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Published byIsis McDougall Modified over 10 years ago
Air Breathing Propulsion Joint Technical Committee Meeting 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - Orlando World Center Marriott Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Gas Turbine Engines - High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion - Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration
2 Agenda for ABP Joint TC Meeting Welcome, Guest Announcements & Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Overview (30 Min) TC & Subcommittee Summaries (60 Min) –ABP Systems Integration TC (Jeff Flamm) –High Speed ABP TC (Joaquin Castro) –Gas Turbine Engines TC (Ian Hallliwell) –Education Subcommittee (Ian Halliwell) –Honors & Awards Subcommittee (Dave Mayer –Communications Subcommittee (John Sordyl) –Joint Propulsion Conference Subcommittee (Janet Convery) –Aerospace Sciences Meeting Subcommittee (D.R. Reddy) Special Presentation Topics (40 Min) –Engine Design Competition Collaboration With IGTI (Ian Halliwell) –X-51 Video Highlights (Joaquin Castro) –Green Engineering Program Committee Overview (Valerie Lyons) Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives (45 Min) Closing Notes & Adjourn 7:30 – 10:30 PM, Wednesday, January 5, Crystal Ballroom G 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
3 APB Overview - Topics TAC, P&E, ABP Organization ABP/ASM Meeting Tempo Propulsion & Energy Group Meeting Summary ABP Steering Committee Meeting Summary 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
Propulsion & Energy Group Organization Deputy Director Air-Breathing Propulsion Jeff Hamstra Aerospace Power Systems TC Terrestrial Energy Systems TC Gas Turbine Engines TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC Deputy Director Rocket & Space Propulsion I-Shih Chang Hybrid Rockets TC Liquid Propulsion TC Solid Rockets TC Electric Propulsion TC Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion TC Energetic Components & Systems TC Propellants & Combustion TC Deputy Director Advanced Propulsion & Technologies Selma Goldstein Director Propulsion & Energy Ashwani Gupta Deputy Director Energy David Lilley Green Engineering Program Committee Jason Slagle / Valerie Lyons 4 4 Branches, 12 TCs 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott VP Technical Activities Committee Laura McGill
ABP Branch Jeff Hamstra Gas Turbine Engines Ian Halliwell Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Jeff Flamm High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Joaquin Castro Common Elements Communications John Sordyl Honors & Awards Dave Mayer Aerospace Sciences Meeting D.R. Reddy Joint Propulsion Conference Janet Convery Education Dan Kirk Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Technical Disciplines Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Organization Communications Education Honors & Awards Separate TCs Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards Technical Disciplines Conferences JPC/ASM Membership Liaison Communications Education Honors & Awards Update as of: Jan, 2011 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott 5
ASM/ABP Overview & Meeting Tempo 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott 6 Thanks to Jeff Flamm McManus
(P&E Group Meeting) Agenda Opening Remarks & Introductions (5 minutes) - Gupta & all JPC Steering Committee Chair- McManus (5 minutes) 2011 JPC Planning - Don Malloy, Anthony Watts and Wayne Hurwitz (10 Minutes), Sponsorship?? 2011 IECEC Planning- Ted Stern (General Chair), Farzad Mashayek (Technical Chair) 2012 JPC Planning Meeting - Dave McGrath (10 minutes), ATK Lead sponsor Atlanta (Tech. Chair: Dave McGrath, Executive Chair (Ind) - Bart Olson (President – Missile Products Division, ATK), General Chair (Ind.) – Make Lara, (VP programs for Elkton, ATK), IECEC 2012 leadership team ?? 2013 JPC San Jose July 15-17, General Chair and Technical Chair – (10 minutes) all 2014 JPC – Cleveland, General Chair: Chris Pestak, (Tech. Chair), Sponsorship,.?) (10 minutes) -- all JPC/ IECEC for out-years (2015, 2016) - Gupta/Chenevey/Capece/ (10 minutes) TC Effectiveness criteria from TAC AIAA Communications (TAC & BOD news & issues) (10 minutes) – Gupta P&E group --New Directions, structure and effectiveness (20 minutes) - Jeff Hamstra AIAA Administration/Staff Issues (10 minutes) as required Educational – Ian Halliwell TC Chair reports from ABP and Advanced Propulsion group: 5 to 7 minutes each Other Business
