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May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20091 Susan Moisey Debra Hoven Richard Kenny Marguerite Koole Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University.

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Presentation on theme: "May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20091 Susan Moisey Debra Hoven Richard Kenny Marguerite Koole Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20091 Susan Moisey Debra Hoven Richard Kenny Marguerite Koole Centre for Distance Education, Athabasca University

2 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20092  Introduction  Current Research on e-Portfolios  Our e-Portfolio Project  Selection of e-Portfolio System  MDE e-Portfolio Competencies  e-Portfolio Structure  Example of an MDE e-Portfolio  Current implementation & future directions  Discussion

3 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20093 Comprehensive examsE-Portfolios Benefits Promote program quality Constrain workload for students & faculty Positive final experience Benefits Promote program quality & currency Meaningfulness - Constructivist learning Use after graduation Issues Meaningfulness of experience? Purpose of the activity Currency of questions Issues Ongoing vs. end of program portfolios Implementation – choice of platform Extend workload for students & faculty?

4 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20094  Product created by learners  collection of digital artifacts articulating experiences, achievements & learning OR  Purposeful aggregation of digital items:  Ideas, evidence, reflections, feedback, etc.  'presents a selected audience with evidence of a person's learning and/or ability’ (Sutherland & Powell, 2007)

5 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20095  Process?  Showcase?  Assessment? (Abrami & Barrett, 2005) OR … a combination of above?

6 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20096  Process?  Purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of a student’s effort, progress and/or achievement in one or more areas  based on the principles of socio-constructivism (Abrami & Barrett, 2005)  (1) collection  (2) selection  (3) reflection  (4) **evaluation (self- & peer)** and  (5) celebration (QESN-RÉCIT (2004)

7 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20097  Showcase  Illustrating learner competencies & achievements workplace skills & accomplishments  Assessment  External evaluation or judgment formative &/or summative  Of complex evidence in a variety of forms  To demonstrate lifelong learning and personal reflection workplace training  For assessment of prior learning (Abrami & Barrett, 2005)

8 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20098 1. Collection 2. Selection 3. Reflection 4. Evaluation 5. Refinement 6. Discussion & Celebration

9 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 20099  Research and development of e-portfolio tools (Barrett, 2000; Challis, 2005; Abrami & Barrett, 2005) Australian ePortfolio Project  Different skills and competencies  Lifelong learning (Abrami & Barrett, 2005)  Communities (Brandes & Bockic, 2008; Hallam, 2008; Hiradhar & Gray, 2008)  Nexus between Formal, Informal & Non-formal Learning (Foti & Ring, 2008; Crichton & Kopp, 2008; Hiradhar & Gray, 2008)  Self-reflection & self-regulation (Abrami et al. 2008; van Wesel & Prop, 2008)  Learning effectiveness studies on e-portfolios  E.g. Handbook of research in e-portfolio  Inter/national coalition for electronic portfolio research (Abrami & Barrett, 2005; Barrett, 2009)

10 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200910  Selection of an appropriate platform  Graduate profile  Previous work done on creating the list of skills and competencies  Identification of major skills and competencies of graduates of MDE program  Development of the list of skills and competencies through series of synchronous and asynchronous sessions among the project team members

11 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200911  Systems investigated (some of them)  Newcastle University ePortfolio  Petal (Sakai)  ELGG  Mahara

12 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200912

13 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200913  Features:  Essential to have as a graduate of MDE  Built up over progression of whole program of study  Combination of personal, professional, academic characteristics

14 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200914 1. Problem solving, analysis & decision making 2. Instructional design & development 3. Communication technologies & networking 4. Communication & interpersonal skills 5. Research 6. Management, organization & leadership

15 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200915  Introduction  5 + artefacts  Short reflections on how competencies were attained  Concluding synthesizing reflection  Evaluative discussion of E-portfolio

16 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200916

17 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200917

18 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200918

19 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200919  Program-wide implementation in Fall/08.  Since then, 56 students have graduated: 8 by thesis defense, 33 by comprehensive exams 5 by e-portfolios  2 Training sessions – about 50 students attended.  Growing numbers of advisees are considering, planning, or actually using e-portfolios.

20 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200920  Faculty responses have been mixed.  Concerns over time required to prepare for evaluation  Lack of comfort and understanding – use of new technology – how to advise students on its use – underlying philosophy – questioning techniques

21 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200921 Program-Wide Advantages  Competency analysis updated  Review of program core  Revision of comprehensive exams  Broader focus -- transformative learning; reflective practice

22 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200922  Pedagogical -- Expand purpose of e-portfolios -- Integrate e-portfolio activities into courses  Evaluative -- Comps vs. e-portfolios -- Synthesis?  Further research

23 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200923  Questions?  Comments? Thank you!

24 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200924 Abrami, P., & Barrett, H. (2005). Directions for research and development on electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 31(3). Retrieved January 29, 2005 Abrami, P., Wade, A., Pillay, V., Aslan, O., Bures, E. & Bentley, C. (2008). Encouraging self-regulated learning through electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 34(3). Retrieved April 21, 2009 Barrett, H. 2008. Online personal learning environments: Structuring electronic portfolios for lifelong and life-wide learning. & Barrett, H. (2009).

25 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200925 Brandes, G. & Boskic, N. (2008). E-Portfolios: From description to analysis. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9 (2). Retrieved April 21, 2009 Crichton, S. & Kopp, G. (2008). The value of eJournals to support ePortfolio development for assessment in teacher education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 34(3). Retrieved April 21, 2009 Challis, D. (2005). Towards the mature ePortfolio: Some implications for higher education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 31(3). Retrieved January 29, 2007 Foti, S. & Ring, G. (2008). From ePortfolios to iPortfolios: The find, refine, design, and bind model. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 34(3). Retrieved April 21, 2009

26 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200926 Hallam, G. (2008). The Australian ePortfolio project and the opportunities to develop a community of practice. In Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008. df Hiradhar, P. & Gray, J. (2008). From a social digital identity to an academic digital identity: Introducing ePortfolios in English language enhancement courses. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 34(3). Retrieved April 21, 2009 QESN-RECIT. (2004). Portfolio process: On-line resources for teachers. Retrieved August 17, 2004 Sutherland, S. & Powell, A. (2007). Cetis mail list discussions. Retrieved July 9, 2007

27 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200927 Van Wesel, M. & Prop, A. (2008). Comparing students’ perceptions of paper-based and electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 34(3). Retrieved April 21, 2009

28 May 12, 2009, Ottawa, CanadaCNIE 200928 The CDE Moodle site on eportfolios (select MDE ePortfolio Orientation & Instructions) Helen Barrett’s information on Reflection s.html s.html Some other links & resources tfolios.aspx Some links to Teacher Ed portfolios Links to a Business student & a nursing student’s sample e-Portfolios (in Quicktime tour format)

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