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Published byFidel Chum Modified over 10 years ago
Co. Cavan VEC FETAC Quality Assurance 4 th September 2012
Why? Without adhering to our QA agreement, we would not be able to run any programmes, or have any learners certified.
Areas of our QA B1 - Communications B2 - Equality B3 – Staff recruitment and development B4 - Access, transfer and progression B5 – Programme development, delivery and review B6 – Fair and consistent assessment of learners B7 – Protection for learners B8 - Subcontracting B9 – Self evaluation
Review of the QA policy 2006 – Developed 2009 – Reviewed Since 2011, on-going review of our policy B1, B5, B6 – Amended New policies and procedures have been developed Currently looking at B9 Self Evaluation www.cavanadulteducation.ieThe policy is available on
New policies and procedures Some of the new/revised policies and procedures include: Admissions Policy Reasonable accommodation Equality Plan ESOL Attendance Assessment Malpractice Appeals procedure Examination procedures IV/EA Procedures Compassionate Consideration, etc… All available on the website:
B1 Communications This procedure describes : How Co. Cavan VEC communicates with learners How staff communicates with each other How the centres communicate with external stakeholders
B1.1 Communications with learners Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Learners have access to programme / course information TutorsProgramme overview Programme documents (CALC) Website: (general information, including ATP) Information leaflet including general information, FETAC, ATP routes and opportunities Learner induction - notes A FETAC information sheet is being devised. This will also be available on the website.
Programme overview This is a brief synopsis of what the course entails This must now include weighting and assessment information Must be signed and dated by the learner Must be included in the portfolio Must be given out at the start of a course *See example in your pack
B1.1 Communications with learners Learners are aware of the Health and Safety Policy and the implications of it while they are using the centre/s Centre Heads, programme co- ordinators, ALOs Health and Safety Policy available to all learners, on noticeboards, in resource area, website Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does itEvidence generated by this procedure Health and Safety Statement Health and Safety should form part of every course. Tutors need to make learners aware of the centre’s Health and Safety Statement and where it can be found.
B1.2 Communication with staff General information on all centres – web-based Cavan VECWebsite Staff meetings (general) All staff Meeting agendas & minutes Staff meetings (QA/FETAC) AEO and FETAC co- ordinator Meeting invitations, agendas and minutes Staff meetings (Programme Planning and Programme Review) ALOs and co-ordinatorsEmails to staff to inform them of programme planning and programme review Agendas and minutes of meetings Not only are meetings important, but they also have to be conducted according to our policy!
Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does itEvidence generated by this procedure B1.2 Communication with staff Staff handbookCavan VECStaff Handbook – one hard copy per centre Tutor Handbook (CALC/YR) Website: (hard copies for Loughan House) Continuous Professional Development CEO and AEO, CPD Committee Powerpoint presentations, folders, worksheets, agendas, calendar/diary entries CPD details in online QA folder CPD Planning/Away Day The staff handbook is being currently developed. All staff are encouraged to attend CPD.
B2 Equality This procedure describes: How Cavan VEC aims to make its staff aware of equality issues and encourages its staff to promote equality How Cavan VEC aims to realise equality planning through regular audits
B3 Staff recruitment and development This procedure describes how Co. Cavan VEC: Recruits and allocates staff Provides induction for new staff Identifies and prioritises the training, development and support needs of staff
B3. 3 Staff development Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure In-service training provided by VEC VECRecords of training Staff development needs are identified by the centre and built into annual Continuous Professional Development programmes VECRecords, tutor questionnaires / evaluations Staff must give suggestions for CPD! Tutors must complete a Tutor Evaluation at the end of each course. These are to be left in the centre. *Available in your pack and on the website
B4 Access, transfer and progression This procedure describes how: Information on programmes and services is made available Learners are entered onto a programme Learners may have RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) recognised Learners’ needs are accommodated
RPL RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning Some learners may be exempt from particular assessments / components
B5 Programme development, delivery and review This procedure describes how Co Cavan VEC: Develops programmes Designs programmes Submits programmes for validation Plans for the delivery of programmes Delivers programmes Maintains records Provides and maintains resources Maintains Health and Safety standards Reviews programmes
B5.1 Need identification Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Programme development groups established to develop new programmes at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 FETAC coordinator, resource workers, tutors from different centres Agendas, minutes of meetings, written programmes, FETAC application documents The new FETAC Level 4 programmes have been written nationally. Co. Cavan VEC were part of the process. There was a national approach at Levels 4 and 5. The new level 4 and 5 programmes must be used! * The new level 4 and 5 programmes must be used! More programmes will be put up for sharing around the country.
