best effort! Raise your hands Never yell out responses, especially if someone else is talking

7 Questions to Clarify or Validate The questions should be a specific inquiry It is the student’s responsibility to state when they are unclear about a topic

8 The Six P’s

9 Prompt – Arrive to class on-time – sit silently, working on the opener while attendance is taken (students should be in class before the bell, but not necessarily in seats) Return to class from library, restroom, etc. in a timely manner Transition quickly from one activity to the next Turn work in on-time

10 Prepared – Come to school ready to learn. Paper, sharpened pencil, pen -blue or black- and binder on desk (always have agenda on hand) Homework completed and ready to turn in Prepare your bodies with proper sleep, hygiene, and food (remember/respect class rules concerning food).

11 Polite – Treat all students and staff respectfully (respect others’ opinions – realize your actions effect others) Polite words include “Please”, “Thank you,” “Excuse me,” “I’m sorry,” and “Pardon me.” (the Golden Rule) It also includes calling others by their proper name Raising your hand and waiting to be called upon (don’t talk over others) Bullying, gossip, and any other dehumanizing or demoralizing behavior will not be tolerated (don’t snap at others, don’t talk about others, no hurtful words, don’t be a hater, respect others’ belongings)

12 Positive Mental Attitude – Maintain a positive attitude in class. (No complaining, whining, or groaning about work and be positive about the work you do - Say “I can do this”– give positive feedback – don’t be a grouch –Don’t make others suffer because you’re in a bad mood) Every attempt should be made to leave issues and problems at the door and walk into class committed to trying your best (try to smile and have a high self esteem) If something you can’t just leave at the door has happened, let me know and we’ll work something out

13 Participate – Actively participate in classroom discussions with relevant talk as well as with partner or group work (stand up and voice your opinion – give feedback during discussions – volunteer) Always try your best/be alert and actively engaged in your classroom community (always work with and be active with your groups – listen to and follow directions – Listen to others when they are speaking) No Sleeping!!!! ????? ask questions (if you don’t understand, ask)

14 Produce – Complete, on your own, and turn in all assignments (in class and homework – be able to give a relevant opinion of what is being discussed) You will be expected to always turn in your best product (try your best – you won’t always be right, but at least try – don’t just slop stuff down, try your best)

15 Tribal Rules

16 Tribal rules Desks Touch Introduce Self Use Names Attending Skills maintained in group Wah Space – Don’t interfere with other groups – Your group should maintain it’s own “bubble”

17 Group or Team Skills – Negotiating Listening Having Empathy Having Tolerance Persevering Maintaining a Work Ethic Understanding Group Dynamics

18 Sample Script Teacher: JT, how are your attending skills? Student: Not good Teacher: Can you fix it? Student: Yes Teacher : Thank you that’s 1 If they say good, the teacher will respond, “ I disagree. May I speak with you in the hall please.”

19 Script and Redirect Rules 4 Redirects total 3 rd redirect = hallway conference During the conference, the rest of the class should stay on task/talk very quietly 4 th redirect = problem solving with administration/CEO Tardy to class = tardy write-up and 1 redirect Phones used inappropriately = phone taken/sent to office and 1 redirect Cussing/insubordination toward teacher or student is outside of the redirect system and = discipline referral/sent to office

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