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Study Turkish © 2010 Study Turkish The suffix -lık.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Turkish © 2010 Study Turkish The suffix -lık."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Turkish © 2010 Study Turkish The suffix -lık

2 The derivative suffix -lık eki -lık ( - lık, -lik, -luk, - lük is added to the nouns and adjectives to create abstaract nouns. Last vowelSuffix a / ı - lIk e / i - lik o / u- luk ö / ü- lük Last vowelSuffix a / ı - lIk e / i - lik o / u- luk ö / ü- lük

3 Evli çiftler (married couples Evlilik (marriage)

4 Güzel kız ( beautiful girl) Güzellik (beauty)


6 The suffix – lık is also used to create names of objects. Örnekler ( The examples)

7 Göz

8 Gözlük

9 Kulak

10 kulaklık

11 Tuz

12 Tuzluk

13 -lık is used to create adjectives, as well. Örnekler ( The examples)

14 Gün ( A day) Günlük gazete (daily newspaper)

15 Yaz ( summer) Yazlık ev

16 Add the one of the form of the suffix – lık Kitap Ba ş Genç insan Çocuk karde ş

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