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These slides incorporate figures from Digital Design

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1 These slides incorporate figures from Digital Design
Principles and Practices, third edition, by John F. Wakerly, Copyright 2000, and are used by permission. NO permission is given to re-use or publish these figures, in either original or modified form, in printed, electronic or any other format.

2 Slide Set 10 Sequential machines

3 Clocked synchronous state machines:
Mealy: (next state) Moore: (next state)

4 Mealy machine with pipelined outputs

5 Flip-flop characteristic equations:
D Q+ = D D with enable Q+ = DEN + QEN’ JK Q+ = J Q’ + K’ Q T Q+ = Q’ T with enable Q+ = Q’EN + Q EN’

6 Example: analysis with state machine (D flip-flops)
Goals: Characterize as Mealy or Moore machine Determine next-state as function of inputs and current state Determine output as function of current state (Moore) or as function of current state and current inputs (Mealy) Express as machine behavior as state/output table or as state diagram Formulate English description of machine behavior

7 Q0+ = D0 Q1+ = D1 D0 = F (Q1, Q0, EN) D1 = G (Q1, Q0, EN) EN Q1 Q0 0 1 00 01 10 11 For Q1+: 1

8 Derive truth tables from diagram
next state: Q1+ Q0+ EN S 0 1 A A B B B C C C D D D A next state: S+ EN Q1 Q0 0 1 Rename states 00 => A 01 => B 10 => C 11 => D EN Q1 Q0 0 1 00 00,0 01,0 01 01,0 10,0 10 10,0 11,0 11 11,0 00,1 next state: Q1+ Q0+ output (MAX) EN Q1 Q0 0 1 A A,0 B,0 B B,0 C,0 C C,0 D,0 D D,0 A,1 next state: S+ output (MAX)

9 Equivalent state diagram
--- Mealy machine has outputs on transition arcs English description: Machine counts EN pulses mod 4, raises MAX when count will achieve 0 mod 4 on next clock

10 Same analysis approach:
Remove input connection to output logic => Moore machine X Note: MAX = 1 only when Q1=Q0=1 Same analysis approach: Determine next-state and output functions Express as state/output table and/or as state diagram

11 State table: State diagram: next state: S+ and output (MAX) EN MAX
A A B 0 B B C 0 C C D 0 D D A 1 Moore machine single output column outputs in state circles State diagram: English description: Machine counts EN pulses mod 4, raises MAXS when current count is 3 mod 4.

12 Can use complemented outputs to save inverters:

13 --- for Mealy (MAX) and Moore (MAXS) version
State transitions --- for Mealy (MAX) and Moore (MAXS) version Output tracking input in state D independent of clock edge Mealy machine behavior

14 To analyze a synchronous state machine:
Determine excitation equations for flip-flop inputs Substitute into flip-flop characteristic equations to obtain transition equations Construct transition table Determine output equations Add outputs to states (Moore) or state/input combinations (Mealy) Name states and draw state diagram

15 Q1+ = D1 = Q2’Q0X + Q1X’ + Q2Q1 Q2+ = D2 = Q2Q0’ + Q0’X’Y
Q0+ = D0 = Q1’X + Q0X’ + Q2 Q1+ = D1 = Q2’Q0X + Q1X’ + Q2Q1 Q2+ = D2 = Q2Q0’ + Q0’X’Y Another example: Z1 = Q2Q1’ + Q0’ Z2 = Q2Q1 + Q2Q0’

16 State table (Moore machine)

17 State diagram note alternative conventions for arc labels
X alone means Y can be either 0 or 1 same as two arcs with 10 and 11 or a single arc with multiple labels 00 (10, 11) 01 State diagram

18 Example: JK flip-flops
characteristic equation: Q+ = JQ'+K'Q Q0+ = J0Q0’ + K0’Q0 = XY’Q0’ + X’Y’Q0 + X’Q1’Q0 + YQ1’Q0 Q1+ =    J0 = XY’ K0 = XY’ + YQ1 J1 = XQ0 + Y K1 = YQ0’ + XY’Q0 Z = XQ1Q0 + YQ1’Q0’


20 00/0 10/0 (01,11)/1

21 Design example:

22 Establish tentative state transitions
Meaning S Z Initial state INIT 0 ... AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A Got a 1 on A A ...

23 AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK OK A1 A1 0 Got a 1 on A A Repeat on A OK 1 ...

24 AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK OK A1 A1 0 Got a 1 on A A1 A0 A0 OK OK 0 Repeat on A OK 1 ...

25 Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK OK A1 A1 0
if two equal inputs are 0, want to stay in OK else want to return to A0 if two equal inputs are 1, want to stay in OK else want to return to A1 AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK OK A1 A1 0 Got a 1 on A A1 A0 A0 OK OK 0 Repeat on A OK ? OK OK ? 1 ...