B5.2 Programme design Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Diverse teaching methodologies reflect individual learners All tutors Lesson plans, tutor records, programme records, schemes of work Assignments are designed for the learners while meeting FETAC criteria All tutorsPortfolios Recommended assessment tasks are built into new programmes development FETAC coordinators, programme writers, tutors Assessment briefs, programmes Templates for lesson plans and assessment briefs are available. *Available in your pack and on the website
Writing your scheme of work Read through the programme. indicative content learning outcomesMatch the indicative content to the learning outcomes. Remember what indicative content is! It’s only an indication of what can be done, but does not have to be strictly followed, provided the learning outcomes can be evidenced.
Schemes of work Schemes of work should include: o General information about the course o Objectives o Lesson activities o Resources / Materials o Assessment These are to be handed in shortly after your course begins. *These are to be handed in shortly after your course begins. *Template on the website
The standard Before you prepare for the course, check the Grid of Level Indicators.
Assessment tasks Assessment tasks included as evidence in the portfolio should be: o At the required standard o Clear o Up to date / reflective of today’s times o Covering at least one learning outcome or more, if possible o Marked o Relevant o Integrated where possible
Assessment briefs These must contain the following: o FETAC logo (just until it changes…) o Component title and code o Weighting o Type of assessment, e.g. skills demonstration o Assessment guidelines o Assessment criteria o Declaration by the learner that it is their own work o Date received and submission date
Assessment briefs cont. whatAssessment guidelines – these are what you expect the learner to do howAssessment criteria – this is how you expect the assessment to be carried out No more SLOs. Also unnecessary to included LOs in the assessment brief, unless the learner has access to the component specification *NB - The assessment task must match the brief! *See example in your pack
Assessment criteria the standardsThis is an important part of the assessment brief as it tells the learner the standards which must be achieved in order to be successful in the assessment task. There are examples of phrases on the website that can be used when devising the assessment criteria.
Types of assessment Types of assessment could include: o Portfolio / Collection of work o Skills Demonstration o Project…etc.
B5.5 Programme delivery Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure There are on-going reviews of programmes All involved in programme delivery Records of review, e.g. programme review forms (tutor and learner), questionnaires Programme Review is an important part of our agreement. Programmes will be reviewed annually. Our Level 3 programmes were reviewed in June. All amended programmes have been uploaded to the website. *Ensure that you are using new Level 3 programmes.
Amended Level 3 programmes Communications Breakfast Cookery ESOL Career Preparation Internet Skills Computer Literacy Word Processing Application of Number Art and Design
B5.6 Learner records Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure There is recording of attendance Centre head, tutorsAttendance records, registers, sign in sheets It is the tutor’s responsibility to keep accurate records of learners’ attendance.
B5.8 Health and safety Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure There is a nominated Health and Safety Officer in each centre, a safety committee in some centres Centre heads Records of meetings of safety committee There is a recording procedure for hazards and opportunities to discuss Health and Safety at every Adult Education Services/staff meeting Centre headsRecords – risk assessment, Health and Safety on the agenda for AES/staff meetings, minutes of meetings Know who the Health and Safety Officers are for your centre. Ensure that you know the procedures for reporting a hazard.
Health and Safety Policy This policy should be available to all learners. It should be available in public areas. It is also available on the website. August 2012. (Adult Learning Centre)It has been updated in August 2012. (Adult Learning Centre)
B5.9 Programme review Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Learners have the opportunity to review programmes All tutorsRecords of programme review, e.g. programme review forms filled in by learners, evaluation forms one form for learners Learner programme review forms have been amalgamated with learner evaluations so that there is only one form for learners to fill in at the end of the course. *Available in your pack and on the website
B6 Fair and consistent assessment This procedure describes how Co. Cavan VEC: Coordinates planning of assessment Gives information to learners Secures assessment related processes and material Provides reasonable accommodation Ensures consistency of marking between assessors Ensures assessment by third parties is consistent Ensures consistency of marking with national standards Gives feedback to learners Provides a process whereby learners can appeal their results Returns certification data
B6.1 Coordinated planning of assessment Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure There is training for staff on writing assessment briefs FESS, centre heads, resource workers Training schedules, handouts, presentations Programmes are designed with the integration of assessment in mind, where applicable PDT (programme writing team), tutors Evidence of integrated assessment within centres, where possible Integration, where possible, is encouraged to reduce the amount of assessment for a learner.
Assessment plans To be included with scheme of work shortly after the course begins Peer ReviewNow includes Peer Review dates To be included in the tutor pack Not to be included in the portfolios *Available in your pack and on the website*Available in your pack and on the website
B6.2 Information to learners Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure The learner handbook contains information regarding assessment Team of staff, learnersLearner Handbook The website contains information about assessment Staff, learnersWebsite: A new Learner Handbook is being developed. This will be available on the website and can also be printed as needed.
