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Life.. “Well, a younger adult has a lot of life before them… their dreams and everything else. An elderly person has pretty much… lived her life… I feel.

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Presentation on theme: "Life.. “Well, a younger adult has a lot of life before them… their dreams and everything else. An elderly person has pretty much… lived her life… I feel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life.

2 “Well, a younger adult has a lot of life before them… their dreams and everything else. An elderly person has pretty much… lived her life… I feel I have lived my life, I'm old enough now it doesn't… really matter, you know. I want health of course… but if I die… it's not that big a thing.” (1)

3 Who is in charge of your end of life wishes? Yourself, caregiver, physician…

4 What are your wishes? Do you have a strategy in place? Welcome to the 21 st century.

5 Wishes Kids dream about being the next top professional ball player, president, doctor, or engineer. End of life decisions are not on the minds of most people. As a person turns 50 and 60 it’s still in their mindset that they have 20 or 30 years to ahead of them to do anything. By the time they are 90 everything is slower and life isn’t as much fun. Sharing with loved ones early enough will reduce the burden put on them in tough situations that need immediate actions.

6 Strategy Most people are afraid, in a hurry, don’t understand legal jargon, or feel invisible to discuss end of life decisions. Perhaps, people only think about medical treatments as being elderly based on age and not having lived a ‘full life’. One simple change to help eliminate this problem is to change societies perception. Its been shown that the US reads on an 8 th grade level, perhaps legal jargon is one of the biggest roadblocks.

7 21 st Century Since 2000, both President Clinton and Obama have opened the doors of healthcare in the US to be more efficient. The adoption of Electronic Signatures and Electronic Medial records has proven to be more efficent and effective. Office-based physicians who use electronic records has risen over 35% to 57% in 2011 (2). 80% of US internet users look online for health information (3). About 40% of mobile device users use medical apps at least once a week for information (4). Are paper forms a thing of the past.

8 Well, #1 professionally my doctor… I would trust him… forever, and my husband for what would be best for me… my doctor would use his head and my husband would use his heart (1).

9 LifeDocs Share your wishes today. Electronic Signature. Sign the document anytime. Share. Allow loved ones to view your strategy. Strategy. Your strategy will change over time, update it as needed. Transfer. One click and your physician has it. Security. All data is securely protected. Download. Soft copies are available For download anytime ePOLST Find the form from your state Strategy. Inform the medical team your wishes early so they can provide the appropriate treatment. LifeDocs AboutInformation Uncomfortable bringing up the topic. If sharing heartache stores at the dinner table or coffee shop is hard, sending an informational email or text message may help break the ice. LifeDocs offers real time electronic signing of the patient/caregiver and physician. Share with loved ones the ability to view and comment on your wishes. Update your strategy plan overtime. Transfer your POLST and advance directives to your connected medical offices. All data is securely protected. Download a soft copy to print of your POLST and additional wish notes. Setting up a strategic plan only takes a few minutes.

10 LifeDocs LifeDocs is the center point for all end of life decisions. Among its main focus of documentation it provides support tips, frequently asked questions, and videos. LifeDocs allows the end of life individual, caregivers, loved ones, and physicians a central location to first and foremost focus on the health of the individual and recommendations to help fulfill the individuals wishes with specific treatments. Through email/text notifications physicians can electronically sign updated patient documents on their mobile devices, tablets, or computers. LifeDocs allows the individual to transfer documents through HL7 connected medical offices, eliminating the need to have a paper form on hand 24/7. LifeDocs functions as a stand alone system, integration with HL7 documents, or could be imbedded in EMR/EHR systems.

11 Appendix (1) End-Of-Life Decision Making A Qualitative Study of Elderly Individuals. Sep 2000. (2) Electronic Health Record Systems and Intent to Apply for Meaningful Use Incentives Among Office-based Physician Practices: United States, 2001–2011 (3) Health Topics Feb 1, 2011 (4) Mobile Apps: Models, Money and Loyalty Fri, Sep 25, 2009

12 Different.

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