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Commissioning Changes & Requirements for LEED v4
Not Your Father’s Commissioning Commissioning Changes & Requirements for LEED v4 Presenters: TIM McELROY, COMMISSIONING AUTHORITY Certified Energy Manager, Qualified Commissioning Provider, LEED_AP KEITH G. PEHL, PRESIDENT of OPTIMA ENGINEERING Professional Engineer, LEED AP CHRISTINE M. QUIGLEY, PRINCIPAL Professional Engineer, Registered Roof Consultant, LEED AP
Everything Changes… All the Time
Fundamental Commissioning and Verification
Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Credit title renamed from “Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems”. • Modified intent to ensure project meets the owner’s projects requirements related to energy, water, indoor environmental quality and durability. • Added requirement for preparing an Operations and Maintenance Plan. • Added requirement to engage a Commissioning Authority by the end of the design development phase. • Clarified language for who can be the commissioning authority. • Included requirements for a design review of the enclosure. Credit Enhanced Commissioning Added options for monitoring based commissioning and envelope commissioning. • Added requirements to prepare the building operators for the intended operation of building systems
Requirement for preparing an Operating and Maintenance Plan
Requirement to engage Cx Agent by the end of the Design Development phase Requirement for design review of enclosure
LEED 2009 LEED v4 Fundamental Commissioning Enhanced Commissioning
Cx & Verification Enhanced Commissioning Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Enhanced Commissioning (3 points) Path 2 Enhanced and Monitoring Based Cx (1 point) Envelope Cx (2 points)
EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification (Choose either Path 1 or both Paths)
Predesign, SD, DD LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx Owner documents Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) same as EAp1 Design Team develops Basis of Design (BOD) document EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx OPR with envelope requirements Same as EAp1 BOD document including envelope Prior to start of CDs Owner designates CxA Commissioning Authority provides Cx Plan Option 1 (Choose either Path 1 or both Paths) Option 2 Path 1: Path 2: AND ADD development of monitoring-based procedures and identify points to be measured and evaluated to assess performance of energy- and water-consuming systems Same as EAp1 AND include envelope
Construction Documents
LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 N/A Prior to 50% CDs Owner designates CxA - -- Prior to 50% CDs CxA provides Cx Plan Prior to 50% CDs CxA conducts Cx drawing design review Prior to 50% CDs CxA conducts Cx drawing design review (includes envelope) Same as EAp1 Same as Path1 Prior to 50% CDs CxA reviews OPR Prior to 50% CDs CxA reviews BOD Project team incorporates Cx reqirements into CDs Same as EAp1 PLUS incorporates systems manual requirements and operator and occupant training requirements Same as EAc1 Path 1 PLUS Envelope and training requirements CxA performs back-check of all reviewed documents
EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification
Bidding LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 Owner designates CxA prior to installation. CxA presents Cx Plan CxA reviews contractor submittals for applicable systems N/A Same as Path 1 Same as EAc1 Path 1 PLUS envelope component submittals
EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification
Construction LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 CxA verifies installation and performance of Cx'd sytems Same as EAp1 CxA verifies installation and performance of Cx'd sytems (envelope excluded) Same as Path 1 Same as EAp1 AND include envelope CxA performs systems functional performance testing CxA performs systems functional performance testing (envelope excluded) Same as Path 1 N/A O&M and Systems Manual for the Cx'd systems developed and verified Systems Manual for the Cx'd systems developed and verified Facilities Requirements and O&M plan for the HVAC and lighting systems developed and verified EAp1 requirements: a sequence of operations for the building; the building occupancy schedule; equipment run-time schedules; setpoints for all HVAC equipment; set lighting levels throughout the building; minimum outside air requirements; any changes in schedules or setpoints for different seasons, days of the week, and times of day; a systems narrative describing the mechanical and electrical systems and equipment; a preventive maintenance plan for building equipment described in the systems narrative; and a commissioning program that includes periodic commissioning requirements, ongoing commissioning tasks, and continuous tasks for critical facilities.
EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification
Post Construction LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 N/A CxA verifies that operator and occupant training are complete CxA verifies that operator and occupant training are complete AND effective Same as Path 1 Same as EAc1 Path 1 PLUS envelope components CxA develops a Cx Report Same as EAp1 Same as EAp1 PLUS develop an on-going commissioning plan Verify delivery of updated Facilities requirements, O&M plan and Systems Manual Same as Path 1 AND include needed changes in settings found during monitoring with reason for changes
Occupancy LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx
EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 N/A CxA reviews building operation within 10 months after substantial completion Same as Path 1 Same as EAc1 Path 1 PLUS envelope components Verify seasonal testing
Applies to ALL paths & options
CxA Restrictions LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 <50,000 gsf: CxA can be from design or construction team in addition to below Any gsf: CxA is a 3rd party contracted by owner, architect or engineer. Also owner's rep or employee <20,000 gsf: CxA can be from design or construction team in addition to below Applies to ALL paths & options >50,000 gsf: CxA can be 3rd party, Owner's Rep or employee. Can be from design firm or construction company but only responsibility is Cx >20,000 gsf: CxA can be 3rd party, Owner's Rep or employee. Can be from design firm or construction company but only responsibility is Cx Any gsf: Reviewer of envelope design can be performed by a member of design or construction team
(2) buildings similar in type and scope
CxA Qualifications LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 (2) buildings similar in type and scope (2) buildings similar in type and scope; early design through 10 month occupancy
Systems Required to be in Scope of CxA
LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 HVAC Same as EAp1 HVAC and controls Same as EAp1 PLUS monitoring equipment Domestic Hot Water Domestic hot water including pumps and controls Lighting & Daylighting Controls Service and distribution, lighting system, lighting and daylighting controls Renewable Energy Building Envelope (design phase only) Same as EAp1 PLUS construction phase and occupancy
Building Enclosure Commissioning
Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) is a quality-focused process involving evaluation, verification, and documentation that a building’s envelope design, construction and operation meet defined performance expectations established during project initiation in the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR). Systematic quality assurance process; Process of monitoring performance based on client expectation. This is accomplished through comprehensive design peer review, detailing assistance, pre-construction and construction period performance verification testing, and post-occupancy evaluation and maintenance. Similar to Building Commissioning - INTENT: Deliver buildings that meet owner’s needs/expectations; Clearly define and document requirements and performance expectations from project initiation; Establish means of measuring performance; Assign and document commissioning process responsibilities for each team member; Track, verify and document compliance with requirements; Provide operation and maintenance plan and training; Measure and verify building performance over life cycle
Building Enclosure Systems
Foundations Below Grade Walls Plaza Decks and Planters Exterior Cladding Curtain walls and Storefronts Windows and Doors Sealant, Expansion Joints and Flashings Air Barriers Roofs Skylights
Why BECx? BE Function & Performance Expectations Thermal Performance
Air/Moisture/Light Control Fire Resistance Acoustical Performance Indoor Comfort Structural Integrity Security Aesthetics Maintainability/Sustainability Economically Viable
Why BECx? LEED 2009 EA Prerequisite 1:
“The building envelope is an important component of a facility that impacts energy consumption, occupant comfort and indoor air quality. While this prerequisite does not require building envelope commissioning, an owner can achieve significant financial savings and reduce risk of poor indoor air quality by including it in the commissioning process.”
Why BECx? Energy Savings
2005 NIST Study concluded that “…continuous air barrier systems can reduce air leakage by up to 83%...” ASHRAE Journal, March 2005: “Uncontrolled air leakage in buildings increases the heating and cooling energy consumption by up to 40%.”
