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 My Learning experience in GIT is nice because the teachers and Students here in GIT is not spoiled…

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2  My Learning experience in GIT is nice because the teachers and Students here in GIT is not spoiled…

3  I thought GIT is strict and always scolding us but I was wrong GIT is good with discipline & good moral

4  They say GIT is bad… They just don’t know..They judge GIT and yet they don’t know what's the schools E-Learning

5  I like in GIT the most is their Sports fest, and other Events…

6  GIT is small but we are united as one… Other School are many but Their united? I think no!!..

7  In my Elementary years. At first I think GIT is boring… If GIT is boring why am I still here?.. Its because I like GIT…

8  My ambition here is to Graduate I don’t care if I'm not an honor Student I just care of passing them all…

9  Students Here in GIT is Very nice, friendly, cooperative, competitive, and specially of all is Loyalty to their fellow students and Teachers

10  I wish GIT will have more students that have great thinking and good moral… Thank you

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