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Webinar Presentation January 21, 2014 Commuter Corridors Study Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar Presentation January 21, 2014 Commuter Corridors Study Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar Presentation January 21, 2014 Commuter Corridors Study Welcome!

2 Why are we here? Study Goal: Determine the viability of high-capacity transit in the Central Oklahoma region Project Sponsors: Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) Del City; Edmond; Midwest City; Moore; Norman; Oklahoma City Consultant Team: URS Corporation –Alliance Transportation Group –Butzer Gardner Architects –Dunbar Transportation Consulting –Economic & Planning Systems –Guernsey –Redbud Marketing 2

3 Regional Transit Dialogue (RTD) 3 Initiated by ACOG in cooperation with local partners in spring 2009 Engages locally elected officials, policy stakeholders, private sector leaders, and general public Designed to define how transit can serve the Central Oklahoma region in the future Builds on recommendations from Fixed Guideway Study Guides CentralOK!go Commuter Corridors Study –Considers public input from workgroups and public open houses –Makes final study recommendations

4 What is the Purpose of the Study? Enhance regional mobility and provide transportation options Analyze transportation options in three corridors identified in the region’s 2005 Fixed Guideway Study: –Between Edmond and Downtown OKC –Between Midwest City/TAFB and Downtown OKC –Between Norman and Downtown OKC Generate a “locally preferred alternative” for each corridor 4

5 Getting Everyone Involved Community & Stakeholder Workgroup Meetings Round 1: July 2013 Round 2: November 2013 Round 3: Spring 2014 Public Open Houses Round 1: November 2013 Round 2: Spring 2014 Newsletters Issue 1: January 2014 Issue 2: Spring 2014 Issue 3: Summer 2014 Webinar January 2014 5

6 What are the Steps of the Study? 6

7 Review of Study Goals, Objectives, and Criteria Used in Alignment Analysis 7

8 Study Goals & Objectives 8 Umbrella Goal: Enhance Quality of Life Enhance Regional Connectivity and Increase Equitable Access –Maximize connection of major activity centers in the region –Provide access to limited mobility (e.g., low-income and zero-car) populations –Maximize the use of dedicated right-of-way Support Economic Development and Shape Growth –Serve areas with highest existing/projected population and employment densities –Maximize development/redevelopment opportunities –Serves areas slated for transit-friendly development (e.g., mixed use or transit- oriented development) –Compatibility with current and future land use plans Provide a Balanced and Coordinated Multimodal Transportation System –Maximize opportunities for multi-modal connections (i.e., connections with major roadways, bike lanes, and bike/pedestrian trails) –Provide transit service in the areas with the worst congestion Maximize Regional Participation –Provide access/connect to a variety of jurisdictions in order to increase the number of potential funding sources available to the project –Consistency with local comprehensive plans/input and regional transportation plan (Encompass 2035)

9 Additional Goals from Workgroups North Workgroup Provide an easy to use service with a focus on multimodal connections Maximize the ability to access local, regional, and federal funding to build and operate the service through governance East Workgroup Provide for future transit growth through preservation of existing freight corridors Provide travel options to major activity centers, including “last mile” connection within the East Corridor and the region South Workgroup Provide a reliable and convenient service Enhance the transit and land use nexus 9

10 Alignment Analysis Evaluation Criteria – Enhance Regional Connectivity 10 GoalObjectiveCriteriaDescription Enhance Regional Connectivity Maximize connections between major activity centers Number of Activity Centers Within half-mile of each alignment Regionally Significant Activity Center Significant Activity Center Locally Significant Activity Centers Provide access to limited mobility populations Percentage of zero-car households Based on 2010 Census data Within half-mile of each alignment Rankings based on natural breaks in the data Percentage of individuals below poverty threshold Based on 2010 Census data Within half-mile of each alignment Rankings based on natural breaks in the data Maximize the use of dedicated right-of-way (ROW) Ability of existing ROW to accommodate dedicated ROW Qualitative assessment of the ability to accommodate dedicated transit ROW Each alignment ranked as positive, neutral, or negative

11 Evaluation Criteria and Screening - Overview 11 Purpose: To evaluate each potential high-capacity transit alignment and identify the most viable alignments in each corridor Methodology: –Used quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria based on established goals and objectives for the study –Scoring and Ranking Each alignment scored as positive (1; green), neutral (0; yellow), or negative (-1; red) for each criterion and totaled across all criteria Corridor weighting applied to each criterion Negative scores subtracted from positive scores to determine total points for each alignment

