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NEDA (NEutron Detector Array)
J.J. Valiente Dobon (LNL-INFN) on behalf of the NEDA collaboration
Organization Spokeperson: J.J. Valiente Dobon (LNL-INFN)
GANIL Liason: M. Tripon (GANIL) Steering committee: -B. Wadsworth (U. of York) -N. Erduram (U. of Istanbul) -L. Sttugge (IRES – Strasbodurg) -J. Nyberg (U. of Uppsala) -M. Palacz (U. of Warsaw) -A. Gadea (IFIC - Valencia) Members of the collaboration: U. of Ankara (Turkey), COPIN (Poland), CSIC-IFIC (Spain), Daresbury Laboratory (U.K.), GANIL (France), U. of Istanbul (Turkey), INFN (Italy), IRES (France), U. of Nidge (Turkey), U. of Uppsala (Sweeden), U. of York (U.K.) and Kolkata, India (under discussion) FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES SPIRAL2 PREPARATORY PHASE
Working groups Detector characteristics (Physics interests of NEDA to define the detector specifications). Responsible: B. Wadsworth Geometry (Make a full study of geometry to determine (materials) efficiency, reduce cross-talk, ... Comparison between different codes: Geant4, MCNP-X. Simulate effect of other ancillaries, neutron scattering.). Responsible: M. Palacz Study New Materials (Exploring new materials, solid scintillators, deuterated liquid scintillators). Responsible: L. Stuttgé Digital Electronics (Flash ADCs, GTS, EXOGAM2 electronics, ..) Responsible: A. Gadea PSA (Pulse shapes analysis, PSA algorithms, ...). Responsible: J. Nyberg Synergies other detectors (Detectors that can be considered in synergy with NEDA: EXOGAM2, PARIS, AGATA, FAZIA, GASPARD, DIAMANT, DESCANT, Neutron spectroscopy at DESIR, DESPEC/HISPEC, NEUTROMANIA, ... ). Responsible: P. Bednarczyk
Physics with NEDA AGATA: A. Gadea EXOGAM2: G. de France GALILEO: C. Ur
NEDA will address the physics of neutron-rich as well as neutron deficient nuclei, mainly in conjunction with gamma-ray detectors arrays like AGATA, EXOGAM2, GALILEO and PARIS. Nuclear Structure Probe of the T=0 correlations in N=Z nuclei: The structure beyond 92Pd (Uppsala, LNL, GANIL, Stockholm, York) Coulomb Energy Differences in isobaric multiplets: T=0 versus T=1 states (Warsaw, LNL, GANIL, York) Coulomb Energy Differences and Nuclear Shapes (York, Padova, GANIL) Low-lying collective modes in proton rich nuclei (Valencia, Istanbul, Milano, LNL, Krakow) Nuclear Astrophysics Element abundances in the Inhomogeneous Big Bang Model (Weizmann, Soreq, GANIL) Isospin effects on the symmetry energy and stellar collapse (Naples, Debrecen, LNL, Florence) Nuclear Reactions Level densities of neutron-rich nuclei (Naples, LNL, Florence) Fission dynamics of neutron-rich intermediate fissility systems (Naples, Debrecen, LNL, GANIL) AGATA: A. Gadea EXOGAM2: G. de France GALILEO: C. Ur PARIS: D. Jenkins
First day experiment Nuclear structure N=Z beyond 92Pd : 96Cd, etc
AGATA/EXOGAM2 + NEDA Nuclear structure N=Z beyond 92Pd : 96Cd, etc
Second day experiment Low-lying collective modes in proton rich nuclei
PARIS + NEDA Low-lying collective modes in proton rich nuclei N=20 Transition densities
NEDA+PARIS experiment
Courtesy M. Lewitowicz The reaction to study the Pigmy resonance in 44Cr 34Ar + 16O → 44Cr + 2n (34Ar 108 pps)
Physics themes G de Angelis – Physics with NEDA
G. de France - Results on the 92Pd experiment A. Gottardo - Study of proton-rich nuclei with NEDA around A=100 A. Pipidis - NEDA: At the service of n-p correlations M. Palacz - Spectroscopy next to 100Sn: 3n gating and where is 100In? A. Di Nitto – The role of isospin in fusion-evaporation reactions G. Verde - The Farcos project and access to the symmetry energy with proton-neutron measurements
Problem definition -NEDA: Neutron detector to be used coupled to AGATA/EXOGAM2/GALILEO/PARIS -Previous experience with the NWall (BC501) currently at GANIL -High efficiency 25% for one neutron. -Relatively good gamma/neutron discrimination. -Problems with cross talk. -Low efficiency for 2n (1-2%). -Analogic electronics.
