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This is a story about Chicken Licken. … and Henny Penny.

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2 This is a story about Chicken Licken.

3 … and Henny Penny.

4 This is a story about Cocky Locky.

5 … and Ducky Lucky

6 This is a story about Goosey Loosey.

7 ….. and Turkey Lurkey.

8 And this is a story about Foxy Loxy.

9 They live on a farm, in a beautiful village next to a forest.


11 One day Chicken Licken is sleeping under a tree.

12 Suddenly an acorn falls on Chicken Licken’s head. “Ouch!!!!!” said Chicken Licken. Ouch !!!

13 Chicken Licken is scared. He looks at the sky and says: “Oh, no! The sky is falling!”

14 Chicken Licken runs to the farm shouting “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”.

15 Henny Penny sees Chicken Licken. “What’s the matter, Chicken Licken?” she asks. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

16 “Oh, no!” says Henny Penny. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! I’m coming with you!” says Henny Penny.

17 The sky is falling! We are going to tell the king!

18 Henny Penny and Chicken Licken find Cocky Locky. “What’s the matter?” asks Cocky Locky. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

19 “Oh, no!” says Cocky Locky. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! I’m coming with you!” says Cocky Locky.

20 The sky is falling! We are going to tell the king!

21 Henny Penny, Chicken Licken and Cocky Locky see Ducky Lucky in the pond. “What’s the matter?” asks Ducky Lucky. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

22 “Oh, no!” says Ducky Lucky. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! I’m coming with you!” says Ducky Lucky.

23 The sky is falling! We are going to tell the king!

24 Henny Penny,Chicken Licken, Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky see Goosey Loosey on the bridge. “What’s the matter?” asks Goosey Loosey. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

25 “Oh, no!” says Goosey Loosey. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! I’m coming with you!” says Goosey Loosey.

26 The sky is falling! We are going to tell the king!

27 Henny Penny,Chicken Licken, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey see Turkey Lurkey in her garden. “What’s the matter?” asks Turkey Lurkey. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

28 “Oh, no!” says Turkey Lurkey. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! I’m coming with you!” says Turkey Lurkey.

29 The sky is falling! We are going to tell the king!

30 Henny Penny,Chicken Licken, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey see a fox sitting in the sun. His name is Foxy Loxy. “What’s the matter?” asks Foxy Loxy. “The sky is falling!” answers Chicken Licken. “I’m so scared!”

31 “Oh, no!” says Foxy Loxy. “What shall we do?” “Let’s tell the king!” says Chicken Licken. “Yes, let’s tell the king! Come with me” says Foxy Loxy.

32 They all walk into a cave. “Is the King here?” asks Chicken Licken. “No!” says Foxy Loxy. “Is this the King’s dining room?” asks Henny Penny. “No, it’s my kitchen and I am going to eat you!” answers Foxy Loxy.

33 Illustrations: Agis Agisilaou Presentation designed by the English Curriculum Development team, Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture

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