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Implications of Damage and Deterioration on the Performance and Serviceability of Girder Bridges Fifth of six webinars sponsored by MAUTC and VDOT November.

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Presentation on theme: "Implications of Damage and Deterioration on the Performance and Serviceability of Girder Bridges Fifth of six webinars sponsored by MAUTC and VDOT November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implications of Damage and Deterioration on the Performance and Serviceability of Girder Bridges Fifth of six webinars sponsored by MAUTC and VDOT November 13, 2014

2 For Audio Three options: – Using VOIP, your computer speakers – Having the audio system call you—type in your phone number at the prompt --Dial into the teleconference: 1-888-407-5039 Code: 93886803

3 Want to Promote Interactivity Please write questions/comments in the chat box (left side of your screen) We expect to have time for a discussion at the end There will be several polls and a speaker may ask you to respond using the chat box

4 MAUTC Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Center Consortium of six universities led by Penn State University along with University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Morgan State, West Virginia University, and University of Maryland

5 Tech Transfer Project Joint effort by University of Virginia and Virginia Tech with additional support from VDOT Disseminate webinars of MAUTC projects at the two universities 2 nd Thursday in the month at 2pm

6 Future Webinar December 11: Kyoungho Ahn (VT): “Developing a Real-Time Energy and Environmental Monitoring System.” Jianhe Du (VT): “Investigating Attractiveness of Tolling Roads.”

7 PDH Certificate/Today’s Presentations We can issue a certificate for 1.5 contact hours for attending today’s webinar. If you would like a certificate, please email your request to Jennifer Butler at by Monday, November Today’s presentations can be found at: – – mautc-webinar-november-13-girder-bridge- performance-and-serviceability/ mautc-webinar-november-13-girder-bridge- performance-and-serviceability/

8 Poll #1: Who Are You? Please respond to the poll that pops up with the most appropriate response that fits most of the people viewing the webinar with you: Consultant/contractor State government Local government Other government University student University faculty or researcher Other

9 Poll #2: How many people are viewing with you? Just myself—in my office Just myself—outside of my office With 1-3 other people With more than 4 other people

10 Poll #3: Please indicate your familiarity with bridges compared to other topics. What is your primary background area? Bridges Traffic Safety Geotechnical Materials Another area

11 Want to Promote Interactivity Please write questions/comments in the chat box (left side of your screen) We expect to have time for ten minutes of discussion after each speaker; we also have time for a longer discussion at the end There will be several polls and a speaker may ask you to respond using the chat box

12 Show Slides in Full Screen Clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the screen will allow you to see the slides using the full computer screen. Please press “Escape” to get back to the default screen with the chat box on the left so that you can enter questions.

13 Today’s Webinar Devin Harris, Amir Gheitasi (University of Virginia) “Implications of Damage and Deterioration on the Performance and Serviceability of Girder Bridges” Discussion

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