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Python Crash Course PyFits, Astropy
3rd year Bachelors V1.0 dd Hour 7
Handling FITS files - PyFITS
Read, write and manipulate all aspects of FITS files extensions headers images tables Low-level interface for details High-level functions for quick and easy use
PyFITS - reading >>> import pyfits
>>> imgname = “testimage.fits” >>> img = pyfits.getdata(imgname) >>> img array([[2408, 2408, 1863, ..., 3660, 3660, 4749], [2952, 2408, 1863, ..., 3660, 3115, 4204], [2748, 2748, 2204, ..., 4000, 3455, 4000], ..., [2629, 2901, 2357, ..., 2261, 2806, 2261], [2629, 2901, 3446, ..., 1717, 2261, 1717], [2425, 2697, 3242, ..., 2942, 2125, 1581]], dtype=int16) >>> img.mean() >>> img[img > 2099].mean() >> import numpy >>> numpy.median(img) 4244.0
PyFITS – reading FITS images
>>> x = 348; y = 97 >>> delta = 5 >>> print img[y-delta:y+delta+1, ... x-delta:x+delta+1].astype( [[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]] row = y = first index column = x = second index numbering runs as normal (e.g. in ds9) BUT zero indexed!
PyFITS – reading FITS tables
>>> tblname = ‘data/N891PNdata.fits’ >>> d = pyfits.getdata(tblname) >>> d.names ('x0', 'y0', 'rah', 'ram', 'ras', 'decd', 'decm', 'decs', 'wvl', 'vel', 'vhel', 'dvel', 'dvel2', 'xL', 'yL', 'xR', 'yR', 'ID', 'radeg', 'decdeg', 'x', 'y') >>> d.x0 array([ , , , ,… , , ], dtype=float32) >>> d.field(‘x0’) # case-insensitive >>> select = d.x0 < 200 >>> dsel = d[select] # can select rows all together >>> print dsel.x0 [ ]
PyFITS – reading FITS headers
>>> h = pyfits.getheader(imgname) >>> print h SIMPLE = T /FITS header BITPIX = /No.Bits per pixel NAXIS = /No.dimensions NAXIS1 = /Length X axis NAXIS2 = /Length Y axis EXTEND = T / DATE = '05/01/ ' /Date of FITS file creation ORIGIN = 'CASB -- STScI ' /Origin of FITS image PLTLABEL= 'E ' /Observatory plate label PLATEID = '06UL ' /GSSS Plate ID REGION = 'XE ' /GSSS Region Name DATE-OBS= '22/12/ ' /UT date of Observation UT = '03:09: ' /UT time of observation EPOCH = E+03 /Epoch of plate PLTRAH = /Plate center RA PLTRAM = / PLTRAS = E+00 / PLTDECSN= ' ' /Plate center Dec PLTDECD = / PLTDECM = / >>> h[‘KMAGZP’] >>> h['REGION'] 'XE295‘ # Use h.items() to iterate through all header entries
PyFITS – writing FITS images
>>> newimg = sqrt((sky+img)/gain + rd_noise**2) * gain >>> newimg[(sky+img) < 0.0] = 1e10 >>> hdr = h.copy() # copy header from original image >>> hdr.add_comment(‘Calculated noise image’) >>> filename = ‘sigma.fits’ >>> pyfits.writeto(filename, newimg, hdr) # create new file >>> pyfits.append(imgname, newimg, hdr) # add a new FITS extension >>> pyfits.update(filename, newimg, hdr, ext) # update a file # specifying a header is optional, # if omitted automatically adds minimum header
PyFITS – writing FITS tables
>>> import pyfits >>> import numpy as np >>> # create data >>> a1 = numpy.array(['NGC1001', 'NGC1002', 'NGC1003']) >>> a2 = numpy.array([11.1, 12.3, 15.2]) >>> # make list of pyfits Columns >>> cols = [] >>> cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='target', format='20A', array=a1)) >>> cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='V_mag', format='E', array=a2)) >>> # create HDU and write to file >>> tbhdu=pyfits.new_table(cols) >>> tbhdu.writeto(’table.fits’) # these examples are for a simple FITS file containing just one # table or image but with a couple more steps can create a file # with any combination of extensions (see the PyFITS manual online)
PyFITS - advanced >>> f =
>>> Filename: data/N891PNdata.fits No. Name Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY PrimaryHDU () uint8 BinTableHDU R x 22C [E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E] >>> table = f[1] # data extension number 1 (can also use names) >>> d = f[1].data # data, same as returned by pyfits.getdata() >>> h = f[1].header # header, same as returned by pyfits.getheader () >>> # make any changes >>> f.writeto(othertblname) # writes (with changes) to a new file >>> f =, mode=‘update’) # to change same file >>> f.flush() # writes changes back to file >>> f.close() # writes changes and closes file
