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Irregular verbs in the present tense

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1 Irregular verbs in the present tense

2 We already know there are three main types of verbs in French
parler finir, choisir apprendre, vendre er ir re We know these verbs follow regular patterns…..

3 Verb Infinitives ending in ‘er’:
Take off ‘er’, add e es ons ez ent e.g. ‘habiter’ – ‘to live’ (je) j’ tu il elle nous vous ils elles habite habites habitons habitez habitent (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (they) (live) (lives)

4 Verb Infinitives ending in ‘ir’:
Take off ‘ir’, add is it issons issez issent e.g. ‘finir’ – ‘to finish’ je tu il elle nous vous ils elles finis finit finissons finissez finissent (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (they) (finish) (finishes)

5 Verb Infinitives ending in ‘re’:
Take off ‘re’, add s - ons ez ent e.g. ‘vendre’ – ‘to sell’ je tu il elle nous vous ils elles vends vend vendons vendez vendent (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (they) (sell) (sells)

6 Sadly, we have to learn them.
Verbs talking about going places, wanting things, what you can do are irregular in the present tense. Sadly, we have to learn them.

7 Here are the important ones… ‘vouloir’ – ‘to want / wish’
je tu Il / elle on nous vous ils elles veux veut voulons voulez veulent (I) (you) (he she) (one) (we) (they) (wish/want) (wishes/wants)

8 ‘pouvoir’ – ‘to be able (can)’
Here’s another: ‘pouvoir’ – ‘to be able (can)’ je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils elles peux peut pouvons pouvez peuvent (I) (you) (he /she) (one) (we) (they) (can) (can / is able) (are able)

9 And another you know already !
‘aller’ – ‘to go’ je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils elles vais vas va allons allez vont (I) (you) (he / she) (one) (we) (they) (am going) (are going) (is going)

10 Had enough ?

11 Here are some more important irregular verbs…..

12 Leaving… ‘partir’ – ‘to leave’ je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils elles
pars part partons partez partent (I) (you) (he /she) (one) (we) (they) (leave) (leaves)

13 Sleeping… ‘dormir’ – ‘to sleep je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils elles
dors dort dormons dormez dorment (I) (you) (he /she) (one) (we) (they) (sleep) (sleeps)

14 Want to go out ? ‘sortir’ – to go out je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils
elles sors sort sortons sortez sortent (I) (you) (he /she) (one) (we) (they) (go out)

15 Nearly there…… Ça alors ! You don’t say…

16 Saying… ‘dire’ – to say je tu Il/ elle on nous vous ils elles dis dit
disons dites disent (I) (you) (he /she) (one) (we) (they) (say) (says)

17 That’s it for the present …
bon travail.

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