B6.4 Reasonable accommodation Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Assessment is adapted/modified in accordance with the learner’s ability, while meeting the same standard All tutorsAdapted assessments, reasonable accommodation forms Reasonable Accommodation form There is a new procedure for Reasonable Accommodation with an accompanying form that needs to be filled in when reasonable accommodation is requested. *Available on the website
B6.5 Consistency of marking between assessors Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Training in FETAC assessment procedures is given FETAC coordinators Attendance records, training notes Cross moderation takes place across the Adult Education Centre in Co. Cavan VEC FETAC coordinators Logs of cross moderation, cross moderation forms Peer review takes place across the centre All tutors, centre headsRecords of meetings, peer review forms compulsory Cross moderation will take place at least once a year, tutors will be notified. Peer review will take place throughout the year. This is a compulsory process. *Available in your pack and on the website There are new forms for Peer Review. *Available in your pack and on the website
Tutor packs These must be handed in with your portfolios, and should contain the following: Assessment plan Assessment briefs Programme overview Assessment tasks Solutions Marking schemes Schemes of work Note: Tutor packs need to be handed in, regardless of the level. * Note: Tutor packs need to be handed in, regardless of the level.
Evidence The evidence in the portfolio must be: o Of the right standard o Sufficient o Covering the learning outcomes o Following the guidelines in the Programme Descriptor o Easy to locate in the portfolio o Clearly labelled if on CD/DVD/memory key o Not in plastic sheets o Necessary (Extra evidence should be at the end, with a separate cover sheet)
B6.7 Consistency of marking with national standards Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Internal verifier’s reports are available Nominated internal verifiersIV Reports There is preparation for external authentication FETAC coordinatorsGuidelines for tutors, minutes of meetings IV panelAn IV panel is being put together. There are new procedures relating to the IV panel. Procedures relating to IV and EAProcedures relating to IV and EA will be available on the website. *IV forms are available on the website
Preparing for EA There are forms available that tutors can use to ensure that they have included everything with their portfolios. *These are available in your pack and on the website When using file dividers, number them.
The IV panel These are some things that the IV panel looks at: Does the evidence in each portfolio match the techniques in the component specification / validated programme? Are marks totalled / percentage marks calculated /grades allocated correctly? Are the marks transferred correctly from learner marking sheets to the provisional results sheet/report? Is there a signed statement/s in the portfolio indicating that the work is the learner’s own? Is there evidence that deadline dates for the submission of assessment evidence were issued to learners? Is there evidence that feedback was given to learners? Also: assessment briefs, outline solutions, marking schemes, assessment plans, etc. Tutor Pack. *Note: All portfolios submitted must be accompanied by a Tutor Pack.
Level 4 – Results Summary Sheet There is a new Results Summary sheet for Levels 4 and up. Transfer marking sheet totals, where applicable *Available on the website
B6.8 Feedback to learners Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Exercises are marked and handed back to learners, feedback forms are given to learners Subject tutors Marked exercises, feedback forms Results are sent to learners immediately following sign off from the approval panel, with offer of access to internal appeals Centre headsRecords of correspondence Feedback forms Feedback forms - Generally, one feedback form per assessment brief or as relevant
Feedback forms One per assessment brief/one per term is sufficient They should be a reflection of the learner’s assessment, not their overall progress leading up to the assessment They should be personal to the learner *A template is available on the website
B6.9 Learner appeals Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Results are sent to learners immediately following sign off from the approval panel, with offer of access to internal appeals Centre headsCorrespondence records An internal appeals procedure is in place Centre heads, tutors Minutes of appeals meetings, records of appeal A FETAC appeal procedure is in place FETAC coordinators, centre heads Records of appeal The Appeals Process will be available on the website.
B6.10 Return of certification data Method(s) used to carry out this procedure Who does it Evidence generated by this procedure Results are checked by internal assessors Tutors/assessors Internal verification report, IV initials on report form Results are checked under peer moderation Tutors/assessors Peer moderation forms, emails Results are checked at internal verification stage Internal verifiers Records of checking, IV report Results are checked at external authentication stage External authenticatorExternal authenticator report
Peer Review This has to form a part of EVERY tutor’s courseThis has to form a part of EVERY tutor’s course It is the tutor’s responsibility to get in touch with other tutors A list of tutors and expert subject areas will be emailed to you The form must be filled in – a copy given to the tutor and one retained in the centre
Cross Moderation This process follows Peer Review. Portfolios must be complete. You will be notified when Cross Moderation is taking place.