Astropy The astropy package (alternatively known as the “core” package) contains various classes, utilities, and a packaging framework intended to provide commonly-used astronomy tools. It is divided into a variety of sub-packages ( >>> import astropy >>> from import fits In [1]: import astropy. astropy._compiler astropy.tests astropy.builtins astropy.logger astropy.time astropy.config astropy.logging astropy.units astropy.conftest astropy.nddata astropy.utils astropy.constants astropy.setup_helpers astropy.version astropy.coordinates astropy.sphinx astropy.version_helpers astropy.cosmology astropy.stats astropy.wcs astropy.cython_version astropy.sys astropy.extern astropy.table
Astropy Constants astropy.constants contains a number of physical constants useful in Astronomy. Constants are Quantity objects with additional meta-data describing their provenance and uncertainties. >>> from astropy.constants import G >>> from astropy import constants as const >>> print const.c Name = Speed of light in vacuum Value = Error = 0.0 Units = m / (s) Reference = CODATA 2010 >>> print'pc/yr') pc / (yr) >>> F = (const.G * 3. * const.M_sun * 100 * / (2.2 * ** 2 >>> print N
Astropy Units astropy.units handles defining and converting between physical units, and performing arithmetic with physical quantities (numbers with associated units). >>> from astropy import units as u >>> e+16 >>> cms = / u.s >>> mph = u.mile / u.hour >>>, 1) >>>, [1., 1000., 5000.]) array([ e-02, e+01, e+02]) >>>, [1000, 2000]) UnitsException: 'nm' (length) and 'Hz' (frequency) are not convertible >>>, [1000, 2000], equivalencies=u.spectral()) array([ e+14, e+14]) >>> F = (const.G * 3. * const.M_sun * 100 * / (2.2 * ** 2 >>> print N
Astropy nddata astropy.nddata provides the NDData class and related tools to manage n-dimensional array-based data (e.g. CCD images, IFU data, grid-based simulation data, ...). This is more than just numpy.ndarray objects, because it provides metadata that cannot be easily provided by a single array >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData >>> array = np.random.random((12, 12, 12)) # a random 3-dimensional array >>> ndd = NDData(array) >>> ndd.ndim 3 >>> ndd.shape (12, 12, 12) >>> ndd.dtype dtype('float64') >>> # the underlying numpy array array([[[ , , , ..., , , ], [ , , , ..., ,
Astropy nddata Nndata handles Masks, Flags, Uncertainties and Meta data >>> ndd.mask = > 0.9 >>> ndd.flags = np.zeros(ndd.shape) >>> ndd.flags[ < 0.1] = 1 # multiple flag layers >>> from astropy.nddata import FlagCollection >>> ndd.flags = FlagCollection(shape=(12, 12, 12)) >>> ndd.flags['photometry'] = np.zeros(ndd.shape, dtype=str) >>> ndd.flags['photometry'][ > 0.9] = 's' >>> ndd.flags['cosmic_rays'] = np.zeros(ndd.shape, dtype=int) >>> ndd.flags['cosmic_rays'][ > 0.99] = 99 >>> from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty >>> ndd.uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(np.ones((12, 12, 12)) * 0.1) >>> ndd.meta['exposure_time'] = 340. >>> ndd.meta['filter'] = 'J‘ # back to numpy array >>> arr = np.array(ndd)
Astropy nddata astropy.nddata includes a convolution function that offers improvements compared to the scipy astropy.ndimage convolution routines, including: Proper treatment of NaN values A single function for 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D convolution Improved options for the treatment of edges Both direct and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) versions from astropy.nddata import convolve, convolve_fft result = convolve(image, kernel) result = convolve_fft(image, kernel) >>> convolve([1, 4, 5, 6, np.nan, 7, 8], [0.2, 0.6, 0.2], boundary='extend') array([ 1.6, 3.6, 5. , 5.9, 6.5, 7.1, 7.8])
Astropy tables Astropy.table provides functionality for storing and manipulating heterogenous tables of data in a way that is familiar to numpy users. A few notable features of this package are: Initialize a table from a wide variety of input data structures and types. Modify a table by adding or removing columns, changing column names, or adding new rows of data. Handle tables containing missing values. Include table and column metadata as flexible data structures. Specify a description, units and output formatting for columns. Interactively scroll through long tables similar to using more. Create a new table by selecting rows or columns from a table. Full support for multidimensional columns. Methods for Reading and writing Table objects to files
Astropy tables >>> from astropy.table import Table, Column
