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BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION: 1 APRIL 2013. AGENDA  Objective  BAS Re-implementation process  Questions.

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2 AGENDA  Objective  BAS Re-implementation process  Questions

3 OBJECTIVE  Provide departments with an overview of the BAS re- implementation processes and current progress.

4 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  NEW DATABASE CREATION  New databases have been created for all departments and released to System Controllers to start with static data capturing.

5 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  IT INFRASTRUCTURE CONFIGURATION  Transversal Systems IT in process of rectifying terminal server users’ access.

6 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  INTERFACES  Other Interfaces  Departments to inform other source systems of the changes to the BAS interface layout.  Testing with other source systems should be done on request before 1 April 2013  PERSAL  Department to update PERSAL tables (069, 002, 052, 805, 806) – to be in place by 1 April 2013

7 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA CAPTURING  System Controllers to capture static data. Main tasks include:  Reinstate and/or capture segment details for all segments of SCOA  Individual segments must be signed off by CFO before System Controller will create/reinstate. Final Sign Off must be provided by CFO after creation.  Capture Security and Workflow  User ID’s, Group Profiles, Workflows, Printers  System Controllers provided User and Printer Lists to Department’s Sub- System Controllers for evaluation and sign-off. Only then will these users and printers be created on BAS V4.  No creation/amendment/deletion of users & printers on BAS V3 during March 2013.  Reinstate Transaction Processing Rules  Capture Departmental Parameters  System Controllers provided Departmental Parameters to Department’s Sub-System Controllers for evaluation and sign-off. System Controllers are in process of capturing departmental parameters.

8 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA – PROGRESS AS AT 14 MARCH 2013  Reinstate and/or capture segment details for all segments of SCOA  Inputs outstanding:  All inputs received: Premier, EDT&EA, Education, Health, PR&T, Prov Treasury, Social Development, SAC&R  All segment types inputs outstanding: Medpas  Agriculture: Fund, Responsibility, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Item  COGTA: Infrastructure, Asset, Region, Item  Fleet Management: Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Item  Human Settlements: Project, Asset  Public Works: Item  Rural Development: Fund, Objective, Responsibility, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Item

9 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA – PROGRESS AS AT 14 MARCH 2013  Reinstate and/or capture segment details for all segments of SCOA  SYSCON busy capturing:  Premier: Item  Agriculture: Objective  EDT&EA: Item  Fleet Management: Objective,  Health: Fund, Objective, Project, Item  Human Settlements: Item  PR&T: Item  Social Dev: Item  SAC&R: Objective, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Item

10 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA– PROGRESS AS AT 14 MARCH 2013  Reinstate and/or capture segment details for all segments of SCOA  Final Sign Off required:  Premier: Fund, Objective, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Region  Agriculture: Region  COGTA: Fund, Objective, Project  EDT&EA: Fund, Objective, Responsibility, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Region  Education: Infrastructure, Item  Fleet Management: Fund, Responsibility, Region  Health: Responsibility, Infrastructure, Asset, Region  Human Settlements: Fund, Objective, Infrastructure, Region  PR&T: Project  Prov Treasury: Item  Public Works: Fund, Objective, Responsibility, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Region  Rural Dev: Region  Social Dev: Fund, Objective, Responsibility, Project, Infrastructure, Asset, Region  SAC&R: Fund, Responsibility, Region

11 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA – PROGRESS AS AT 14 MARCH 2013  Capture Security and Workflow  Inputs outstanding: Users  Premier, EDT&EA, Fleet Management, Human Settlements  SYSCON busy capturing: Users  Agriculture, Rural Development, Social Development  Final Sign Off outstanding: Users  COGTA, Education, PR&T, Prov Treasury, Public Works, SAC&R  Inputs outstanding: Printers  Premier, COGTA, EDT&EA, Fleet Management, Human Settlements, Social Development  SYSCON busy capturing: Printers  Rural Development  Final Sign Off outstanding: Printers  Agriculture, Education, PR&T, Prov Treasury, Public Works,SAC&R

12 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA – PROGRESS AS AT 14 MARCH 2013  Reinstate Transaction Processing Rules  TPR’s not reinstated:  Premier, Agriculture, COGTA, EDT&EA, Fleet Management, Human Settlements, Public Works, Rural Development, SAC&R  TPR’s finalized:  Education, Health, Medpas, PR&T, Prov Treasury, Social Development  Capture Departmental Parameters  All finalized, except Social Development

13 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  STATIC DATA CAPTURING  Department responsible for capturing:  Telkom Register  Departments need to capture the new allocation codes as per the new SCOA structure  Government Codes will remain the same  Budget for 2013/2014  Departments must capture the budget on BAS V4 before 1 April 2013 to ensure that payments are not blocked due to Budget Blocking

14 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  ENTITIES  LOGIS entities will be automatically created on BAS once payments are sent through  Debtor entities will be converted once debt conversion has taken place after March 2013 force closure date  Only Active entities which have been used during the last 12 months will be converted  PERSAL entities will be converted programmatically from PERSAL to BAS

15 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  DEBT CONVERSION  Debt conversion will be done after the March 2013 force closure  Debt registers and entities will be programmatically converted  Debts with a status of “Fully Paid”, “Bad” and debts with zero balances will not be converted  Debts with a status of “Doubtful” will be converted  Only balances will be converted, no transaction history on Asset & Liability accounts  Debt changes should be done on BAS V3 before conversion  Debt write offs must be done before March 2013 force closure  Debt function will not be available on BAS V4 before debt conversion has not been done

16 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  AUTOMATED CLEARING BUREAU (ACB)  ACB user code and abbreviated name has been amended  System Controller/BAS Application Maintenance must recapture Combination 7 before ACB testing can commence  ACB testing commenced from 1 February 2013 to allow for sufficient test time  FS testing completed successfully

17 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  IMPLEMENTATION SIGN-OFF (2 APRIL 2013)  Sub-System Controller to request a Trial Balance on V4  Total on Fund Level 2 and Item Level 3, 6 & 11  As at 02/04/2013  Sub-System Controller and CFO to sign certificate and submit to System Controller  Signed certificate and Trial Balance forwarded to NT  BAS production users may only be activated (reset) after submission of certificate and trial balance

18 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  CONVERSION OF BALANCES  Department will have to capture the conversion mappings on BAS V3  Conversion will be per Matching Field where applicable  Conversion will be done once the department has done their final audit closure for the 2012/2013 financial year  Conversion sign-off will have to be sent to System Controller  Details of process to follow

19 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  LOGIS  All LOGIS commitments not finalized on BAS V3 will have to be re- committed on BAS V4 (only the balance outstanding on the commitment)  All store numbers, LOGIS user id’s and LOGIS departmental parameters will remain the same and the System Controller will recapture on BAS V4  LOGIS will not be available for a week after the 31 st March 2013  The LOGIS project will provide a list of all active commitments that have to be recommitted  LOGIS users must use the Commitment Amendment Add functionality to select the new allocation codes and recommit these commitments  More detailed informed to be obtained from LOGIS Provincial Helpdesk

20 BAS RE-IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES  BAS Input Forms  BAS Input Forms have been modified to accommodate the 8 th segment called Infrastructure  Departmental BAS Sub-System Controllers may collect the BAS Version 4 Input Forms at their respective System Controllers’ offices and will be responsible for distribution to relevant users


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