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A Research and Development Initiative Promoted by DI.S.T.A. Funded by EEC in the framework of BEEP project and by MURST in the framework of MITILUS project.

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Presentation on theme: "A Research and Development Initiative Promoted by DI.S.T.A. Funded by EEC in the framework of BEEP project and by MURST in the framework of MITILUS project."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Research and Development Initiative Promoted by DI.S.T.A. Funded by EEC in the framework of BEEP project and by MURST in the framework of MITILUS project Project Management: Attilio Giordana (Computer Science) Aldo Viarengo (Biology) Team: M. Botta, Burlando, L. Portinale, A. Serra, M. Rapetti, G. Porcelli.

2 Project Goals To provide a user friendly apparatus world wide accessible for sharing and analyzing biological data collected by the environment monitoring laboratories To develop new data mining algorithms oriented to biological data analysis.

3 Hardware Support: Web server+DB server+Beowulf (20 Pentium III 800) Hermes (Oracle) now 0 now 1 now 2 now 3 now 7 now 8 now 9 now 10 now 4 now 5 now 6 now 11 now 12 now 13 now 14 now 15 now 16 now 17 now 18 now 19 switch WEB Server switch Beowulf (20 PC)

4 User Environment DB {a-i} Color Blue RedGreen White { m-t} {a-i} { b,g} { m,t} { d,e,f,h} { n,q} { c } { p,r,s } { a,i } Shape {e} Triangle SquareOval Circle {d,h} { n} Size {f} { q} {a-i} Color Blue RedGreen White { m-t} {a-i} { b,g} { m,t} { d,e,f,h} { n,q} { c } { p,r,s } { a,i } Shape {e} Triangle SquareOval Circle {d,h} { n} Size {f} { q} x1x1 x2x2 1 2 3 4 o1o1 o2o2 +1 x1x1 x2x2 1 2 3 4 o1o1 o2o2 Every user will benefit of a personal database together with an application specific set of data-mining tools

5 Software Architecture WEB Server Oracle Database Manager Data Mining Algorithms Java Interface Servelets Data Storage (192 Gbytes)

6 A User Fiendly Graphic Interface........ Dataset name Tool1Tool2Tool3Tool4Tool5 view 1 view 2 op1op2op3 op1op2op3op4..............................

7 Data Intensive Algorithms Run in Parallel on the Beowulf D-Tree Neural Net G-net.............. Algoritm Server Cluster Servlets Algorimi ad uso interattivo Sequence Analysis

8 Workpackages WP1: Database Design + Meta data WP2: Graphic Interface design and implementation 2.1: Approach selection 2.2: User autentication procedure 2.3: Oracle interafce 2.4: Data visualization WP3: Tool configuration interface 3.1 G-Net 3.2 Mine-Rule 3.3 Clustering Algorithms 3.4 Characterization Algorithm 3.5 Decision/Regression Trees 3.6 Neural Networks

9 Workpackages..... WP4: Servlet implementation WP5: Algorithm server implementation 5.1: Design 5.2: implementation WP6: Algorithm implementation 6.1: New KDD algorithm implementation 6.2: Existing algorithm revision

10 Work-Flow Wp1 Wp2.1 Wp4 Wp3.1-Wp3.6 Wp5.1 Wp6.1 - Wp6.2 Wp2.2 - Wp2.4 Wp5.2 15/1/2001 Wp1 (revision) 15/2/200115/3/2001

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