Neutron Wall
Neutron Wall
Neutron Wall: N=Z-2 28Si(28Si,2nα)50Fe 24Mg(32S,2n)54Ni
S. Lenzi et al., PRL87, (2001) A. Gadea et al., PRL97, (2006)
Cross talk – low 2n cross section
High cross talk between neighboring detectors It is not possible to differenciate between 2n real events or just 1n scattered. Therefore neighbouring detectors are dismiss in the analysis and the efficiency decreases to 1-2%. J. Ljungvall et al., NIMA (2004) Possible to improve 2n efficiency using TOF among detectors One aim of NEDA is to be able to distinguish between real 2n events and scattered neutrons → Increase of the 2n efficiency.
Strategy of NEDA -Optimization of the geometry: unitary cell size, spherical, planar, zig-zag, granularity, distance, versatile. -FEE: GTS integrated in the motherboard and FADC in a mezzanine. Fully compatible with AGATA, GALILEO and EXOGAM2 -Use of the TOF information in addition to the measured energy to disentangle the 1n scattered events from the real 2n channels -Use of the deuterated scintillator BC537 Pulse height seems to be proportional to incident neutron energy (reported by DESCANT collaboration) Provides another method of determinig neutron energy beyond TOF -Can lead to a better discrimination of high multiplicity neutron events and scattered events. -New solid scintillators Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
BC501 vs. BC537 response Presented by P. Garrett BC501 BC537
DESCANT En = 2.5 MeV En = 4.3 MeV BC501A BC537 Courtesy of P. Garrett, University of Guelph.
Solid scintillators for neutron detection
Simulations Presented by M. Palacz
Neutron HP model in G4.9.2.p01 (rel. March 2009) much improved comparing to earlier versions Total cross sections and angular distributions for elastic scattering on p, d, and 12C reasonable Correct (high energy) γ-ray lines produced Wrong kinematics (angular distributions?) in the 12C(n,α)9Be reaction. Important reactions still missing, like 12C(n,n’)3α Existing defficiencies not significant in the <~10MeV energy range, which if interest for NEDA
Light output of liquid scintillator
The light-output L is usually given in MeVee: the particle energy required to generate 1 MeVee of light is defined as 1 MeV for fast electrons L is generally less for heavier particles such as protons, deuterons, alphas, beryllium, carbon… Therefore, the light output L in a certain path dx is a function of the deposited energy E in dx: L(E) Deposited energy Light output Presented by A. Gottardo Dekempeneer et Liskien NIM A 256 (1987)
Geometry study Presented by G. Jaworski
Definition of the unitary cell dimensions
Geometries There are two possible main geometries, either spherical or planar. The spherical geometry presents the full symmetry. The planar has some advantages, than the spherical does not present. -Flexibility – different arrangements of the detectors, e.g. zig-zag -Different focal posistions (500cm, 1000cm, 2000cm) -Budget issues
Performance of diff. geometries
Flat Zig-zag Spherical BC501A BC537 Presented by T. Hüyük
Discriminating neutron/gamma
Pulse shapes from the detector differs between neutrons and gamma rays. neutrons Usually both pulse shape analysis and the time-of-flight information is used for discrimination neutron- gamma discrimination.
