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Alexei E. Likhtman, Sathish K. Sukumuran, Jorge Ramirez

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1 Entanglements and stress correlations in coarsegrained molecular dynamics
Alexei E. Likhtman, Sathish K. Sukumuran, Jorge Ramirez Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

2 Hierarchical modelling in polymer dynamics
Constitutive equations Tube theories Single chain models Coarse-grained many-chains models Atomistic simulations > Quantum mechanics simulations Traditional rheology CR Tube Model? Traditional physics The weakest link Kremer-Grest MD, Padding-Briels Twentanglemets, NAPLES Well established coarse- graining procedures, force-fields, commercial packages

3 The missing link Many chains system One chain model The ultimate goal:
Stochastic equation of motion for the chain in self-consistent entanglement field Many chains system + self-consistent field One chain model

4 Is there a tube model? Best definition of the tube model: one-dimensional Rouse chain projected onto three-dimensional random walk tube. Open questions: Can I have expression for the tube field, please? How to “measure” tube in MD? Is the tube semiflexible? Diameter = persistence length? Branch point motion How does the contour length changes with deformation? Tube parameters for different polymers? Tube parameters for different concentrations?

5 Rubinstein-Panyukov network model
Rubinstein and Panyukov, Macromolecules 2002, 6670

6 Construction of the model

7 Shanbhag, Larson, Takimoto, Doi 2001
Constraint release Hua and Schieber 1998 Shanbhag, Larson, Takimoto, Doi 2001

8 A.E.Likhtman, Macromolecules 2005

9 Relaxation of dilute long chains (36K) in a short matrix: constraint release
Mwmat labeled Rouse M.Zamponi et al, PRL 2006

10 Molecular Dynamics -- Kremer-Grest
Polymers – Bead-FENE spring chains k = 30/2 R0=1.5 With excluded volume – Purely repulsive Lennard-Jones interaction between beads Density,  = 0.85 Friction coefficent,  = 0.5 Time step, dt = 0.012 Temperature, T = /k K.Kremer, G. S. Grest JCP (1990)

11 g1(t) from MD for N=100,350 1 d 0.5 1/4 0.5 R e

12 g1(i,t)/t0.5 from MD for N=350 ends g1(i,t)/t0.5 middle t

13 G(t) from MD for N=50,100,200,350 (Ne~50)

14 G(t) from MD for N=50,100,200,350 (Ne~70)

15 g1(i,t) -- MD vs sliplinks mapping 1:1 (N=200)
Lines - MD Points - slip-links d 1 1 0 g1(i,t)/t0.5 e t

16 G(t) -- MD vs sliplinks mapping 1:1 (N=200)
0 1 5 G(t)*t1/2 Lines - MD Points - slip-links e t

17 Questions for discussion
Binary nature of entanglements? Can one propose an experiment which contradicts this? Non-linear flows: do entanglements appear in the middle of the chain? Is there an instability in monodisperse linear polymers?

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