The assessment process Initial Assessor (usually the tutor) Peer Review and Cross Moderation Internal Verification Process External Authentication Results Approval Learner Appeals, where applicable
B9 Self Evaluation This procedure describes how Co. Cavan VEC: Involves all staff in self evaluation Establishes the range of self evaluation Decides the frequency of the process Gets access to, selects and involves EA Involves learners in the process
Policies and Procedures
Reasonable accommodation It is the adaptation of assessment, without altering the standard, as necessary to cater for the needs of learners whose personal situation means that the assessment would otherwise be unfair e.g. learners with a disability
Process for reasonable accommodation Application form - section on the form which may highlight any support required Learner meets with Centre/Programme Coordinator Learner fills out a ‘Request for Reasonable Accommodation for Assessment’ Form. Form submitted along with supporting documentation, for example, a doctor’s certificate. The Programme Coordinator meets with Assessor
The appeals process The procedure is as follows: o Results signed off by Results Approval Panel, issued to learner within 7 working days o Learner may appeal within 7 working days from the date of the letter. o Appeal Assessor o Appeal Assessor, not the original Assessor, but who has the subject matter expertise in the area of the programme - given the same assessment documentation o Decision of the Appeal Assessor - writing - the Centre Head.
The appeals process cont. Learner informed in writing of the outcome If appeal is successful, the Centre Head - inform FETAC - new certificate can be issued Appeals will be processed, and where possible, a decision -within 14 days of the centre having received the application. Learner -unsatisfied, they may appeal Co. Cavan VEC’s Assessment Process to FETAC.
Procedures for examinations Regulations for learners Regulations for supervisors Regulations for the centre: o Centres are required to keep examination papers and/or confidential assessment material in safe custody at all times. o There should be a ‘bank’ of examinations for each subject and these will be handed out by the centre to the supervisor.
Procedure for deferred examinations Application for a deferred examination A candidate who, through illness or other exceptional cause beyond the candidate’s control, is unable to attend an examination is required to lodge with the tutor/ALOs, not later than five working days after the day of the examination, an Application for Deferred Examination form. Evidence must be supported by documentation ALO/Centre Head will make the decision
Assessment malpractice Assessment malpractice will include any situation where the assessment of the learner has been compromised. Examples of assessment malpractice could include: o Dishonesty in an examination o The assessment piece is not the learner’s own work o Plagiarism
Assessment malpractice cont. If a Tutor suspects that plagiarism has occurred, they must inform the learner of their concern. The co-ordinator/ALO must also be informed. The work should be returned to the learner The learner, if they so wish, can have their work reviewed by another member of staff. If plagiarism is confirmed, it will be recorded on the learner’s file. The learner will be asked to re-submit their work.
Compassionate consideration formTo apply for an extension on an assessment piece, or in the case of an examination, to take the examination on a different date, a learner must apply for such through the ALO. The correct form must be filled in, which will be sent to the ALO / centre head for a decision.
ESOL RegistrationRegistration only at specific times minimum of 80% tutor’s responsibilityLearners to attend a minimum of 80% of classes in any particular course; otherwise they will not be presented for certification. It is the tutor’s responsibility to discuss this with the learner Social Welfare or Community Welfare office may request a letter of confirmation of registration and/or attendance but the learner must be in regular attendance for a period of four weeks and only after consultation with the course tutor will a letter be then issued. This stipulation is non-negotiable and will apply to all learners at all times. The tutor is not in a position to issue any confirmation of attendance to any letter/agency.
The Equality Plan An equal status policy is a statement of organisational commitment to equality, diversity and non-discrimination for staff, learners and other stakeholders from across the nine grounds covered by the equality legislation.
The Admissions Policy This policy gives information about how a learner is admitted onto a course / programme.
Using the website All staff need to have a User name and password to access the Staff side of the website.
Learners on the website Draw learners’ attention to policies and procedures on the website, for example: o The Equality Plan o The Appeals Process o Assessment Malpractice o Reasonable Accommodation, etc…
Summing up Familiarise yourself with Co. Cavan VEC’s QA policy. IntegrateIntegrate assessments wherever possible Tutor and learner evaluationsTutor and learner evaluations at the end of the course overviewInclude assessment in the course overview tutor packInclude a tutor pack with your portfolios correct formsUse the correct forms for reasonable accommodation and assessment extensions Peer Review Cross ModerationTake part in Peer Review and Cross Moderation. website Make learners aware of these!Check the website for all new policies and procedures. Make learners aware of these! Check the website regularly for updates.Check the website regularly for updates.
Thanks for listening. If you have any queries or concerns, please email me:
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