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Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Klaus Peters Ruhr Universität Bochum Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Overview Introduction and concepts Dynamical aspects Limitations of the models Technical issues Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
What is the mission ? Particle physics at small distances is well understood One Boson Exchange, Heavy Quark Limits This is not true at large distances Hadronization, Light mesons are barely understood compared to their abundance Understanding interaction/dynamics of light hadrons will improve our knowledge about non-perturbative QCD parameterizations will give a toolkit to analyze heavy quark processes thus an important tools also for precise standard model tests We need Appropriate parameterizations for the multi-particle phase space A translation from the parameterizations to effective degrees of freedom for a deeper understanding of QCD Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Goal For whatever you need the parameterization of the n-Particle phase space It contains the static properties of the unstable (resonant) particles within the decay chain like mass width spin and parities as well as properties of the initial state and some constraints from the experimental setup/measurement The main problem is, you don‘t need just a good description, you need the right one Many solutions may look alike but only one is right Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Initial State Mixing - pp Annihilation in Flight
scattering process: no well defined initial state maximum angular momentum rises with energy Heavy Quark Decays Weak Decays B03π D0KSππ Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Intermediate State Mixing
Many states may contribute to a final state not only ones with well defined (already measured) properties not only expected ones Many mixing parameters are poorly known K-phases SU(3) phases In addition also D/S mixing (b1, a1 decays) Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Introduction & Concepts Introduction and concepts Dynamical aspects Limitations of the models Technical issues Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
n-Particle Phase space, n=3
2 Observables From four vectors 12 Conservation laws -4 Meson masses -3 Free rotation -3 Σ 2 Usual choice Invariant mass m12 Invariant mass m13 Dalitz plot π1 pp π2 π3 Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Phase Space Plot - Dalitz Plot
Q small Q large dN ~ (E1dE1) (E2dE2) (E3dE3)/(E1E2E3) Energy conservation E3 = Etot-E1-E2 Phase space density ρ = dN/dEtot ~ dE1 dE2 Kinetic energies Q=T1+T2+T3 Plot x=(T2-T1)/√3 y=T3-Q/3 Flat, if no dynamics is involved Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
The first plots τ/θ-Puzzle
Dalitz applied it first to KL-decays The former τ/θ puzzle with only a few events goal was to determine spin and parity And he never called them Dalitz plots Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Zemach Formalism Refs Phys Rev 133, B1201 (1964), Phys Rev 140, B97 (1965), Phys Rev 140, B109 (1965) Amplitude M = Σi MI,i MF,i MJP,i MI,i = isospin dependence MF,i = form factors MJP,i = spin-parity factors Tensors (MJP spin-parity factors) 0T = 1 1Ti = ti 2Tij = (3/2)-1/2 [ti tj - (1/3) t2 δij] Formalism Multiply tensors for each angular momentum involved and contract over unobservable indices Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Interference problem PWA The phase space diagram in hadron physics shows a pattern due to interference and spin effects This is the unbiased measurement What has to be determined ? Analogy Optics PWA # lamps # level # slits # resonances positions of slits masses sizes of slits widths bias due to hypothetical spin-parity assumption Optics I(x)=|A1(x)+A2(x)e-iφ|2 Dalitz plot I(m)=|A1(m)+A2(m)e-iφ|2 but only if spins are properly assigned Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
It’s All a Question of Statistics ...
pp ® 3p0 with 100 events Crystal Barrel 3pi0 Plots Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
It’s All a Question of Statistics ... ...
pp ® 3p0 with 100 events 1000 events Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
It’s All a Question of Statistics ... ... ...
pp ® 3p0 with 100 events 1000 events 10000 events Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
It’s All a Question of Statistics ... ... ... ...