Why BECx? Building and MEP System Performance Dependent upon Building Enclosures Well-recognized MEP Cx Benefits MEP systems rely on properly designed and installed Building Enclosure Systems Without air/moisture/thermal control, HVAC systems utilized to achieve thermal comfort and quality of indoor air will be unnecessarily expensive to install, operate and maintain
Why BECx? Underperforming Buildings
March 2008 New Buildings Institute Study: 25% of LEED buildings are extremely less energy efficient than forecasted LEED Gold Project Twin Lakes Green Building Complex (Sarasota County, FL): Evacuated for mold LEED Platinum Project (Wake Forest, NC): Costly water intrusion investigation and flashing repair project Poor BE can be Achilles heel
Why BECx? Small Percentage But Big Consequences
“Transitions between building envelope components or assemblies generally total less than 1% of the building envelope area but can account for 90% of envelope failures and leakage.” - (NIBS Annex U, 2006) “Errors and omissions in design and construction process are primary (and most frequently overlooked) source of uncontrolled rainwater penetration through the Building Envelope and represent 80% of all construction-related claims in the US.” – (Real Estate Issues. 33.3, 2008)
Why BECx? Small Percentage But Big Consequences
BE Design Flaws/Construction Defects result in: Uncontrolled air/water intrusion Premature failures/deterioration Biological growth Increased energy costs Costly investigations/repairs Decreased occupant productivity/tenant retention
BECx Approach Follow Industry Standards: ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005
NIBS Guideline ASTM E
BECx Approach
BECx Process Pre-Design Phase Design Phase Construction Phase
Occupancy and Operations Phase
Pre-Design Phase Services
Attend project kick-off meeting Establish communication plan Review project requirements Discuss influencing factors Develop/document preliminary BE Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) Identify Scope and Budget for BECx Develop preliminary BECx Plan Review and discuss factors influencing enclosure design, construction, long-term durability, serviceability, and performance Establish UNC-CH’s design intent requirements by discussing factors Dry lab – substantial need for cooling in dry labs because of heat generated by the equipment; May need to control lab environment and have special windows OPR- Site description and requirements, building code, sustainability, function, thermal performance, structural, roofing, fenestration, exterior walls, below grade, accessibility, acoustical criteria Energy Code Changes – Roof R-value above deck example; specific air sealing details for commercial buildings LEED Silver Designation - LEED 2009 or LEED v4 beta; Keith Snead (IAQ testing to get credits) Ref. Scott Rohlf and Terracon
Owner’s Project Requirements
OPR Example: Exterior Enclosure Curtain Wall Thermal Performance Criteria: Minimum R or U values Structural Performance Criteria: Minimum live, snow, wind loads, maximum deflection and drift Fire Resistance Criteria: Fire rating Air Leakage Criteria: Maximum CFM/s.f. at specified pressure (psf) measured by specified standard Water Leakage Criteria: No uncontrolled leaks at a static for specified pressure (psf) measured by specified standard Condensation Control: Minimum Condensation Resistance Factor Others: Acoustical Performance, Glare Control Based on following attributes: Energy, Environment, Safety, Security, Durability, Sustainability, Operation
BECx Plan BECx Plan Outlines: BECx process
Roles and responsibilities of BECxA and other project team members Methodology to verify and document compliance of as-built construction with contract documents and OPR Clear, unambiguous definitions of failure and quantifiable threshold of performance to validate OPR and BOD And allow proper enforcement of the contract documents; i.e. ABAA BECx Plan includes an outline of the BECx process, roles and responsibilities of the BECxA and individual members of the BECx team and the methodology established to verify and document compliance of the as-built construction with the requirements of the approved contract documents. Examples – environmental control with air barrier and ABAA program; Data loggers
Design Phase Services 3rd Party Independent design review during Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Document Phases Attend design review meetings Deliver BECx Specification Section Develop and maintain Basis of Design (BOD) Update OPR and BECx Plan Review and discuss factors influencing enclosure design, construction, long-term durability, serviceability, and performance Establish UNC-CH’s design intent requirements by discussing factors Dry lab – substantial need for cooling in dry labs because of heat generated by the equipment; May need to control lab environment and have special windows OPR- Site description and requirements, building code, sustainability, function, thermal performance, structural, roofing, fenestration, exterior walls, below grade, accessibility, acoustical criteria Energy Code Changes – Roof R-value above deck example; specific air sealing details for commercial buildings LEED Silver Designation - LEED 2009 or LEED v4 beta; Keith Snead (IAQ testing to get credits) Ref. Scott Rohlf and Terracon