Digital electronics: PSA
It is possible to obtain better quality using same algorithms but digital electronics Analog zero-crossover method
Digital electronics: Neural Network
Applying an artificial neural network can increase the quality even further P=sqrt(εn2+εγ2)
Digitizer prompt trigger Digitizer REQ VAL REQ VAL Pre-processing GTS local GTS local Pre-processing NEDA GAMMA-ARRAY PSA PSA Event Builder GTS supervisor Event Builder Global Merger Tracking Online analysis
Basic diference EXOGAM2/NEDA is the ADC: 200-300 MHz 12-14bit
Digital electronics: EXOGAM2-NEDA MGT Clocks Fast serial links Parallel links Slow control Serial link Presented by M. Tripon Basic diference EXOGAM2/NEDA is the ADC: MHz 12-14bit
Silicon Photo multipliers readout
SPMPlus Direct replacement for photomultiplier tube Insensitive to magnetic fields Can operate in vacuum Large sizes possible Attractive for simultaneous PET and MRI scanning Synergy with PARIS – D. Jenkins
Currently bought commercial detectors from Saint Gobain
BC501A and BC537 detectors Currently bought commercial detectors from Saint Gobain Two detectors 5”x5” BC537 (LNL-INFN) Two detectors 5”x5” BC501A (York-Valencia) A. Pipidis (founded SP2PP) working on the characterization of the detectors.
Summary Currently bought BC537 and BC501A commercial detectors to test: cross talk light production FADC – frecuency and number of bits – PSA – neutron-gamma discrimination First contacts with Livermore – Start up collaboration solid scintillators? Test of SPMPlus from York in BC537 and BC501A Development of electronics in synergy with EXOGAM2 Optimal geometry
Workshop program
Phases of NEDA The current development on new materials and readout systems for neutron detection makes necessary to build NEDA in four different phases: Phase 0: Upgrade of Neutron Wall with digital electronics. Phase 1: R&D on new material and light readout systems for a highly segmented neutron detector array. Phase 3: Construction of a limited size Demonstrator Phase 4: Final construction of NEDA
With current technological status …
Three main options: 200 detectors BC501A – PM readout –Digital electronics Total cost: 600K€ (BC501A) + 200K€(Elec.) + 40K€ (mechanics) = 840 K€ 200 detectors BC536 – PM readout – Digital electronics Total cost: 2000K€ (BC537) + 200K€(Elec.) + 40K€ (mechanics) = 2240 K€ Upgrade Neutron Wall - Phase 0 (Digital electronics) Total cost (50 channels) = 40K€
Collaborating Institutes
Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) – Valencia Grand Accelerateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori Nazionale di Legnaro Royal Institute of Technology - KTH University of Istanbul University of Lund University of Nidge University of Uppsala University of Warsaw University of York
Summary and future work
NEDA – Looks at improving efficiency for 2n channels – BC537, geometry Validated simulatons – realistic results for BC501 and BC537 Included model for light production. PSA algorithms to discriminate neutron-gamma – Neural Network great perspectives. Synergies PARIS (A. Maj): SPMPlus, electronics? EXOGAM (G. De France): electronics Neutron Spectroscopy at DESIR (D. Cano & N. Orr): Simulations, FADC FUTURE WORK Currently bought BC537 and BC501 commercial detectors to test: cross talk light production – PSA – neutron-gamma discrimination Test of SPMPlus from York in BC537 and BC501 Development of electronics in synergy with EXOGAM2 Design of FADC mezzanines Optimal geometry
NEDA possible geometries
Step-spherical Spherical
Neutron-γ discrimination
BC537 n-γ discrimination BC501A(D) n-γ discrimination
Light output
Time scale 2008 2009 2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Validation GEANT4 neutron simulations Geometry definition Digital algorithms for PSA Detector prototype Test prototype Electronics Negoziations MoU MoU signature
Silicon PM
Synergies PARIS EXOGAM array
Commercial electronics: Struck
4 channel VME digitizer/transient recorder with a sampling rate of up to 500 MS/s (for the individual channel) and 12-bit resolution Programmable FPGAs
Intrinsic efficiency of BC501A and BC537
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