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Interactive Reporting v3.2. Multiple Order By Option Set multiple order by options.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Reporting v3.2. Multiple Order By Option Set multiple order by options."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Reporting v3.2

2 Multiple Order By Option Set multiple order by options

3 Multiple Order By Option

4 Set Filters

5 Set Columns Order Position Click arrows to move selection up/down

6 Highlight Row/Column

7 New Filter Selection Layout

8 Extra Top/Bottom Options

9 “Other” Row Data for Top/Bottom Selection

10 Alternative Grouped Report Format

11 Option to print each group separately

12 Modify Table Width Select table width

13 Alternate Rows & Columns

14 Hover over all Filter values

15 Update Existing Favorite

16 Scalability Improvements POST Requests in V3.2 Limit Now of 64k chars in Requests V3.0 Used Get Requests Old Limit was 2K in IE and 4k in Moz Means More Filter Selections More Sophisticated Reports More Filter Options

17 Favorite Categories

18 Administration

19 Active Directory Username & Password

20 Advanced Emailer Options

21 Overwrite User/Group Security Options Security Dimensions can now be specified at a mapping level. No need for so many duplicate templates

22 Simplified User Security Dropdown Security Filters Dynamically populate with names. Easy to use Labels. Color Coded Access

23 User Security Mapping View You Can see which users can and cannot access the report and what their restrictions are

24 Additional Options for Calculated Variables

25 Autocomplete Link Url Click to autocomplete link url

26 Direct link to Connect Page

27 Allow Multiple Mapping Clones

28 Default Time Improvements Can Set Defined Periods, e.g. This Month, Last Month for Default Time Period

29 Mapping Calendar Can Override Calendar Settings at a mapping level

30 Date Properties Calendar Each Date Field in a mapping now has a customizable default Start and End Date Useful if you have 2 Dates in a report, and Want to set one of them to ALL

31 Detail Report Column Ordering

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