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A brief HL7 Version 3 Introduction for CIMI
Mark Shafarman Past Chair HL7 with additional HL7 “roles” of past co-chair International Council past co-chair Control/Query TC past member Architectural Review Board co-chair Templates WG CEO & Chief Information Architect Shafarman Consulting, Inc. 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
Agenda: Brief overview of the HL7 v 3 Reference Information Model
The HL7 RIM – model of clinical information content Some examples from the 2011 Normative edition Discussion/Questions 8/15/2012
Core concepts of HL7 v3 RIM
The “Act” class and its specializations represent every action of interest in health care. Specifically – “an action of interest that has happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen. An act is an intentional action in the business domain of HL7. Healthcare (and any profession or business) is constituted of intentional actions. An HL7 Act instance is a record of such an intentional action. 8/15/2012
Core concepts of RIM Every happening is an Act
Procedures, observations, medications, supply, registration, etc. Acts are related through an Act_relationship composition, preconditions, revisions, support, etc. • Participation defines the context for an Act author, performer, subject, location, etc. The participants are Roles patient, provider, practitioner, specimen, healthcare facility etc. Roles are played by Entities persons, organizations, material, places, devices, etc. 8/15/2012
C. 2012 HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
RIM Core Classes Entity Participation Role Adminis- trative Acts Financial Acts Clinical Acts Observation Procedure Supply Substance Adm Performer Author Witness Subject Destination ... Living Subject Person Organization Material Place ... Patient Employee Assigned Entity Certified Entity Guarantor ... Account, Invoice Element, Financial Contract, Transaction Patient Encounter, Registry 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc. 5
How does HL7 manage this abstraction?
In the first HL7 RIM models, each concept had a visible (physical) class or association to represent it In current RIM: We only include a class when it adds new attributes and associations for the rest, use coded “structural” attributes – ‘class’ or ‘type’ codes ‘mood’ or ‘determiner’ codes 8/15/2012
Structural metadata Why are these named structural attributes?
because they use codes to represent concepts that would previously have been part of the model structure Each structural attribute has a specific HL7 concept domain with an HL7-defined ‘fixed’ value set. In an ontological context, the formal code sets for the structural attributes form the RIM metadata ontology. Note that this now has a parallel in SNOMED CT, which also has a formal metadata ontology.
The RIM is an extensional model
But it also has the ability to have formal healthcare ontologies bound to specific attributes (linked to Intentional model world). For SNOMED CT there is the Terminfo implementation guide. LOINC is another standard terminology/ontology that is commonly bound to RIM models. These two aspects support applying description logic to the analysis of RIM model instances.
RIM Core Classes & Attributes
Entity Role Participation Act classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS plays 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* 1 scopes 0..* Six kinds of attributes define semantics of each “backbone class: typeCode(classCode), code, time, mood(determiner), status, id 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
RIM Core Structural Attribute Value Sets
Entity. classCode Living Subject Person Organization Material Place ... Act. classCode Observation Procedure Supply Substance Adm Financial … Participation .typeCode Performer Author Witness Subject Destination ... Entity Role Participation Act classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS plays 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* Role. classCode Patient Employee Assigned Entity Certified Entity Guarantor ... Act. moodCode Definition Intent Request Event Criterion ... Entity. determiner Code Kind Instance Qualified Group 1 validates 0..* 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
E.g. Value Set for moodCode (a Structural Attribute)
3 instances of Act, specialization OBServation, act.code attribute = “wbc” (actually = the corresponding LOINC code for White Blood Count) moodCode=RQO effectiveTime 2pm PST” (No Value Attribute in this model) moodCode=EVN effectiveTime 1pm PST” (Observation) Value=“xxx” moodCode=Goal effectiveTime =“11/1/07” (Goal) Value=“yyy” Add example of re-use of same class, but with different moodCode values and different attribute constraints Wbc Order (Request) to occur on Wbc Observation of ‘xxx’ made on Wbc goal of specific value of ‘yyy’ to be attained by 11/1/07 8/15/2012
C. 2012 HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
Person (in role of Patient) participates as subject of an Observation (lab test, performed) Entity. classCode Person Act. classCode Observation Participation .typeCode Subject Entity Role Participation Act classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS plays 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* Role. classCode Patient Act. moodCode Event ... Entity. determiner Code Instance 1 validates 0..* 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
C. 2012 HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
Person in role of physician <assigned entity> participates as author of an Observation (lab test order) Entity. classCode Living Subject Person Organization Material Place ... Act. classCode Observation Procedure Supply Substance Adm Financial … Participation .typeCode Performer Author Witness Subject Destination ... Entity Role Participation Act classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS plays 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* Role. classCode Patient Employee Assigned Entity Certified Entity Guarantor ... Act. moodCode Definition Intent Request Event Criterion ... Entity. determiner Code Kind Instance Qualified Group 1 validates 0..* 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
