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Mycorrhizal patterns in depth

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1 Mycorrhizal patterns in depth
Franklin Diggs SUNY ESF

2 Review Mycorrhiza are symbiotic relationships between plant roots and soil inhabiting fungi Plants pass photosynthate to the fungi in return for mineral nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorous Formed by most land plants

3 Forests as networks Martin Dodge, 2007)
Martin Dodge, 2007)

4 Classification sporocarp mantle vesicle Hartig Net
sporocarp mantle Hartig Net vesicle

5 Why are we interested in depth?
Niche partitioning Studies in monocultures of dual infection hosts have shown guild wide niche partitioning (Neville et al. 2002) Nutrient cycling Arbuscular mycorrhizae are thought to be responsible for phosphate mining, and may be a chief component of phosphorous additions to older plant communities (Smith and Read 2008)

6 Objectives Compare percent root length colonized in each guild along depth and the ratio of the two Compare the root length of each guild along depth and the ratio of the two \

7 Hypotheses Percent root length colonized will be less in the deeper soils than in the shallow in both guilds, the AM/EM ratio will increase with depth Colonized root length will be less in the deep soil, but the AM/EM ratio will increase with depth

8 Field methods Roots were collected by the shoestring crew in fall 2010
Shallow soils were collected using 10cm soil cores A 20cm power core was used to collect deep soils Soils were separated into horizons based on visual inspection

9 Methods Root length is estimated using grid intersection
Ectomycorrhizal colonization is estimated by using the proportion of those intersections which crossed ectomycorrhizal root tips compared to colonized root To estimate Arbuscular mycorrhizal percentage <1mm diameter roots are cut into 2mm section and stained, slides are prepared and examined at 400x magnification and the presence or absence of arbuscular mycorrhizal features is noted

10 Methods

11 Root length per area of soil by mycorrhizal guild
Results Root length per area of soil by mycorrhizal guild

12 Results Greater colonization in shallow soils regardless of guild (p<0.001) Greater root length in shallow soils regardless of guild (p=0.016) No change in the ratio of percent colonization between guilds across depth (p=0.46) Change in the ratio of root length between guilds across depth in one stand

13 Future work Post treatment mycorrhizal measurements
-Decrease in mycorrhiza tion in response to fertilization Use molecular methods to determine variation in mycorrhizal diversity across depth Development of new AM primers may lead to a unified methodology for sampling mycorrhiza of both guilds

14 Acknowledgements Ruth Yanai Thomas Horton Tim Fahey
2010 Shoestring crew Matt Vadeboncoeur April Doner Kikang Bae MELNHE project and the Shoestring crew McIntire-Stennis Fund Bartlettt experimental forest

15 Works cited Brundett, M., N. Bougher, B. Dell, T. Grove, and N. Malajczuk Working with Mycorrhizas in Forestry and Agriculture. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Dickie, I. A., B. Xu, and R. T. Koide Vertical niche differentiation of ectomycorrhizal hyphae in soil as shown by T-RFLP analysis. New Phytologist 156:527–535. doi: /j x. Neville, J., J. . Tessier, I. Morrison, J. Scarratt, B. Canning, and J. . Klironomos Soil depth distribution of ecto- and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Populus tremuloides within a 3-year-old boreal forest clear-cut. Applied Soil Ecology 19:209–216. doi: /S (01) Smith, S. E., and D. J. Read Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, Third Edition, 3rd edition. Academic Press.

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