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168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 1 168 471 Computer Graphics ผู้สอน: รุจชัย อึ้งอารุณยะวี เวลาสอน: MWF 10.00-11.00 เป้าหมาย:

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Presentation on theme: "168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 1 168 471 Computer Graphics ผู้สอน: รุจชัย อึ้งอารุณยะวี เวลาสอน: MWF 10.00-11.00 เป้าหมาย:"— Presentation transcript:

1 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 1 168 471 Computer Graphics ผู้สอน: รุจชัย อึ้งอารุณยะวี ( เวลาสอน: MWF 10.00-11.00 เป้าหมาย: The objective of this course is to provide an introduction the theory and practice of computer graphics. The course will assume a good background on programming in C++ and some backgrounds in mathematics and linear algebra such as the use of coordinate geometry and matrix operations. การวัดผล: ความสนใจ10% การบ้าน30% Midterm30% Final30%

2 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 2 168 471 Computer Graphics (Cont.) หนังสือ: James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Fiener, Jonh F. Hughes, “Computer Graphics: Principles & Practices”, Addison Wesley, 2 nd edition in C, 1994.

3 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 3 What is Computer Graphics

4 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 4 Graphic User Interfaces (GUI)

5 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 5 Presentation Graphics

6 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 6 Painting and Drawing

7 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 7 Scientific Visualization

8 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 8 Entertainments

9 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 9 Education and Training

10 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 10 Image Processing

11 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 11 Digital Arts

12 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 12 Games

13 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 13 More Games

14 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 14 More Games

15 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 15 More Games

16 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 16 More Games

17 168 471 Computer Graphics, KKU. Lecture 1 17 Graphics Primitives

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