Design Reviews BE Drawings/Details Address: BE Reviews Verify:
Drainage Plane/Flashing Details Air/Vapor Barrier System Details Thermal Barrier Details BE Reviews Verify: Continuous/Constructible Control Layers Material Compatibility and Product Appropriateness Compliance with OPR, Building Code and Manufacturer’s Requirements Drawing Continuity: Identification of Missing or Conflicting Details
Pre-Construction Phase Services
Attend Pre-Bid Conference Review BE Information in Bids Review BE Submittals and Shop Drawings Coordinate BECx activities with Contractor Update and Document OPR, BOD, BECx Plan
Construction Phase Services
Attend pre-construction, mock-ups installations and construction progress meetings Perform on-site inspections and report observations Assist with QA/QC reviews Develop and maintain BE-related punch list reports of outstanding or defective items Develop/distribute BECx close-out documents Maintain/Update OPR, BOD and BECx Plan Observe or Conduct Performance Verification Testing Verify compliance with contract documents
Inspection Services Provide end dams where flashing steps down
Add fasteners as required to meet or exceed the minimum wind uplift design spacing
Performance Verification Testing
Air Leakage Static and Dynamic Pressure Water Penetration Adhesion Strength Testing Anchor strength Sound
Performance Verification Testing
Infrared Imaging IR/Nuclear Roof Surveys Flood testing Dynamic Pressure Water Penetration Wind Uplift Testing Importance of recognizing distinction between errors and omissions in architectural or product design vs. defective installation or workmanship when interpreting field test results
Occupancy and Operations Phase Services
Attend Occupancy and Operations planning meeting Provide Final BECx Report Summary of BE systems tested and results Tabulation of BE system warranties Maintenance Manual Perform limited survey and testing (nondestructive) of BE systems at milestone intervals Assist with LEED Certification University of Florida: Innovation in Design credit for BECx LEED V4: BECx still not part of prerequisite Cx but BE Design Review required Attend Occupancy and Operations planning meeting with owner/end user Provide Final BECx Report Summary of BE systems tested and results Tabulation of BE system warranties Include Maintenance Manual Perform limited survey and testing (nondestructive) of BE systems at milestone intervals as outlined in BECx schedule As needed, develop suggestions to align BE performance with original or modified OPR
Systems optional in scope of CxA (must pursue EAc3 / EAp1 to apply for ID credit)
LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx N/A Envelope Envelope Cx during & after construction Fire & Life Safety Water Collection systems Stormwater Management Water Treatment IT Systems Irrigation
ASHRAE Guidelines 0-2005 and 1.1-2007; NIBS Guideline 3-2012
Referenced Standards LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 NONE ASHRAE Guidelines and ; NIBS Guideline ASHRAE Guidelines GENERAL ASHRAE – HVAC Systems NIBS Guideline – BUILDING ENVELOPE
Envelope Requirements
LEED 2009 LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path 1 Path 2 NONE Include in OPR, BOD and review of OPR, BOD and design documents same as EAp1 PLUS envelope inspection and performance testing
Documents required to be uploaded to LEED Online
LEED v4 EAp1 Fund Cx EAc3 Enhanced Cx EAp1 Fund Cx & Verification EAc1 Enhanced Cx Option 1 Option 2 Path1 Path 2 Summary of the Cx Report Cx Plan TOC Training Plan Measurements Points Evidence of envelope performance testing (1) completed FT Ongoing Commissioning Plan Current Facilities Requirements (CFR) and O&M plan and TOC
Bottomline Changes to v4 from v2009
Fundamental Cx & Verification Includes envelope design review 50k sf lowered to 20k sf CxA designated prior to CDs Added review and back-check of OPR, BOD and design documents Added systems manual and facilities requirements documentation Additional documentation uploaded to LEED Online Enhanced Cx: Option 1/Path 1 Added ongoing Cx plan Added systems manual requirements and operator and occupant training requirements to CDs Verifying delivery of Facilities requirements, O&M plan and Systems Manual Verify seasonal testing occurred Option 1/Path 2 M&V Option 2 Envelope inspection and performance testing
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