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8051 Assembly Language ECE 611 Microprocessor Systems

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1 8051 Assembly Language ECE 611 Microprocessor Systems
Dr. Roger L. Haggard, Associate Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tennessee Technological University Spring 1998 RLH - Spring 1998

2 Outline 8051 Programmer’s Model Addressing Modes
Data Movement Instructions Arithmetic Instructions Logical Instructions Shift Instructions Bit Manipulation Program Control Instructions RLH - Spring 1998

3 8051 Introduction 8 bit Data bus, 16 bit Address bus
Many Special Function Registers (SFRs) for control and I/O RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

4 8051 Code Example ORG 440h Dat DB 0FFh ; in Program Memory Wait EQU 35
Myword DW h ;in Program Memory ORG 0 Start: MOV A,#2Ch ; Acc C INC R ; R R2+1 SETB P ; Port 0 Bit ADD A,Wait ; A Acc + M(35) DEC @R ; M(R0) M(R0) - 1 LJUMP Finished ; PC Finished Finished : General Format Label: Opcode dest,src ; Comments RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

5 8051 Programmer’s Model (1) Program Memory Data Memory 60 K
7 7 FFFF FFFF 60 K External 64 K External All instructions Constant Data (Using MOVC) 1000 OR 0FFF 4 K Internal 0000 0000 if EA = HI if EA = LO Data Memory FFFF AND FF SFRs (Using MOVX) 80 64 K External 7F @R RAM 00 @DPTR Internal 0000 Direct Direct , Register, Reg. Indirect RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

6 8051 Programmer’s Model (2) SFRs SFRs Scratch Pad Area RAM
FF A8 * IE Interrupt Enable Ctr 1 Scratch Pad Area F0 * B A0 * P2 Port 2 99 SBUF Serial Data Buffer E0 * ACC RAM 98 * SCON Serial Control D0 * PSW 90 * P1 Port 1 8D * TH1 timer 1 High B8 * IP 8C * TH0 timer 0 High 30 8B * TL1 timer 1 Low Bit # F OR 8A * TL0 timer 0 Low B0 * P3 Bit Addressable RAM 89 TMOD timer/counter Mode F.7 88 * TCEN timer/counter control 20 R7 87 PCON Power Control Bank 3 18 R0 Select Bank with PSW.4 , .3 = RS1, RS0 R7 83 DPH Bank 2 Data pointer DPTR 10 R0 82 DPL 81 SP Stack pointer Bank 1 R7 08 R0 80 * P0 Port 0 Bank 0 R7 00 R0 * = Bit Addressable RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

7 8051 Addressing Modes (1) Immediate - # Label or Number
MOV R6,# ; R MOV A,#0CAh ; Acc CA 16 MOV DPTR,#loc ; DPTR value of symbol “loc” Direct - Label or Number MOV PSW,R ; M(PSW) R5 MOV A,045h ; Acc M(45 10) Register - Rn MOV R1,A ; R Acc MOV B,R ; B R3 RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

8 8051 Addressing Modes (2) Register Indirect - @R0, @R1, @DPTR
MOV @R0,# ; M(R0) MOV ; A M(R1) MOVX @DPTR,A ; External data M(DPTR) A Register Indirect MOVC ; A ROM(A+DPTR) MOVC ; A ROM(A+PC) JMP @A+DPTR ; PC (A+DPTR) Bit - bit number or label.bit or bit label MOV C,IE ; cy bit 0 of IE reg (EX0) MOV C,EX ; same SETB 07Fh ; Bit 7F SETB 2F ; same RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

9 8051 Instructions Instruction Classes Data Movement Arithmetic Logical
Shift Bit Manipulation Program Control RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

10 8051 Data Movement - 1 MOVE MOV A, # A Immediate
D A Direct R A Register @R A Register Indirect MOV R, # Rn D A MOV D, # Direct D R @R A MOV @R, # Register Indirect D A RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

11 8051 Data Movement - 2 Move From Program Memory
MOVC Acc Rom(A+DPTR) Acc Rom(A+PC) Move External Data RAM MOVX MOVX @R, A @DPTR, A Others PUSH D SP SP+1, m(SP) D POP D D m(SP), SP SP - 1 XCH A, R SWAP Acc Rn D @R RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

12 8051 Arithmetic - 1 Add/Subtract ADD A, # Acc A+Immediate D R @R
ADDC A, # Acc A+Immediate+Carry D R @R SUBB A, # Acc Acc-Immediate-Carry D R @R RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

13 8051 Arithmetic - 2 Inc/Dec INC A Acc Acc+1 D R @R DEC A Acc Acc-1 D R
Mul/Div MUL AB B:A Acc * B (unsigned) DIV AB A Quo ( A/B ) (unsigned) B Rem( A/B ) RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

14 8051 Logical AND,OR,XOR AND A, # ORL D XRL R @R D, A D, # Other
CLR A Acc 0 CPL A Acc Acc SWAP A Acc(7-4) Acc(3-0) RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

15 8051 Shift Rotates RL A RLC A RR A RRC A 7 Acc 7 C Acc 7 Acc 7 Acc C
Acc 7 C Acc 7 Acc 7 Acc C RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

16 8051 Bit Manipulation - 1 Clear/Set/Complement CLR C Carry 0
bit bit SETB C bit CPL C And, Or, Move ANL C, bit Carry Carry AND bit C, /bit Carry Carry AND bit ORL C, bit C, /bit MOV C, bit bit, C RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

17 8051 Bit Manipulation - 2 Jump JC label Jump if Carry set
JNC label Jump if Carry clear JB bit, label Jump if bit set JNB bit, label Jump if bit clear JBC bit, label Jump if bit set, then clear bit label = PC relative (+ 127) RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

18 8051 Program Control - 1 Jump AJMP label-A Absolute Jump- 11 bits(2K)
LJMP label-L Long Jump - 16 bits (64K) SJMP label Short Jump JMP @A+DPTR Jump Indirect PC (A+DPTR) JZ label Jump if zero JNZ label Jump if not zero Compare and Jump CJNE A, #, label Compare 1st op to 2nd op and A, D, label jump to label if not Equal R, #, label @R,#, label RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

19 8051 Program Control - 2 Decrement and Jump
DJNZ R, label Rn = Rn-1 , Jump if not zero D, label Subroutines ACALL label-A Absolute Call - 11 bits (2K) LCALL label-L Long Call - 16 bits (64K) RET Return from Subroutine RETI Return from ISR PC m(SP), SP SP-2 RLH - Fall 1997RLH - Spring 1998

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