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Vote for Singapore’s National Butterfly

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1 Vote for Singapore’s National Butterfly
An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore Ours to Cherish, Ours to Protect An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore


3 Vote for Singapore’s National Butterfly
Voting Dates: 21-Mar to 30-Apr 2015 Voters of the winning entry are automatically entered into lucky draw! Get updates from

4 will be launched on 21-Mar 2015
Voting Website will be launched on 21-Mar 2015

5 Facebook page launched on 8-Mar 2015 As of 9-Mar 2:30pm

6 What ..will happen if Singapore continues to lose more of its butterfly species? We will have fewer butterflies to admire and enjoy in our gardens, parks and especially forests where most of them live The reproduction of our trees and shrubs will be affected as butterflies help in pollinating flowers and therefore in the production of seeds Our biodiversity ( the total range of life forms including plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects) will be reduced As butterflies and their caterpillars form part of nature’s food chain, both wildlife and the well-being of our environment will suffer

7 Who All Singaporeans and Permanent Residents
Each person is entitled to one vote Only one butterfly is to be chosen from the nomination list

8 Why to select a National Butterfly for Singapore?
By selecting a National Butterfly for Singapore, it underlines our recognition and appreciation of the part which butterflies play towards the well-being of our environment It will serve as a voice too for other lesser-studied but environmentally-important insects such as bees and beetles that share the same habitats

9 Singapore Butterflies
Majority live in forests Past Present

10 Singapore Butterflies

11 FACTS Just over 310 existing species, 290 resident 100 extinct
Threatened – 20 critically endangered 6 endangered 19 vulnerable

12 Butterfly Families in Singapore
310 species now. ~290 resident. ~100 extinct. 45 threatened Papilionidae (Swallowtails) Pieridae (Whites & Sulphurs) Nymphalidae (Brush footed Butterflies) Add: How many in each family? Lycaenidae (Blues, Coppers & Hairstreaks) Riodinidae (Metalmarks) Hesperidae (Skippers and flats)

13 Butterfly Habitats Forests/Nature Reserves Parks/Gardens/Wastelands
Mangrove/Coastal Urban

14 Forests/Nature Reserves

15 Mangrove/Coastal

16 Parks/Gardens/Wastelands

17 Urban

18 Butterflies by habitats and rarity

19 Who should qualify as national butterfly?
You decide!

20 Selection Criteria Beauty Size Life status Endemism or Uniqueness Reflection of the spirit of the nation

21 The Nominees

22 Painted Jezebel Delias hyparete metarete
Medium-size Brightly coloured Most habitats High flyer Adaptable Resilient

23 Painted Jezebel

24 Common Birdwing Troides helena cerberus
Female largest butterfly Threatened status Highly sought after – CITES High flier

25 Common Birdwing

26 Common Rose Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris
Threatened status Stunning red and white Reminiscent of national flag

27 Common Rose

28 Knight Lebadea martha parkeri
Medium-size Forest denizen Subspecies unique to Singapore Resilient

29 Knight

30 Common Tiger Danaus genutia genutia
Medium-size Tiger striped wings Local version of Monarch Mangrove and coastal Adapt well to parks and gardens

31 Common Tiger

32 Common Tree Nymph Idea stolli logani
Large Graceful and majestic Forest denizen

33 Acknowledgements Project by: Supported by:
An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore

34 Vote for Singapore’s National Butterfly
An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore Ours to Cherish, Ours to Protect Q & A An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore

35 Vote for Singapore’s National Butterfly
An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore Ours to Cherish, Ours to Protect Thank You! An ICON for Butterflies of Singapore

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