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Specifying Sustainable Design

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1 Specifying Sustainable Design

2 Rating Systems Supported
BSD SpecLink-E supports the following Green Building Rating Systems: LEED v4 BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovations Core and Shell Development Schools, Healthcare Data Centers Warehouses and Distribution Centers Hospitality, Retail

3 Get Started Early Achieving a sustainable design certification will depend heavily on early design decisions, including site selection Waiting until the construction documents phase to begin making green decisions may make achieving certification difficult or impossible

4 Sustainable Design Criteria
Designing for sustainability can’t be delegated to a Design-Bid-Build Contractor A Design-Builder can be given a target rating with as little or as much direction as desired BSD SpecLink-E includes sustainable design criteria in Section DC0 Facility Design Criteria, which can be used for both Design-Build projects and early design documentation on Design-Bid-Build projects

5 Specifying Strategy Types of Issues
No matter which rating system is used, all issues fall into one of these categories: Intrinsic to Location Design Phase Activity Post-Construction Activity Embodied in Overall Design Explicitly Shown In Contract Documents

6 Specifying Strategy Intrinsic to Location
The specification cannot address issues that are completely dependent on site location: Avoidance of sensitive lands Brownfield site Surrounding density and diverse uses Availability of alternative transportation

7 Specifying Strategy Design Phase Activities
The specification cannot address: Project planning Design process Site environmental assessment School campus master plan Life cycle analysis of design

8 Specifying Strategy Post-Construction Issues
The specification cannot address: Purchasing Green Power Provisions for Recycling Prohibition of Smoking Operational Issues: cleaning, pest control Joint use of facilities Tenant guidelines

9 Specifying Stategy Issues Embodied in the Design
No particular, immediately identifiable specification solution: Parking capacity, reduced parking footprint Design for water and energy conservation Optimization of energy performance Ventilation design Design for flexibility

10 Specifying Strategy Solutions in Contract Documents
For each issue, determine where it should be shown or specified: Only shown on the drawings Only indicated in the specifications Partly shown and partly specified Now you know what needs to be included in the specifications

11 SpecLink-E Provides Contractor Procedures
Temporary Erosion & Sediment Control Indoor Air Quality Controls Execution and Closeout Requirements (site drainage, pollution prevention) Construction Waste Management & Disposal Underground Storage Tank Removal Polychlorinate Biphenyl (PCB) Remediation Site Clearing (limits on site disturbance)

12 SpecLink-E Provides Commissioning Procedures
General Commissioning Requirements Commissioning Authority Responsibilities Commissioning of HVAC

13 SpecLink-E Provides 01 3329 - Sustainable Design Reporting:
Explanation of project goals What the Contractor is required and not required to do to aid the certification process A method for collecting information about “green materials” Procedures to be followed List of sections where particular sustainable design issues are specified

14 SpecLink-E Provides Sections related to “Green Materials”
Product Requirements (definitions) VOC Content Restrictions Forms for Submittals – Material Content Form – Prohibited Content Installer Certification

15 SpecLink-E Provides 02 Existing Conditions
– Demolition: Removal of existing pavements and other impervious surfacing; partial demolition for preserving existing construction – Polychlorinate Biphenyl (PCB) Remediation: Abatement of PCBs, mercury, & other substances regulated under U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act

16 SpecLink-E Provides 03 Concrete 05 Metals
– Cast-in-Place Concrete (and 4 other Division 3 sections): Option to replace some Portland cement with recycled content 05 Metals – Metal Fabrications: Custom- fabricated entrance mat frames – Metal Gratings and Floor Plates: Custom-fabrications entrance gratings

17 SpecLink-E Provides 06 Wood, Plastics, and Composites
Rough Carpentry (and 9 other Division 6 sections): Prohibition on old growth timber, sustainably harvested wood, salvaged and re- used wood 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection Vegetated roof solutions: Sheet Waterproofing Fluid-Applied Waterproofing Vegetated Roof Components

18 SpecLink-E Provides 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection
Rain water collection surfaces: – Metal Roof Panels – Sheet Metal Roofing White or light colored roof membrane: – Elastomeric Membrane Roofing: – Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing: Emissions-compliant sealants: Firestopping Joint Sealers: Plus sealing between residential units if not firestopped

19 SpecLink-E Provides 08 Openings 09 Finishes
Many sections for daylighting and views 09 Finishes – Gypsum Board Assemblies: Deck- to-deck sealed partitions around rooms where hazardous gases or chemicals are used – Carpeting: GreenLabel Plus certified Carpet Tile: GreenLabel Plus certified Painting and Coating: VOC limits

20 SpecLink-E Provides 10 Specialties 11 Equipment
– Lockers: For bicycle entrance – Fixed Sun Screens 11 Equipment – Residential Appliances: Energy Star rated appliances – Waste Compactors: For recycling

21 SpecLink-E Provides 12 Furnishings 14 Conveying Equipment
– Window Shades: Motorized shades – Entrance Floor Mats and Frames: Manufactured grilles and gratings for high volume entryways – Bicycle Racks – Bicycle Lockers 14 Conveying Equipment – Facility Chutes: For recycling

22 SpecLink-E Provides 21 Fire Suppression 22 Plumbing
– Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System: Non-Halon extinguishing agent 22 Plumbing – Meters and Gages for Plumbing Piping: For metering subsystems – Plumbing Piping: Documentation of regulatory lead-content restrictions; certification of proper soldering of copper piping