>>> c = ['x', 'y', 'z'] >>> t = Table([a, b, c], names=('a', 'b', 'c'), meta={'name': 'first table'}) >>> print t a b c x y z >>> t['a'] # Column 'a' <Column name='a' units=None format=None description=None> array([1, 4, 5]) >>> t['a'][1] # Row 1 of column 'a' 4 >>> t.add_column(Column(data=[1, 2, 3], name='d'))) >>> t.remove_column('c')
Astropy tables >>> t = Table()
>>> t.add_column(Column(data=[1, 4], name='a')) >>> t.add_row((1, 2.0, ‘b')) >>> Table([t['a']**2, t['b'] + 10]) <Table rows=2 names=('a','b')> array([(1, 16.0), (11, 12.0)], dtype=[('a', '<i8'), ('b', '<f8')]) >>> arr = {'a': [1, 4], 'b': [2.0, 5.0], 'c': ['x', 'y']} >>> >>> Table(arr) <Table rows=2 names=('a','c','b')> array([(1, 'x', 2.0), (4, 'y', 5.0)], dtype=[('a', '<i8'), ('c', '|S1'), ('b', '<f8')]) >>> t['b'].mask = [True, False] # Modify column mask (boolean array) >>> print(t) a b 1 -- -- 4
Astropy time The astropy.time package provides functionality for manipulating times and dates. Specific emphasis is placed on supporting time scales (e.g. UTC, TAI, UT1) and time representations (e.g. JD, MJD, ISO 8601) that are used in astronomy. It uses Cython to wrap the C language SOFA (standards of Fundamental astronomy, IAU) time and calendar routines. Scale Description tai International Atomic Time (TAI) tcb Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB) tcg Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG) tdb Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) tt Terrestrial Time (TT) ut1 Universal Time (UT1) utc Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> times = [' :00: ', ' :00:00'] >>> t = Time(times, format='iso', scale='utc') >>> t <Time object: scale='utc' format='iso' vals=[' :00:00.123' ' :00:00.000']> >>> t.jd array([ , ]) >>> t.mjd array([ , ] >>> t1 = Time(' :00:00', scale='utc') >>> t2 = Time(' :00:00', scale='utc') >>> dt = t2 - t1 # Difference between two Times >>> dt <TimeDelta object: scale='tai' format='jd' vals=31.0> >>> dt.sec
Astropy io Astropy provides a unified interface for reading and writing data in different formats. For many common cases this will simplify the process of file I/O and reduce the need to master the separate details of all the I/O packages within Astropy. >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> t ='2mass.tbl', format='ipac') >>> t ='aj285677t3.txt', format='cds') >>> t ='photometry.dat', format='daophot') >>> t ='paper_table.tex') >>> t ='photometry.dat', format='ascii', data_start=2, delimiter='|') >>> t ='observations.hdf5', path='group/data') >>> t ='catalog.xml', table_id='twomass', format='votable')
Astropy io The package provides access to FITS files. FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a portable file standard widely used in the astronomy community to store images and tables. >>> from import fits >>> hdulist ='input.fits') >>> hdulist.close() >>> Filename: test1.fits No. Name Type Cards Dimensions Format 0 PRIMARY PrimaryHDU () int16 1 SCI ImageHDU (800, 800) float32 2 SCI ImageHDU (800, 800) float32 >>> prihdr = hdulist[0].header >>> prihdr['targname'] = ('NGC121-a', 'the observation target') >>> prihdr['targname'] 'NGC121-a' >>> prihdr.comments['targname'] 'the observation target'
Astropy io Image data >>> scidata = hdulist[1].data # pointer to the data >>> scidata.shape (800, 800) >>> 'float32‘ >>> scidata[30:40, 10:20] # array manipulation to convert the image data from counts to flux: >>> photflam = hdulist[1].header['photflam'] >>> exptime = prihdr['exptime'] >>> scidata *= photflam / exptime >>> hdulist.writeto('newimage.fits') >>> f ='original.fits', mode='update') ... # making changes in data and/or header >>> f.flush() # changes are written back to original.fits
Astropy WCS framework to represent celestial coordinates and transform between them >>> from astropy import coordinates as coord >>> from astropy import units as u >>> coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra= , dec= , unit=(, <ICRSCoordinates RA= deg, Dec= deg> >>> coord.ICRSCoordinates('00h42m44.3s +41d16m9s') >>> c = coord.ICRSCoordinates(ra= , dec= , unit=(, >>> c.ra <RA deg> >>> c.ra.hours >>> c.ra.hms (0.0, 42, ) >>> c.dec <Dec deg> >>> c.dec.radians
Astropy WCS Coordinate transformations >>> c.galactic
<GalacticCoordinates l= deg, b= deg> >>> c.transform_to(coord.GalacticCoordinates) # Lookup object names at CDS, requires internet connection >>> c_eq = coord.ICRSCoordinates.from_name("M33") >>> c_eq <ICRSCoordinates RA= deg, Dec= deg>
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