Recent/Future ASM & JPC Locations (as of Jan, 2011) YearASM LocationJPC Location 2006RenoSacramento 2007RenoCincinnati 2008RenoHartford 2009OrlandoDenver 2010OrlandoNashville 2011OrlandoSan Diego (7/31 – 8/3) 2012NashvilleAtlanta (7/30 – 8/1) 2013Dallas/Fort WorthSan Jose (7/15 – 7/17) 2014Washington, DCCleveland 2015OrlandoTBD 2016???TBD; New Orleans Likely 8 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
Additional Notes From P&E Group Meeting IECEC Will Retain Affiliation With JPC Always Looking For JPC Technical/General Chairs & Sponsors Visit By Basil Hassin, VP-Elect, TAC: Renewed Emphasis On Young Professionals (YP); Goal Of 5/TC Director, Deputies & Interested TC Chairs To Hold Near-Term Telecon To Continue “New Directions” Discussion New TC “Self-Assessment” Tool Deployed By TAC TAC Continues To Look At Lifetime Achievement Awards Process; May Increase Minimum Number Of Nominatons But Make Nomination Process Easier ASM Survey – Start Conference 1 st or 2 nd Week Of Jan? 9
10 APB Joint Steering Committee Meeting Agenda ASM Overview & Meeting Tempo ABP Branch Organization & Succession Planning P&E Group Meeting Summary Review of New Member Applications Dinner Meeting Agenda & Revised Structure Review Of Standard TC/Subcommittee Chart Deck Format Misc Notes & Other Business Adjourn 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott Tuesday, January 4, 2011 - 09:00 – 10:30, West Indies Room
Motivation For A Standardized Chart Deck Make More Efficient Use Of Joint TC Meeting Opportunities Current Reporting Format: Free-Form Presentations From 3 TCs + 3 Service Subcommittees + 2 Conference Subcommittees Proposed Format: 1 Chart For Each TC/Subcommittee With Backup Materials (From Dedicated TC/SC Meetings) Linked In As Necessary Eliminate Redundant Reporting Of Information By Assigning Specific Responsibility For Discussion Of Each Topic Create Time For Special Topics, Guest Speakers, Etc. Allow Use Of Identical Charts In Different Venues (i.e. P&E Group Meeting & ABP Dinner Meeting) 11
12 Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee Chair: Dr. Jane DoePhone: 123-456-7890 Email: Vice Chair: Mr. Jim BobPhone: 123-456-7890 Email: Update as of: 12/03/2010 Membership Profile Government:12 Industry:13 Academia:15 Total:40 U.S.33 International: 2 Associate: 5 Total:40 Member: 15 Assoc Fellow: 22 Fellow: 2 Non-member: 1 Total: 40 Recent Conference Performance Initiatives & Plans Abstracts Received: 60 Abstracts Accepted: 50 Sessions: 10 Withdrawals/No-Shows: 6 Issues / Help Needed ASM 2010JPC 2010 Abstracts Received: 60 Abstracts Accepted: 50 Sessions: 10 Withdrawals/No-Shows: 6 Problem #1 Problem #2 Accomplishments / Status AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC Top level statement blah blah blah blah blah blah etc. etc. Etc –2’nd level statement blah blah blah Third level statement Top level statement blah blah blah blah blah blah etc. etc. (ECD 3/1/11) Etc –2’nd level statement blah blah blah blah b Third level statement
13 Agenda for ABP Joint TC Meeting Welcome & Guest Announcements Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Overview (30 Min) TC & Subcommittee Summaries (60 Min) –ABP Systems Integration TC Summary (Jeff Flamm) –High Speed ABP TC Summary (Joaquin Castro) –Gas Turbine Engines TC Summary (Ian Hallliwell) –Education Subcommittee (Ian Hallliwell) –Honors & Awards Subcommittee (Dave Mayer –Communications Subcommittee (John Sordyl) –Joint Propulsion Conference (Janet Convery) –Aerospace Sciences Meeting (D.R. Reddy) Special Topics (40 Min) –Engine Design Competition Collaboration With IGTI (Ian Halliwell) –X-51 Video Highlights (Joaquin Castro) –Green Engineering Program Committee Overview (Valerie Lyons) Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives (45 Min) Closing Notes & Adjourn 7:30 – 10:30 PM, Wednesday, January 5, Crystal Ballroom G 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