26 AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK0 OK0 A1 A1 0 Got a 1 on A A1 A0 A0 OK1 OK1 0 Equal, last 0 OK0 OK0 OK0 OK1 A1 1 Equal, last 1 OK

27 AB Meaning S Z Initial state INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 Got a 0 on A A0 OK0 OK0 A1 A1 0 Got a 1 on A A1 A0 A0 OK1 OK1 0 Equal, last 0 OK0 OK0 OK0 OK1 A1 1 Equal, last 1 OK1 A0 OK0 OK1 OK1 1

28 Test design on input scenarios

29 Assign bit patterns to the five states
AB S Z INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 A0 OK0 OK0 A1 A1 0 A1 A0 A0 OK1 OK1 0 OK0 OK0 OK0 OK1 A1 1 OK1 A0 OK0 OK1 OK1 1 first bit: initial or working second bit: pending or pattern recognized third bit: pending or recognized pattern with 0 or with 1 State Simple Decomposed One-hot Almost one-hot INIT A A OK OK Some alternatives

30 Transition/output table (decomposed assignment)
With D flip-flops, excitation table is identical to transition table Have three combinational design problems for Q1+ = D1, Q2+ = D2, Q3+ = D3

31 Develop excitation equations
Assume unused states have next-state = 000 => 9 NAND gates

32 Assume “don’t care” for transitions from unused states:
D2 = Q3’Q1A’ + Q3A + Q2B D3 = A => 4 NANDS


34 Same example using ABEL
Note about reset inputs: You always need a “power-on” reset input for a sequential circuit. Previous example did not use synchronous reset because of manual-synthesis complexity. Asynchronous reset is sometimes used (PR and CLR inputs of flip-flops).

35 Note definition of “extra” states.
State assignment uses simple sequential binary patterns Note definition of “extra” states.

36 “State Diagram” This essentially mimics the state table.

37 Final touches Good behavior for extra states state XTRA1: GOTO INIT; state XTRA2: GOTO INIT; state XTRA3: GOTO INIT; Clock and output equations equations QSTATE.CLK = CLOCK; QSTATE.OE = 1; Z = (QSTATE == OK0) # (QSTATE == OK1); Alternative state assignments are easy Modify state definitions and possibly output pins and extra states. Unspecified states go to 0,0,…0.

38 ABEL-derived excitation equations
Q3.FB ?? next slide Equivalent to what was derived by hand, with the addition of the RESET input.

39 Qualified signals from flip-flops
.CLK or .C clock .AR asynchronous clear .AP asynchronous preset .OE output enable .Q direct output .FB output after programmed inversion .PIN output appearing on pin

40 Same example use JK flip-flops decomposed assignment AB S Z INIT A0 A0 A1 A1 0 A0 OK0 OK0 A1 A1 0 A1 A0 A0 OK1 OK1 0 OK0 OK0 OK0 OK1 A1 1 OK1 A0 OK0 OK1 OK1 1 AB Q2 Q1 Q Z

41 Separately for each AB input,
add columns for excitations (Ji, Ki) for each flip-flop AB Q2 Q1 Q J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 Z Q2 transitions 0 to 1 J2 K2 must command set or toggle J2 K2 = 10 or 11, i.e., 1x 1x Q1, Q0 hold 0 J1 K1, J0 K0 must command reset or hold J1 K1, J0 K0 = 00 or 01, i.e., 0x 0x Q2+ Q1+ Q0+

42 Add columns for excitations (Ji, Ki) for each flip-flop
AB Q2 Q1 Q J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 Z x 0x 0x 0 x0 1x 0x 0 x0 0x x1 0 x0 x0 0x 1 x0 x1 x1 1 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ Transition JK command 0 => or 01 => 0x 0 => or 11 => 1x 1 => or 11 => x1 1 => or 10 => x0

43 Add columns for excitations (Ji, Ki) for each flip-flop
AB = 00 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x1 x1 Q2 = 0: AB 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: 00 x x x x J2 = 1 AB = 01 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x0 x1 AB = 11 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x0 1x x0 x0 x0 Q2 = 0: AB 00 x x x x 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: Q1 Q K2 = 0 AB = 10 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x1 1x x0 x0 x0

44 Add columns for excitations (Ji, Ki) for each flip-flop
AB = 00 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x1 x1 Q2 = 0: AB 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: J1 = Q0 • A + Q2 • Q0' • A' AB = 01 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x0 x1 AB = 11 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x0 1x x0 x0 x0 Q2 = 0: AB 00 x x x x 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: Q1 Q K1 = Q0 • A • B' + Q0' • A' • B' AB = 10 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x1 1x x0 x0 x0

45 Add columns for excitations (Ji, Ki) for each flip-flop
AB = 00 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x1 x1 Q2 = 0: AB 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: Q1 Q J0 = A AB = 01 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 0x x0 1x 0x x0 0x x1 x0 x0 0x x0 x0 x1 AB = 11 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x0 1x x0 x0 x0 Q2 = 0: AB 00 x x x x 01 x x x x Q1 Q0 11 x x x x 10 x x x x Q2 = 1: K0 = A' AB = 10 Q2 Q1 Q0 Q2+ Q1+ Q0+ J2 K2 J1 K1 J0 K0 x 0x 1x x0 0x 1x x0 1x x0 x0 x1 1x x0 x0 x0

46 A B Z = Q2 • Q1 Z JK flip-flop J Q K Q' CLR Q2 1 NAND-NAND J = Q0 • A + Q2 • Q0' • A' J K = Q0 • A • B' + Q0' • A' • B' K JK flip-flop J Q K Q' CLR Q1 JK flip-flop J Q K Q' CLR Q0 initially GND pull-up to PWR after small time interval CLK

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