A single act may have multiple participations
Entity Role Participation classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 0..* classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> plays 0..* 1 0..* 0..* 1 scopes Person in role of physician <assigned entity> participates as author of an Observation (lab test order) 1 Act classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS 1 0..* Entity Role Participation classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> 0..* plays 1 0..* Note that these two participations can be combined in a single model, i.e. a lab test order has both a patient subject, and an ordering physician 1 scopes 0..* Person (in role of Patient) participates as subject of an Observation Order (lab test order) 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
RIM Core Classes & Attributes
We have shown parts of some of the basic HL7 defined value sets for structural attributes, but entity.code, role.code, and act.code are key attributes that use non-HL7 standard terminologies. E.g. for act.code, LOINC and SNOMED-CT, are key value sets for observation and procedure concept domains. Entity Role Participation Act classCode CS code : CD determinerCode : CS statusCode : CS 1 classCode : CS code : CE effectiveTime : IVL<TS> typeCode : CS time : IVL<TS> classCode : CS code : CD moodCode : CS statusCode : CS activityTime : GTS plays 0..* 1 0..* 1 0..* 1 scopes 0..* Six kinds of attributes define semantics of each “backbone class: typeCode(classCode), code, time, mood(determiner), status, id 8/15/2012 C HL7 Int'l and Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
Two other critical RIM classes
ActRelationship: creates formal relationships between acts, such as: E.g. (structural) — Comp, component, As in a CBC observation (complete blood count) has component acts RBC (red blood cell count); WBC, white blood cell count; etc. E.g. (causal) — RSON, reason; CIND: contraindication; PRCN, precondition And several types of qualifiers and modifiers 8/15/2012
Two other critical RIM classes
RoleLink: A <rarely used> connection between two roles expressing a dependency between those roles and permitting the authorization or nullification of a dependent role based on status changes in its causal or directing role. E.g. A role of assignment or agency depends on another role of employment, such that when the employment role is terminated, the assignments are terminated as well.
RIMBAA note The previous diagram, the “RIM on (just) one page.”
Is the basic SQL design for RIMBAA systems. But this requires (see below) using the structural variables to navigate the RIM models. (another presentation)
V3 and physical data Act, specialization “observation” Act.class=“OBS”
Act.code=<code for observation type> E.g. LOINC, SNOMED, etc. (per HL7 “realm”) Act.mood Event for actual measurement Request for “order/request” for measurement Act.ID=“instance identifier” for the measurement Act.value= the physical observation DataType of act.value is, as in v 2.x, allowed to be any appropriate datatype (usually PQ, physical quantity; may be Set(PQ). Act.effectiveTime= “physiologically relevant time of observation” (e.g. “when in the patient’s life the observation was made) 8/15/2012
V3 and physical data Act/observation continued:
interpretationCode (SET<CE>) One or more codes specifying a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation, such as "normal", "abnormal", "below normal", "change up", "resistant", "susceptible", etc methodCode (SET<CE>) Examples: Blood pressure measurement method: arterial puncture vs. sphygmomanometer (Riva-Rocci), sitting vs. supine position, etc. 8/15/2012
V3 and physical data Act/observation continued:
targetSiteCode (SET<CD>) A code specifying detail about the anatomical site or system that is the focus of the observation if this information is not already implied by the observation definition or Act.code. Constraints: The targetSiteCode value, if specified, must not conflict with what is implied about the target site or system from the observation definition and the Act.code. 8/15/2012
Summary We have briefly reviewed an introduction to the RIM 8/15/2012
…Further Discussion… …Other topics?... …Questions?... 8/15/2012
Suggested Topics for Further discussion: This presentation has covered only #1 below. HL7 is currently supporting clinical information models in several ways: 1) basic v3 which has excellent support for semantic interoperability and which includes the (now-ISO) RIM and datatypes, and a more up-to-date interchange format. 2) CDA: a) the CDA release 3 ballot is now out, and could provide some useful guidance b) there are several national implementation guides for CDA (in the US these are the C32, C80 and C83) c) the CCDA (consolidated CDA) is out d) there is Green-CDA (and CDA compliant implementation that is much smaller in size, and which has been adopted by the NHS) e) several sets of CDA implementation tools: Lantana, NHS, DECOR projects in the Netherlands, Austria, and one of the Scandinavian Countries 3) Templates -related a) the templates ITS (implementable technology specification): a current pilot project: at this point we have succeeded in translating the requirements for a number of CCDA template specifications into a DECOR-format that can be shared across systems; a later phase of the project will research doing the same with MDHT CDA templates b) the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis Requirements, now on ballot as an Informative document 4) the HingX project (HL7 is an early adapter). This is a generic artifacts registry, that can support any type of clinical model specifications. It is an OHT project, and uses 3b as a basis for its registry functionality. A progress report on the pre-alpha implementation will be available by the time of the September meeting, and perhaps a live demo could be arranged (See 5) FHIR: Fast Health Interoperability Resources: a current for-comment HL7 ballot see ( Again, an update should be available at the September meeting. 8/15/2012
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