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Bernt A. Bremdal, NCE SMART Energy Markets Smart City development should start with Smart Grid.

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Presentation on theme: "Bernt A. Bremdal, NCE SMART Energy Markets Smart City development should start with Smart Grid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernt A. Bremdal, NCE SMART Energy Markets Smart City development should start with Smart Grid

2 NCE SMART is a government certified centre of expertise with focus on energy and energy markets NCE Smart Energy Markets

3 How long are you willing to wait?

4 Your chance to shape your future

5 My story The future is electric The energy market is key to a greener & smarter future Smart Cities require Smart Grids Prosumer communities characterizes a Smart City

6 Norway – the electric energy consumer Source: REMODECE 2008

7 Norway - the concpicuous energy consumer

8 Luxury articles reinforces identity




12 Market situation with increased consumption

13 Market situation with increased consumption (II)

14 Load variations during the day (Kilde: SINTEF Energi)

15 User flexibility in practice

16 Small Hydro Power Station Photovoltaic Micro electricity storage Thermal Storage SMES Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Biomass Solar Power Plant Residential CHP Combined Heat and Power Micro CHPs Off-Shore Wind Wave Energy Low Emission Power Plant Transformer Micro Grid Solar Demand Site Management Heat Pump Underground Info and Power Transmission HVDC Link High Voltage Direct Current Compressed Hydrogen Storage H2 Production and Filling Station Value Added Services Forecast Information European Smart Grids Technology Platform European Commission for Science and Research, 2006 ISBN 92-79-01414-5 source: 16 Smart Grid

17 Technology: The Smart Grid starts with the smart meter (AMS) Control systems in buildings and households Systems for billing, net & market information, remote off/on or capacity adjustment Other services Internett Records consumption every hour (or more frequently) Meters both «Procurement and Sale»

18 The Smart House Concept can come true in a inexpensive way 18 Remote heating I-net router uCHP (Heat and Power) Storage Uncontrollable loads Controllable loads Electric meterHome Energy Agent Home Energy Display AMS e-nett Internet Kilde: MoreCom - Manage Smart in SmartGrid

19 19 Traditional “One way delivery” AMI “Bi-directional communication“ Demand Response “Efficient markets” Smart grid “Smart Bi-directional delivery” Energy Market Real-time changing consumption patterns Traditional meters Automation / Self-healing De-centralizing storage Distributed generation Mobility / Electronic cars New payment solutions Elastic pricing Reducing peaks Reducing CO 2 in generation Resizing distribution capacity Reducing operational costs Automated processes Billing on actual consumption Manual meter readings Manual processes Overcapacity in grid / generation Price signals Generation capabilities Consumption demand Customer Electronic cars Traditional services / Estimated billing Knowledge / Control of consumption Lower consumption / New pricing products Lower consumption / New pricing products Micro generation Smart meters Energy Storage Utility company Price Signal Traditional System Automation Real-time Billing Complex Solutions 2030+-1930201020202015 Traditional meters Distributed generation / E-mobility Distributed generation / E-mobility

20 ICT yields control of the flow: Those who consume and those who produce are billed accordingly

21 AMS combined with already existing infratructure 21 Remote heating I-net router uCHP (Heat and Power) Storage Uncontrollable loads Controllable loads Electric meterHome Energy Agent Home Energy Display AMS E-nett Internet Kilde: MoreCom - Manage Smart in SmartGrid


23 Affordable technology enables prosumers Production-, control- og storage technology Technology for distribution, communication, billing/payment Technology for distribution, communication, billing/payment ConsumerProducer Market

24 The value proposition of the prosumer Purchase surplus, clean energy Subscribe to my flexibility Move consumption to off-peak periods Substitute import with home production

25 Microproduction gir is becoming better and cheaper Wind generatos Sun – PV systems Sun – water heating Micro-CHP’s Fuel cells Thermal storage New electric batteries El-vehicles An many more. Sun panels/PV PC’s Fridge

26 Democratization of the market Virtual Power Plant ”The co-op model” ”The portfolio model” The nner market The inner market

27 Markedseffekten av fleksibilitet Consumerflex (Prosumers)

28 Sun – Photo Voltaic Systems

29 Architecture & PVS

30 ++ house in Trondheim

31 Sun heated and sun driven

32 Parking lots

33 Sun and climate production

34 Wind micro generators

35 Architecture and wind

36 Neigbourhood considerations

37 Architecture and wind


39 Lagring

40 Wind generators as art

41 Micro-CHPs with bio gas

42 Schwarmstrom = swarm electricity

43 Bio gas based micro-CHPs can become a very significant regulator of intermittent power from wind and sun

44 Idle electric cars as el-storage

45 Better Place: Replaceable battery packs

46 Thermal storage

47 Fly wheel – kinetic energy storage

48 Electrosysis: Fuel cells & Hydrogen

49 Hydrogen yields immense flexibility

50 Now what? The components are there – now it is for you and your generation to put it all together in an effective, user friendly and inexpensive way

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