14 01 Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Technical Committee Chair: Jeffrey FlammPhone: 757-864-5955 Email: Vice Chair: Michelle McMillan Phone: (314) 324-4482 Email: Update as of: 1/5/2011 Membership Profile Government: 7 Industry:26 Academia: 3 Total:36 U.S.28 International: 4 Associate: 4 Total:36 Member: 3 Sen. Member: 17 Assoc Fellow: 13 Fellow: 1 Non-Member 2 Total: 36 Recent Conference Performance Initiatives & Plans Issues / Help Needed Joint Propulsion Integration Panel at IGTI 2012 – no support from IGTI – Don Malloy Member Attendance/Participation Accomplishments / Status AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC Website updated - Neal Herring ABPSI best paper process defined - Dave Mayer Lead for ABPSI best paper ‘11 - Bryan Westra JPC Splinter meeting – paper reviewer guidelines from TAO to make sure papers are in correct area YIR article – Dyna Benchergui 6th Edition of the AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide Book – update (Rockensies) 5 new member applicants (1 Transfer to GTE) Self Assessment Score 102 Centennial of Naval Aviation – Sept 2011 VA Beach – Benchergui and Hughes Liaison with ASME Aircraft Engine Committee (Malloy/Hughes) Liaison with Aircraft Design TC (Benchergui/Flamm) Workshop – flow control application/thermal management/optimization JPC 12 - panel sessions from Tech Areas Special Session (ABPSI/GTE) NASA N+3 propulsion Technologies next ASM Supersonic Inlets Special Joint Session w/ Applied Aero planned for ASM ’12 (Loth and Babinsky) Get Shirts Ordered! YP’s 6 JPC '10ASM 11JPC 11 Abstracts Received:111224 Abstracts Accepted:81023 Sessions:336 Withdrawals/No-Shows:1/02/0-
15 02 HSABP Technical Committee Chair: Joaquin H. CastroPhone: 561-796-3453 Email: Vice Chair: Dr. Ryan Starkey Phone: 303-492-0871 Email: Update as of: 01/03/2011 Membership Profile Government:16 Industry:20 Academia:12 Total:48 U.S.36 International: 7 Associate: 5 Total:48 Sr. Member: 19 Assoc Fellow: 23 Fellow: 1 Member/Student: 5 Total: 48 Recent Conference Performance Initiatives & Plans Abstracts Received: 40/38P Abstracts Accepted: 40 Sessions: 8 + 1 Inv Withdrawals/No-Shows: 3 Issues / Help Needed ASM 2011JPC 2010 Abstracts Received: 82 Abstracts Accepted: 65 Sessions: 16 Withdrawals/No-Shows: ? Generation of H &A Packages Membership engagement Accomplishments / Status AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC Membership Growth (48 = 36 + 5 + 7) Continued to mature SharePoint Published Year in Review Article Published 2 Newsletters/year JPC Special Session Worked with HyTASP to ready Fred Billig Award request for submission to TAC Local Chapter outreach in TX and FL JPC K-12 STEM education initiative (w/ Edu. Commt) AIAA CVD participation (teamed with HyTASP & HIT)
16 16 HSABP TC Newsletter
17 03 Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee Chair: Dr. Ian Halliwell Phone: 740 323-0135 Email: Vice Chair: Dr. James A. Kenyon Phone: 703 696-8498 Email: Update as of: 1/01/2011 Membership Profile Government: 7 Industry:14 Academia:13 Total:34 U.S.29 International: 2 Associate: 3 Total:34 Member: 20 Assoc Fellow: 13 Fellow: 1 Total: 34 Recent Conference Performance Initiatives & Plans Abstracts Received: xx Abstracts Accepted: 36 Sessions: 7 Withdrawals/No-Shows: x Issues / Help Needed ASM 2011JPC 2011 Abstracts Received: 63 Abstracts Accepted: 60 Sessions: 14 Withdrawals/No-Shows: 3 Pressure of work led to delay in reviewing abstracts for JPC2011 but members stepped forward to complete the job on time Accomplishments / Status AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC SC rosters defined completely; members engaged! Recruitment efforts have resulted in 12 new member nominations; they will be accommodated to expand TC resources ASM 2011 organization successful NPSS Short Course at JPC 2010 successful Collaboration with IGTI on Engine Design Competition progressing well 4 new teams involved in 2010/11 competition so far 3-day Short Course on Preliminary Engine Design given at Booz-Allen-Hamilton in Arlington 2-day Short Course given at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Action items defined for JPC improvement Updated version of 2-day Short Course on Design of Air Breathing Engines in preparation About to set up Joint AIAA/IGTI Engine Design Competition Working Group from the 3 ABP TCs & 2 IGTI Committees Formal liaisons with 9 AIAA TCs & PCs to be arranged