12 Review of Alignments Analyzed, Results of Analysis, and Recommended Alignments and Modes 12

13 13 Alignment Identification Process Purpose: To identify potential alignments for evaluation of high-capacity transit Methodology: –Reviewed various corridor-level maps: Population and employment densities Major activity centers Limited mobility populations Existing transit ridership Capacity of existing transportation corridors –Identified potential alignments based on the above maps and evaluated potential benefits, issues, and fatal flaws for each –Established alignments for evaluation –Received feedback on alignments from workgroups and tweaked portions of some alignments

14 Alignments Evaluated – South Corridor 14

15 Alignment Analysis Results – South Corridor 15

16 Alignment Analysis – South Corridor 16 South Workgroup feedback indicated “Enhance Regional Connectivity” goal should be weighted the highest –Alignments S1, S2, and S4 received the highest scores for this goal S2 and S4 also performed well on “Support Economic Development and Shape Growth” S1, S2, and S4 are the highest ranked alignments overall in the South Corridor and are the RTD- recommended alignments

17 17 South Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – S1, S2 and S4

18 Alignments Evaluated – East Corridor 18

19 Alignment Analysis Results – East Corridor 19

20 Alignment Analysis – East Corridor 20 Workgroup feedback indicated “Enhance Regional Connectivity” and “Support Economic Development & Shape Growth ” scores should be weighted the highest –Alignments E5, E6, and E7 all scored positively for both goals E7 did not score well on “Provide a Balanced & Coordinated Multimodal System” E5 and E6 are the highest ranked alignments overall in the East Corridor and are recommended for detailed analysis E1 is also recommended for detailed analysis as the only all-rail alignment in the corridor

21 21 East Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – E1, E5 and E6

22 Alignments Evaluated – North Corridor 22

23 Alignment Analysis Results – North Corridor 23

24 Alignment Analysis – North Corridor 24 Workgroup feedback indicated “Enhance Regional Connectivity” scores should be weighted the highest Alignments N2, N3, N4, N6 and N7 all scored positively on “Enhance Regional Connectivity” N6 and N7 did not score well on “Support Economic Development & Shape Growth” N2 and N3 are the highest ranked alignments in the North Corridor and are recommended N1 is the rail ROW alignment and is recommended as well N7 scored the highest on “Enhance Regional Connectivity” and is recommended

25 25 North Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – N1, N2, N3 and N7

26 All Corridor Alignments Recommended for Further Analysis 26 Norman Moore Oklahoma City Edmond Midwest City

27 Modal Analysis for Recommended Alignments in Each Corridor 27

28 Modal Analysis 28 Alignments recommended for additional analysis will also be evaluated for logical modal alternatives Mode: type of transit technology and vehicle used for a particular transit alignment (e.g. commuter rail, bus rapid transit, etc.) Not all modes appropriate for all corridors The OCARTS model will assist team in identifying appropriate modes for each recommended alignment Public and stakeholder feedback regarding preferred modes will inform the analysis as well

29 Modes Under Consideration 29

30 30 South Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – S1, S2 and S4

31 31 East Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – E1, E5 and E6

32 32 North Corridor Alignments Recommended for Detailed Analysis – N1, N2, N3 and N7

33 Completed Tasks Tasks completed to date: Identify –RTD-identified study goals –Workgroup-identified corridor-specific goals and objectives –Transportation issues & opportunities –Existing conditions Screen –Alignment analysis –Initial modal analysis Outreach –RTD meetings –1 st and 2 nd round workgroup meetings –1 st round open houses –1 st Newsletter 33

34 Coming Up Next Consider all input from RTD, workgroups, and public open houses Detailed analysis of alternatives Work with RTD, stakeholders, and public to identify the locally preferred alternative (LPA) More workgroup meetings and public open houses in spring 2014 Please visit our website: 34

35 We need your input and your help! Complete the survey – Visit project website – –Sign up for our mailing list –Stay current on project updates Tell your friends, family, and co-workers Stay engaged and help us plan for high-capacity transit in Central Oklahoma! 35

36 www. Commuter Corridors Study Thank you for attending! Any Questions or Comments? Webinar January 21, 2014

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