23 SpecLink-E Provides 22 Plumbing (cont.)
– Plumbing Equipment: Pumps for potable and non-potable water – Plumbing Fixtures: WaterSense- labeled fixtures; documentation of regulatory lead-content restrictions; high-efficiency and dry toilet fixtures – Healthcare Plumbing Fixtures: WaterSense-labeled fixtures; documentation of regulatory lead-content restrictions

24 SpecLink-E Provides 23 HVAC 23 0800 - Commissioning of HVAC
– HVAC Air Duct Cleaning – Instrumentation and Control Devices for HVAC – Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Ground-Loop Heat-Pump Piping – HVAC Water Treatment: To reduce cooling tower water usage

25 SpecLink-E Provides 23 HVAC (cont.)
– HVAC Ducts and Casings: Emissions-compliant duct sealers – HVAC Air Cleaning Devices: MERV-compliant air filters – Condensing Boilers 23 6xxx – Chiller and Refrigeration Equipment sections: Low-GWP refrigerant – Water-to-Water Heat Pumps

26 SpecLink-E Provides 26 Electrical
– Minor Electrical Demolition: Removal of abandoned cables containing lead; minor removal of mercury-containing lamps and PCB- and DEHP-containing ballasts – Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Limitations on lead content of cable insulation – Lighting Control Devices – Network Lighting Controls: Integrated lighting and window shade controls – Wiring Devices: Manual lighting controls.

27 SpecLink-E Provides 26 Electrical (cont.)
– Wiring Devices: Manual lighting controls – Photovoltaic Collectors: With related equipment and supports – Interior Lighting: Limitations on mercury-content of lamps; minimum lamp life – Exterior Lighting: Limitations on mercury-content of lamps; minimum lamp life; fixtures selected to reduce light pollution

28 SpecLink-E Provides 31 Earthwork 32 Exterior Improvements
Site Clearing: Vegetation protection; site clearing waste management – Grading: For restoring site water flows – Rip Rap: For erosion protection 32 Exterior Improvements – Operation and Maintenance of Planting: First year maintenance Turf Surfaced Roadways Precast Concrete Unit Paving: Open- grid pavers

29 Step-by-Step 01 3329 – Sustainable Design Reporting Project Tree
Select and open the section Choose the Rating System Review the automatically activated text, X-out if not relevant to your project Review inactive text, select if relevant In PART 3, select all sections having solutions relevant to your project Project Tree Green status box indicates sections activated Review each section for further decisions

30 Section First select Section in the folder tree, open it and check the status box at the title.

31 Section Next, activate the relevant Rating System and click on the blue text to see further choices

32 Section The PART 3 checklist may have some items already highlighted in green. Activate their parent heading to activate them. Each section selected, and each option below it, automatically turns on the relevant section and text elsewhere in the spec.

33 Section 01 3329 The final section covers scope and procedures
and a list of all the other sections with an indication of what the requirements are.

34 Step-by-Step Submittal Report
Automatic report lists all sections in project that require sustainable design documentation submittals Properly tagged user-added submittals also show

35 Specifying for LEED LEED v4 BD+C:
As of May 2014, BSD SpecLink-E supports the following LEED Rating Systems: LEED v4 BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovations Core and Shell Development Schools, Healthcare Data Centers Warehouses and Distribution Centers Hospitality, Retail

36 Specifying for LEED Review the rating system document to classify prerequisites and credits into categories Intrinsic to Location Design Phase Activity Post-Construction Activity Embodied in Overall Design Shown on the Drawings To Be Specified

37 Specifying for LEED Identify the Goal And the Facility Type
Certified: 40 points Silver: 50 points Gold: 60 points Platinum: 80 points Plus regional priority credits possible And the Facility Type New Construction, Schools, Healthcare, etc.

38 Specifying for LEED Decide whether to pursue:
Building Material Disclosure Credits Building Material Optimization Credits Low-Emitting Materials Credits Make appropriate selections in If pursuing any of them, include: Section – Material Content Form

39 Specifying for LEED The Material Content Form is automatically tailored to the types of credits being pursued Disclosures, like EPDs Content types, such as recycled, certified wood, VOCs Cost information, for performing the calculations

40 Specifying for LEED Low-Emitting Materials Credits:
Very possible to write an impossible spec The thresholds are very high (90-100%) The indoor-emissions test is relatively new But this credit is divided into 5 categories of products that can be pursued separately as long as at least 2 categories are achieved (3 for Schools, Healthcare) Edit Section – VOC Content Restrictions, to suit your decisions

41 Specifying for LEED If desired, use the Prohibited Content Installer Certification form reduce the likelihood that installers ignore the low-emitting material specifications Instructions Assertions that they did not use any products with prohibited content, whether specified or not Certification signature

42 Coming Soon In the coming months, the following additional rating systems will be added: LEED v4 ID+C: Interiors Design & Construction LEED v4 Homes GreenGlobes for New Construction Federal Guiding Principles for New Construction and Major Renovations LEED v4 ND: Neighborhood Development (with construction)

43 Specifying Sustainable Design with BSD SpecLink-E
Questions? Building Systems Design, Inc. 888-BSD-SOFT ( ) Thank you for your interest!

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