Short Courses Material for revised Air Breathing Propulsion Design Course in preparation (Ian Halliwell, Steve Beckel, Chen Chuck) 3-day Short Course on Preliminary Engine Design at Booz-Allen-Hamilton in Arlington presented in September (Ian Halliwell) 2-day Short Course at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University presented in November (Ian Halliwell) VKI High-speed course at WSU, Ohio, December 2010 (Venkat Tangirala, Steve Beckel, Guiellermo Paniagua) K-12 New activities through TAC/NIS ASM2009. Closure 04 ABP Education Subcommittee Recurring Education Activities New Initiatives & Plans Accomplishments / Status Issues / Help needed Think about future High-Speed Short Course! Chair: Dr. Daniel R. KirkPhone: Email: GTE: Dr. Rob McAmis Phone: Email: Update as of: 1/03/2011 HS ABP: Dr. Dora Musielak Phone: Email: ABPSI: Dr. Ian Halliwell Phone: 740 323-0135 Email: Engine Design Competition RFP for 2010/11 very successful; 4 new entries so far Short Courses Short Courses in Nashville very successful Revised Air Breathing Propulsion Design Course in works; to be presented in San Diego K-12 Liaison with STEM K-12 Committee continuing Specific actions items identified AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC 18 Engine Design Competition Collaboration with IGTI moving forward; met with IGTI BoD on Dec 17, 2010 Joint AIAA/IGTI working group to be set up, pending another meeting in March 2011 Engine Design Competition RFP for 2011/12 underway
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201119 05 Honors & Awards Subcommittee Recurring Honors & Awards Summary New Initiatives & Plans 2010 ABP Award: Candidate selected and award given at the 2010 JPC 2010 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student Award: Candidate selected and award given at the 2010 JPC 2010 Best Paper Awards: Two best papers selected and awards given at the 2010 JPC Fred Billig Hypersonic Award: HSABP working with HyTASP to develop this new award. Briefing to TAC and HAC tomorrow followed by vote to accept/reject. Regular communication through e-mail and telecons 2011 ABP Award: Three active nominations, judging panel is being formed, and judging will commence shortly 2011 Best Paper Award: Session chair reports from the 2010 JPC received, each TC will begin judging process once session chair reports are received from 2011 ASM 2011 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student Award: Student self nominations due by January 31 st, judging team will be formed and selection made during March-April, 2011 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC Accomplishments & Status Issues / Help needed Nominations for the Air Breathing Propulsion Award required by October 1st Deadline! We need at least one more nomination (possibly 3!) in order to make the award Please respond to e-mail confirming ABP award winner Chair: Dave MayerPhone: 206-304-6344 Email: GTE: Sivaram GogineniPhone: 937-266-9570 Email: Update as of: 01/05/2011 HSABP: Jinho LeePhone: 216-433-5877 Email: ABPSI: Dave Mayer Phone: 206-304-6344 Email: 2010 ABP Award (career achievement): Bobby L. Berrier, NASA Langley Research Center (Retired) 2010 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student Award: Collin Otis, University of Pittsburgh ABPSI: D. Kapilavai, et. al., “Experimental Testing & Numerical Investigation of Shrouded Co-Annular Plug Nozzle Flowfields”, AIAA Paper 2009-4902 GTE: Not awarded yet. In work. HSABP: R.P. Starkey, et. al., “Integrated Aero-Servo- Thermo-Propulso-Elasticity (ASTPE) Methodology for Hypersonic Scramjet Vehicle Design/Analysis”, AIAA-2010- 1122 2010 TC Best Papers:
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201120 2010 Air Breathing Propulsion Award 3 nomination packages considered (1 new and 2 rollover) Selection committee Nicole Key Raymond Best Marty Bradley Robert Bruckner Jeffrey Flamm Sivaram Gogineni Jinho Lee Joseph Oefelein (P&C) 2010 Recipient: Bobby L. Berrier, NASA Langley Research Center Retired “For extensive and sustained contributions to the understanding of propulsion airframe integration on a broad range of military and commercial aircraft as an individual contributor and technology leader” Awarded for “Meritorious, Career-Spanning Accomplishment in the Science or Art of Air Breathing Propulsion”
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201121 2010 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Award Nine applicants this year Selection committee Jeff Flamm (head judge) Norbert Bissinger Marty Bradley Robert Bruckner Nicole Key Jinho Lee Mathias Ihme Christopher Hughes 2010 Recipient: Collin Otis - University of Pittsburgh, Laboratory for Computational Transport Phenomena Research focus: Accurate and affordable prediction of combined cycle airbreathing propulsion systems in hypersonic aircraft $5,000 cash award presented for “Outstanding Graduate Student Research in the Area of Air Breathing Propulsion”
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201122 2010 Best Paper Awards ABPSI TC “Experimental Testing & Numerical Investigation of Shrouded Co-Annular Plug Nozzle Flowfields”, AIAA Paper 2009-4902, Dheeraj Kapilavai, John Tapee, John Sullivan, Charles L. MerklePurdue (University, West Lafayette, IN) Thomas R. Wayman and Timothy R. Conners (Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, Savannah, Georgia) GTE TC Not awarded yet. In work. HSABP TC “Integrated Aero-Servo-Thermo-Propulso-Elasticity (ASTPE) Methodology for Hypersonic Scramjet Vehicle Design/Analysis”, AIAA-2010-1122, Ryan P. Starkey, Danny D. Liu, P.C. Chen, Ayan Sengupta, K.T. Chang, and Falcon Rankins
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201123 New Initiatives & Plans New Initiatives: HSABP TC working with HyTASP to develop a Fred Billig Hypersonic Award –Award draft reviewed by HSABP TC H&A subcommittee –Briefing to TAC and HAC tomorrow followed by vote to accept/reject Plans H&A subcommittee telecon schedule –Regular telecons recommended to monitor progress on ABP award nominations –Other selection committees will communicate via e-mail and telecons as required. 2011 ABP Award –We have three active nominations –Judging panel is being formed –Judging will commence shortly –POC: Nicole Key 2011 Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student Award –Student self nominations are due by January 31, 2011 –Judging team will be formed and selection made during March-April, 2011 –POC: Jinho Lee 2011 Best Paper Award –We have received most of the session chair reports from the 2010 JPC –H&A chairs are tracking down a few missing session chair reports –Once session chair reports are received from 2011 ASM each TC will begin the judging process –POC: Bryan Westra (ABPSI), Bryce Roth (GTE), James Donahue (HSABP)
49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 01/05/201124 Air Breathing Propulsion Award Selection Process Only awarded if at least 3 nominations are active Nominations are active for a total of three cycles Chronic problems maintaining the requisite 3 active nominations Currently have 3 active nominations One nominee will likely receive the 2011 ABP award We need at least one new nomination, preferably more, by October 1 st nomination deadline Therefore Each TC Chair (ABPSI, GTE, and HSABP) is asked to ensure at least one nomination package is submitted each year ALL TC members are encouraged to submit nominations POC for 2010/11/12 is Nicole Key. Please have nominator advise POC of “intent to nominate” as soon as possible AIAA has adopted shorter 4 page nomination form for national awards ( ) Change to 5 active nominations with reduced nomination requirements has been proposed. If adopted we will require 3 new nominations!!! Awarded for “Meritorious, Career-Spanning Accomplishment in the Science or Art of Air Breathing Propulsion”