pp ® 3p0 with 100 events 1000 events 10000 events events Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Isobar model Go back to Zemach‘s approach M = Σi MI,i MF,i MJP,i MI,i = isospin dependence MF,i = form factors MJP,i = spin-parity factors Generalization construct any many-body system as a tree of subsequent two-body decays the overall process is dominated by two-body processes the two-body systems behave identical in each reaction different initial states may interfere need two-body „spin“-algebra various formalisms need two-body scattering formalism final state interaction, e.g. Breit-Wigner s Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Particle Decays - Revisited
Fourier-Transform of a short lived state wave-function + decay transformed from time to energy spectrum mππ ρ-ω Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
J/ψπ+π-π0 cosθ -1 +1 Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Rotations Single particle states Rotation R Unitary operator U D function represents the rotation in angular momentum space Valid in an inertial system Relativistic state Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
From decays to the helicity amplitude
J®1+2 Basic idea Two state system constructed from two single particle states Amplitude Transition from |JM> to the observed two body system Helicity amplitude is F and gives the strength of the initial system to split up into the helicities λ1 and λ2 Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Properties of the helicity amplitude
Parity LS Scheme Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Example: f2®ππ (Ansatz)
Initial: f2(1270) IG(JPC) = 0+(2++) Final: π0 IG(JPC) = 1-(0-+) Only even angular momenta since ηf=ηπ2(-1)l Total spin s=2sπ=0 Ansatz Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Example: f2®ππ (Rates) Amplitude has to be symmetrized because of the final state particles Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Dynamical Aspects Introduction and concepts Dynamical aspects Limitations of the models Technical issues Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Introduction Search for resonance enhancements is a major tool in meson spectroscopy The Breit-Wigner Formula was derived for a single resonance appearing in a single channel But: Nature is more complicated Resonances decay into several channels Several resonances appear within the same channel Thresholds distorts line-shapes due to available phase space A more general approach is needed for a detailed understanding Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Outline of the Unitarity Approach
The only granted feature of an amplitude is UNITARITY Everything which comes in has to get out again no source and no drain of probability Idea: Model a unitary amplitude Realization: n-Rank Matrix of analytic functions, Tij one row (column) for each decay channel What is a resonance? A pole in the complex energy plane Tij(m) with m being complex Parameterizations: e.g. sum of poles Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Unitarity, cont‘d Goal: Find a reasonable parameterization The parameters are used to model the analytic function to follow the data Only a tool to identify the resonances in the complex energy plane Poles and couplings have not always a direct physical meaning Problem: Freedom and unitarity Find an approach where unitarity is preserved by construction Leave a lot of freedom for further extension Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Some Basics a c Considering two-body processes Scattering amplitude ffi Cross section for a partial wave by integration over Ω Note that TJ has no unit, the unit is carried by qi2 J (spin), M (z-component of J) Conservation of angular momentum preserves J and M s b d Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
S-Matrix and Unitarity
Sfi is the amplitude for an initial state |i> found in the final state |f> An operator K can be defined Caley Transform which is hermitian by construction from time reversal invariance it follows that K is symmetric and commutes with T Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Lorentz Invariance But Lorentz invariance has to be considered introduces phase space factor ρ Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Resonances in K-Matrix Formalism
Resonances are introduced as sum of poles, one pole per resonance expected It is possible to parameterize non-resonant backgrounds by additional unit-less real constants or functions cij Unitarity is still preserved Partial widths are energy dependent Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Blatt-Weisskopf Barrier Factors
The energy dependence is usually parameterized in terms of Hankel-Functions Normalization is done that Fl(q) = 1 at the pole position Main problem is the choice of the scale parameter qR Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Single Resonance In the simple case of only one resonance in a single channel the classical Breit-Wigner is retained Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Overlapping resonances
Sum of Breit-Wigner Sum of K-matrix poles This simple example of resonances at 1270 MeV/c2 and 1565 MeV/c2 illustrate the effect of nearby resonances Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Resonances near threshold
Line-shapes are strongly distorted by thresholds if strong coupling to the opening channel exists unitarity implies cusp in one channel to give room for the other channel Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Production of Resonances: P-Vector
So far only s-channel resonances Generalization for production processes Aitchison approach T is used to propagate the production vector P to the observed amplitude F P contains the same poles as K An arbitrary real function may be added to accommodate for background amplitudes The production vector P has complex strengths βα for each resonance c ? s d Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Coupled channels K-Matrix/P-Vector approach imply coupled channel functionality same intermediate state but different final states Isospin relations (pure hadronic) combine different channels of the same gender, like π+π- and π0π0 (as intermediate states) or combining pp, pn and nn or X0KKπ, Example K* in K+KLπ- JC=0+ I=0 JC=0+ I=1 JC=1- I=0 JC=1- I=1 Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Limitations of the models Introduction and concepts Dynamical aspects Limitations of the models Technical issues Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Limits of the Isobar approach
The isobar model implies s-channel reactions all two-body combinations undergo FSI FSI dominates all amplitudes can be added coherently Failures of the model t-channel exchange Rescattering s Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
