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27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20021 Seminario su Swarm 2001-2002 Pietro Terna

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1 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20021 Seminario su Swarm 2001-2002 Pietro Terna

2 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20022 Secondo semestre mercoledì 27.3 mercoledì 10.4 mercoledì 24.4 martedì 7.5 sempre dalle 17.15 alle 19, aula 12

3 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20023 “nostro” sito a iscriversi alla mailing list seminarioswarm (vedi sopra per le istruzioni) inoltre è utile questo file ppt e i successivi sono/saranno in linea a e a questo è seminarioSwarm01-02-20020327.ppt

4 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20024 jVE – Java Virtual Enterprise Presentazione per SwarmFest 2002 a SwarmFest

5 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20025 dictionary unit= a productive structure within or outside our enterprise; a unit is able to perform one or more of the steps required to accomplish an order order= the object representing a good to be produced; an order contains technical information (the recipe describing the production steps) and accounting data recipe=a sequence of steps to be executed to produce a good A dictionary

6 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20026 1-2 2-13 28-7-27-7... market Enterprise front end units our jVE enterprise (a sub-swarm of units) FE 28 7 27 A system of enterprises and micro productive units (a swarm) FE recipes recipes and units Recipes and units

7 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20027 WD WD: What to Do WD

8 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20028 basic recipe Basic recipe The basic recipe in an order is: n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4... time specification: days, hours, seconds time quantity measured in days, hours, secondsstep in recipe WD

9 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 20029 batch production a unit is making a batch production if in a given time interval it repeats b times the production of the same step of the recipes of b orders Batch production n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 / b3 time specification: days, hours, seconds time quantity measured in days, hours, secondsstep in recipe the slash is followed by the number of production steps to be repeated in the given time interval: in a batch production of b pieces, the time necessary for the production of each piece is measured by the fraction m/b WD

10 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200210 procurement and component parts Procurements or component parts produced by ourselves n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 e c4 n1 ts m1 / b1 e c2 n1 ts m1 e c1 Procurements: we order outside the components coded cx (here c1, c2, c3); our management has to deal with the time necessary to have the order performed, to make the transport, etc. (in the third line, n2 can be a transport step) n1 ts m1 e c5 n1 ts m1 / b1 e c6 e stays for end n1 ts m1 / b1 n2 ts m2 / b2 e c3 Component parts produced internally: we produce inside the components coded cx (here c4, c5, c6); our management has to deal with the time necessary to have these internal order performed We can explore the details of these recipes considering other jVEs=swarms and so using swarm of swarms WD

11 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200211 steps using component parts Using component parts (mainly, in assembly steps) n1 ts m1 p k c1 c2... ck n2 ts m2... step in recipe after step n1 we have here a procurement phase (internal or external), looking for k components coded c1, c2,..., ck p stays for procurement the unit performing the successive step asks to a special object ‘procurementAssembler’ to check if the internal or external units can send the components; if not, the unit waits the ability of a unit to call a special object to have special tasks performed, increases widely the degrees of freedom of the jVE structure WD

12 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200212 multiple paths Multiple paths in recipes after each step we can have multiple paths in our recipes, but only one of them is followed at a specific time n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4 n22 ts m22 or we use here a C-like formalism (|| = or) n1 ts m1 || 1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 || 2 n22 ts m22 || 0 n4 ts m4 where || 0 stays for the conclusion of the multiple paths end WD

13 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200213 parallel paths Parallel paths in recipes after each step we can have also parallel paths in our recipes, all to be simultaneously executed at a specific time n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4 n22 ts m22 and we use here a C-like formalism (&& = and) n1 ts m1 && 1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 && 2 n22 ts m22 && 0 n4 ts m4 where && 0 stays for the conclusion of the multiple paths end WD

14 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200214 an intricate example (i) p 4 c1 c2 c3 c4 n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4 An intricate example (i) or p 2 c1 c2 n5 ts m5 n6 ts m6 and p 2 c3 c4 n7 ts m7 gives ||1 p 4 c1 c2 c3 c4 n1 ts m1 ||2 &&1 p 2 c1 c2 n5 ts m5 &&2 p 2 c3 c4 n7 ts m7 &&0 n6 ts m6 ||0 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4 WD

15 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200215 an intricate example (ii) An intricate example (ii) WD p 4 c1 c2 c3 c4 n1 ts m1 n2 ts m2 n3 ts m3 n4 ts m4 or p 2 c1001 c1002 n6 ts m6 p 2 c1 c2 n5 ts m5 e c1001 p 2 c3 c4 n7 ts m7 e c1002 and, summarizing, We can represent the same example as a supply chain; so the second path of the or choice becomes …

16 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200216 a closer look to inventories A closer look to inventories WD

17 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200217 warehouses Warehouses and inventories: stand alone productions 28-7-27-7 units FE 28 7 27 FE 7 ? ? ? ? ? … how to decide? WD

18 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200218 procurement Procurement 28-7-27-7 units FE 28 7 121 34 73... Exploding recipes to consider deeply sub–procurement problems 28- 121-34-…-73 -7-27-7 WD

19 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200219 inventories in supply chains Inventories in supply chains n1 n2... n10 e 121 n11 n12... n15 e 341 n21 n22... n25 e 342 p 2 341 342 31 e 34 virtual or actual units keeping the completed procurement components in a list (in a warehouse) WD

20 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200220 DW DW: which is Doing What DW

21 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200221 simple units Simple unit data are reported in a text file unit_#__useWarehouse____prod.phase_#____fixed_costs_____variable_costs 111112 1 21 0 0 0 31 315 2 41 0 0 0 515112 2 61 61120 711223 1 81 82211 9113 712 1011840 7 11111 5 1 DW

22 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200222 complex units 1 Complex units are able to perform more than one (unique) production step We read their data from a sheet in a spreadsheet (Excel like, produced via Office or StarOffice or OpenOffice or... To access spreadsheet data from a Java environment we use the class, written by Michele Sonnessa ( and based upon the Andy Khan's excelread library ( DW

23 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200223 complex units 2 DW The general scheme (to be used as a remark page)

24 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200224 complex units 3 DW A specific complex unit

25 27.3.2002Seminario Swarm 2001 200225 Scaricare jVE da usando oppure la versione 0.60 non appena disponibile Iniziamo a studiare il modello da

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