06 Communication Subcommittee Recurring Communications Mission New Initiatives & Plans Accomplishments / Status Issues / Help needed Manpower – need additional support Interface with other sub-committees Chair: John SordylPhone: 248-960-2629 Email: GTE: John Sordyl Phone: 248-960-2629 Email: Update as of: 01/05/2011 HSABP: Dora MusielakPhone: Email: ABPSI: Neal Herring Phone: 860-610-7704 Email: Advertising ABP outside the TCs Banners Tri-folds Year In Review (YIR) in Aerospace America Special Interest Articles Internal ABP communications Meeting minutes recorded, published Sharepoints TC Guide Books Recruitment Advertise nomination process, applications Liaison with other AIAA entities All 3 TC’s published 2010 YIR Articles Meeting minutes published on Sharepoint HSABP Sharepoint format updated with photos Subcommittee membership, roles updated Tri-Fold update and redesign for JPC (ECD 5/1/2011) Bi-Monthly communications telecons (each TC) Quarterly joint communications telecons (all TCs) Issue updated newsletters by JPC 2011 Summarize, organize, present ABP new initiatives Special Interest Article for Aerospace America Establish updated ABP TC Guide Books Focus on Honors and Awards Coordination AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC 25 GTETC: ABPSI: HSABP: Sharepoint Location on the Web
26 07 Joint Propulsion Conference Subcommittee Three Year Conference Performance New Initiatives 2011: 1-3 Aug., San Diego, CA 2012: 30 Jul.-1 Aug., Atlanta, GA 2013: 15-17 Jul., San Jose, CA 2014: Cleveland, OH 2012 Subcommittee Chair – Michelle McMillan GTETC – Gerry Welch HS ABP – Venkat Tangirala ABPSI – Michelle McMillan Developing Technical Area Organizer process map for new TAOs (ASM and JPC) Recruiting of papers/sessions before 2012 call for papers will improve session quality and may help reduce no-shows AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC Current/Next Event Notes Issues / Help needed Reviewers and session chairs always needed…all TC members can help! Continuing to address no-show issue Chair: Janet ConveryPhone: 540-387-7579 Email: GTE: Guillermo Paniagua Phone: +32 (0)2-359-9629 Email: Update as of: 01/05/2010 HS ABP: Roy HartfieldPhone: Email: ABPSI: Rod Daebelliehn Phone: Email: 200920102011Total GTE62 / 1452 / 1363 / 14177 / 41 HS64 / 1682 / 1644 / 11190 / 43 PSI44 / 932 / 823 / 699 / 23 Total170 / 39166 / 37130 / 31466 / 107 Abstracts Accepted/Sessions: HS 1 invited session; 2 potential joint sessions ABPSI invited sessions under discussion
27 08 Aerospace Sciences Meeting Subcommittee Three Year Conference Performance ASM 2012 Special Sessions - Candidates Subcommittee Chair Mani Subramanian (?) – Rotation goes to GTE TC from HSABP Technical Area Chairs from 3TCs Gas Turbine Engines - Mani Subramanian ABP System Integration – Vance Dippold, III High Speed ABP - Hassan Hassan Specialty Sub-chairs To be determined by the TACs as needed Aircraft Engine Icing Issues w/Cryogenic Fuels – Scramjet Propulsion (?) Inlet /Fan Integration Hypersonic Centers (AF/NASA-funded) – POC : H. Hassan Report on NASA N+3 Studies (phase II) Green Initiative – Open Rotor, Alternative Fuels Effect of Volcanic Ash on Gas Turbine Engines - POCs: Ian Halliwell, Rob Bruckner, and Jimmy Kenyon AIAA Propulsion and Energy Group, Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Gas Turbine Engines TC ASM 2012 Issues / Items of Interest Chair: D, R, ReddyPhone: 216-433-8133 Email: GTE: Jayanta Kapat Phone: 407-617-1201 Email: Update as of: 01/03/2011 HS ABP: Venkat Tangirala Phone: 518-387-5010 Email: ABPSI: Don Malloy Phone: 931-454-4112 Email: 200920102011Total GTE35/0726/0727 / 0588 / 19 HSABP35/0740/0839 / 08114 / 23 ABPSI26/0624/0408 / 0258 / 12 Total96/2090/1974/ 15260 / 54 Abstracts Accepted/Sessions: GTE : 3 Invited Sessions (Dist. Propulsion - 2, ISRP - 1) HSABP: 1 Invited Session (TBCC Inlet) ABPSI: 1 Invited Session (Alternative Fuels – w/GTE) No podium, No paper policy – Significant reduction of No-shows problem
