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中國信託 → We are family. I bet that everyone remember the melody of this slogan. China Trust tries to build an image that they care and love their client,

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Presentation on theme: "中國信託 → We are family. I bet that everyone remember the melody of this slogan. China Trust tries to build an image that they care and love their client,"— Presentation transcript:

1 中國信託 → We are family. I bet that everyone remember the melody of this slogan. China Trust tries to build an image that they care and love their client, and they would only do things that good to their client.

2 McDonalds → I ’ m lovin ’ it! It ’ s familiar that it says McDonalds does not sell the food, but they sell happiness. Every commercial of McDonalds has the same trait: Happy. This slogan really works out, because it becomes a symbol of McDonalds. People would think about McDonalds immediately, when they see or hear “ I ’ m Lovin ’ It! ”

3 必勝客 → Pizza Hut, Hot 到家 This slogan uses the similar sounds of “ Hut ” and “ Hot ” to make people be impressed. Also, it emphasize that they could deliver the pizza to you when it still hot.

4 Nissan → Shift your life. It sounds a little bit wired that you life might be shifted once you buy a car. However, this slogan has deep meaning. In my opinion, its meaning is more like that you could change your life in a better way if you buy a car of Nissan.

5 Nokia → 科技始終來自於人性 This slogan is quite interesting. Its original version in English is “ Human Technology ”. However, I ’ m very impressed by the Nokia in Taiwan, because they make it much better. From my point of view, it means that high technology nowadays is all because high human intelligent.

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