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Coordinate Geometry (COGO). Coordinate System x y z,E,N,Elev.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinate Geometry (COGO). Coordinate System x y z,E,N,Elev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinate Geometry (COGO)

2 Coordinate System x y z,E,N,Elev.

3 Points x y z,E,N,Elev. 1 (x,y) 2 Distance Direction

4 GeoPak Point Names - Alpha-Numeric (cannot be Numeric-Alpha) - Must contain at least 1 numeric character at the end of the name. - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. - Examples: - 1, 2, 3 - B1, C3,, Route36, Dog6 - No Spaces!!!

5 Locate Options Distance Direction - Offset + Offset n1 n2 pa

6 Locate Point Direction = N 40 o 18’ 33” W n = 115 Offset = 30 107 108 Distance = 107 to 108 – 20.5’ loc 115 trav 102 dis 107 to 108 m 20.5 n 40 18 33 w off 30 pa = 102

7 Lines and Line Segments Direction pb pa Line Line Segment

8 GeoPak Line Names - Can be any Alpha-Numeric characters - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. - No Spaces!!! - Examples: - 1, 2, 3road - B1, C3, Route36, Outerroad

9 Curves CC PC PI PT Tangent Length Deflection Angle (Delta) (  ) Radius Direction Ahead (DA) Direction Back (DB)

10 GeoPak Curve Names - Can be any Alpha-Numeric characters - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. - No Spaces!!! - Examples: - 1B, B1C3, B999 - Rte36-C5, 6Cats1Dog

11 Spirals TS SC CS ST PISCS Circular Curve Route50-1 Back Spiral Route50-1B Ahead Spiral Route50-1A Direction Back (DB) Direction Ahead (DA) TS = Tangent to Spiral SC = Spiral to Curve ST = Spiral to Tangent CS = Curve to Spiral PISCS = Overall PI of the Spiral-Curve-Spiral

12 GeoPak Spiral Names - Can be any Alpha-Numeric characters - Examples: - 1B, B1C3, B999 - Rte36, 1Dog - No Spaces!!! - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. (14 Recommended)

13 Chains Region 1 Region 2 Station Equation 10+25 R 1 10+25 R 2 - Can be any Alpha-Numeric characters - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. - No Spaces!!! GeoPak Chain Names Circular Curve Rte36-2 Circular Curve Rte36-1 108 109 - Examples: - 1B, B1C3, Route25, SideRoad

14 Profiles VPI 1 VPI 2 VPI 3 VPI 4 - Profiles w/o curves generally represent Existing Ground - Profiles with curves are generally used as Proposed Alignment Profiles GeoPak Profile Names - Can be any Alpha-Numeric characters - Names can be up to 15 characters in length. - No Spaces!!! - Examples: - Rte25PR, Rte55EX

15 Coordinate Geometry (COGO)

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