t-channel Effects (also u-channel)
They may appear resonant and non-resonant Formally they cannot be used with Isobars But the interaction is among two particles To save the Isobar Ansatz (workaround) they may appear as unphysical poles in K-Matrices or as polynomial of s in K-Matrices background terms in unitary form t Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Rescattering Most severe Problem Example JLab‘s θ+ of neutrons No general solution Specific models needed d ? + n K - p Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Barrier factors Resonant daughters Scales and Formulae formula was derived from a cylindrical potential the scale (197.3 MeV/c) may be different for different processes valid in the vicinity of the pole definition of the breakup-momentum Breakup-momentum may become complex (sub-threshold) set to zero below threshold need <Fl(q)>=∫Fl(q)dBW Fl(q)~ql complex even above threshold meaning of mass and width are mixed up Im(q) threshold Re(q) Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Technical Issues Introduction and concepts Dynamical aspects Limitations of the models Technical issues Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Boundary problem I Most Dalitz plots are symmetric Problem: sharing of events Solution: transform DP Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Boundary Problem II Efficiencies often factorize in mass and angular distribution 2nd Approach Use mass and cosθ Not always applicable Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Fit methods - χ2 vs. Likelihood
small # of independent phase space observables usually not more than 2 High statistics >10k if there are only a few well known resonances >50k for complicated final states with discovery potential e.g. CB found events of the type pp®3π0 -logL more than 2 independent phase space observables low statistics (compared to size of phase space) narrow structures [like Φ(1020)] Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Adaptive binning Finite size effects in a bin of the Dalitz plot limited line shape sensitivity for narrow resonances Entry cut-off for bins of a Dalitz plots χ2 makes no sense for small #entries cut-off usually 10 entries Problems the cut-off method may deplete important regions of the plot to much circumvent this by using a bin-by-bin Poisson-test for these areas alternatively: adaptive Dalitz plots, but one may miss narrow depleted regions, like the f0(980) dip systematic choice-of-binning-errors cut-off Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Background subtraction and/or fitting
Experiments at LEAR did a great job, but backgrounds were low and statistics were extremely high Background was usually not an issue In D(s)-Decays we know this is a severe problem Backgrounds can exceed 50% Approaches Likelihood compensation add logLi of all background events (from sidebands) Background parameterization (added incoherently) combined fit fit to sidebands and fix for Dalitz plot fit Try all to get a feeling on the systematic error Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Finite Resolution Due to resolution or wrong matching: True phase space coordinates of MC events are different from the reconstructed coordinates In principle amplitudes of MC-events have to be calculated at the generated coordinate, not the reconstructed location But they are plotted at the reconstructed location Applies to: Experiments with “bad” resolution (like Asterix) For narrow resonances [like Φ or f1(1285) or f0(980)] Wrongly matched tracks Cures phase-smearing and non-isotropic resolution effects Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Strategy ? Where to start the fit ? Is one more resonance significant ? Where to stop the sophistication/fit ? Indications for a bad solution Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Where to start Problem dependent start with obvious signatures Sometimes a moment-analysis can help to find important contributions best suited if no crossing bands occur D0KSK+K- Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Is one more resonance significant ?
Base your decision on objective bin-by-bin χ2 and χ2/Ndof visual quality is the trend right? is there an imbalance between different regions compatibility with expected DL structure Produce Toy MC for Likelihood Evaluation many sets with full efficiency and Dalitz plot fit each set of events with various amplitude hypotheses calc DL expectation DL expectation is usually not just ½/dof sometimes adding a wrong (not necessary) resonance can lead to values over 100! compare this with data Result: a probability for your hypothesis! Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Where to stop Apart from what was said before Additional hypothetical trees (resonances, mechanisms) do not improve the description considerably Don‘t try to parameterize your data with inconsistent techniques If the model don‘t match, the model might be the problem reiterate with a better model Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Indications for a bad solution
Apart from what was said before one indication can be a large branching fraction of interference terms Definition of BF of channel j BFj = ∫|Aj|2dΩ/∫|ΣiAi|2 But due to interferences, something is missing Incoherent I=|A|2+|B|2 Coherent I=|A+eiφB|2 = |A|2+|B|2 +2[Re(AB*)sinφ+Im(AB*)cosφ] If ΣjBFj is much different from 100% there might be a problem The sum of interference terms must vanish if integrated from -∞ to +∞ But phase space limits this region If the resonances are almost covered by phase space then the argument holds... ...and large residual interference intensities signal overfitting Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Other important topics
Amplitude calculation Symbolic amplitude manipulations (Mathematica) On-the-fly amplitude construction (Tara) CPU demand Minimization strategies and derivatives Coupled channel implementation Variants, Pros and Cons Numerical instabilities Unitarity constraints Constraining ambiguous solutions with external information Constraining resonance parameters systematic impact if wrong masses are used Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques
Summary & Outlook Dalitz plot analysis is an important tool for Light and Heavy Hadron spectroscopy CP-Violation studies Multi-body phase space parameterization Stable solutions need High statistics Good angular coverage Good efficiency knowledge High Statistics need Precise modeling Huge amount of CPU and Memory Joint Spin Analysis Group Klaus Peters - Dalitz Plot Analysis Techniques Cornell, May 6, 2004
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