28 Agenda for ABP Joint TC Meeting Welcome & Guest Announcements Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Overview (30 Min) TC & Subcommittee Summaries (60 Min) –ABP Systems Integration TC Summary (Jeff Flamm) –High Speed ABP TC Summary (Joaquin Castro) –Gas Turbine Engines TC Summary (Ian Hallliwell) –Education Subcommittee (Ian Hallliwell) –Honors & Awards Subcommittee (Dave Mayer –Communications Subcommittee (John Sordyl) –Joint Propulsion Conference (Janet Convery) –Aerospace Sciences Meeting (D.R. Reddy) Special Topics (40 Min) –Engine Design Competition Collaboration With IGTI (Ian Halliwell) –X-51 Video Highlights (Joaquin Castro) –Green Engineering Program Committee Overview (Valerie Lyons) Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives (45 Min) Closing Notes & Adjourn 7:30 – 10:30 PM, Wednesday, January 5, Crystal Ballroom G 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
29 Agenda for ABP Joint TC Meeting Welcome & Guest Announcements Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Overview (30 Min) TC & Subcommittee Summaries (60 Min) –ABP Systems Integration TC Summary (Jeff Flamm) –High Speed ABP TC Summary (Joaquin Castro) –Gas Turbine Engines TC Summary (Ian Hallliwell) –Education Subcommittee (Ian Hallliwell) –Honors & Awards Subcommittee (Dave Mayer –Communications Subcommittee (John Sordyl) –Joint Propulsion Conference (Janet Convery) –Aerospace Sciences Meeting (D.R. Reddy) Special Topics (40 Min) –Engine Design Competition Collaboration With IGTI (Ian Halliwell) –X-51 Video Highlights (Joaquin Castro) –Green Engineering Program Committee Overview (Valerie Lyons) Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives (45 Min) Closing Notes & Adjourn 7:30 – 10:30 PM, Wednesday, January 5, Crystal Ballroom G 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives Purpose: Develop Grass-Roots Ideas For New Initiatives For ABP Process Divide Into 5 Teams (Not Along TC Lines) Appoint Note Taker & Spokesperson (TC Chairs DQ’d) Brainstorm New Ideas On Flipcharts; Candidate Ideas: Ideas Should Be Executable Within Scope Of ABP Branch Each Team Selects One Idea For Outbrief To Entire Group (Note: All Ideas Will Be Captured) If Possible, Identify POC Willing To Lead Each Initiative Communications To Facilitate Event & Organize Results 30 Membership Recruitment Website Design/Services Aerospace America Articles Honors / Awards Technical Standards Position Papers Professional Development K-12 Initiatives Special Activities With TAC $ Joint Activities With Other TCs & PCs; Local & Student Sections Outreach To Other Societies
Activity Timing Instructions, Organize Teams – 5 Minutes Brainstorm Ideas – 15 Minutes Organize Outbrief – 15 Minutes Outbrief Selected Idea From Each Team – 10 Minutes 31
32 Agenda for ABP Joint TC Meeting Welcome & Guest Announcements Air Breathing Propulsion Branch Overview (30 Min) TC & Subcommittee Summaries (60 Min) –ABP Systems Integration TC Summary (Jeff Flamm) –High Speed ABP TC Summary (Joaquin Castro) –Gas Turbine Engines TC Summary (Ian Hallliwell) –Education Subcommittee (Ian Hallliwell) –Honors & Awards Subcommittee (Dave Mayer –Communications Subcommittee (John Sordyl) –Joint Propulsion Conference (Janet Convery) –Aerospace Sciences Meeting (D.R. Reddy) Special Topics (40 Min) –Engine Design Competition Collaboration With IGTI (Ian Halliwell) –X-51 Video Highlights (Joaquin Castro) –Green Engineering Program Committee Overview (Valerie Lyons) Special Activity – ABP New Initiatives (45 Min) Closing Notes & Adjourn 7:30 – 10:30 PM, Wednesday, January 5, Crystal Ballroom G 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott
Misc Notes & Other Business Other Issues, Business or Comments? 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - January, 2011 - Orlando World Center Marriott 33
Thanks for all your effort! Maintain dialog! Stay involved! Next Meeting: August 2, 2011 in San Diego
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